Chapter 940, Look at the monkey

 “Take your pick, pick what you like, and take as much as you like.”

Xiao Miguo was happy. She chose her favorite snacks at the stall with a round face and a smile.

Because sister Ying usually doesn’t give her much sweets, she especially likes to eat sweets.

 So she picked out several items with icing sugar.

Sister Ying was really convinced by her, but she had no choice but to buy them all for her after she had finished speaking.

Jing Shirong frowned when he saw it, and said to Xiao Miguo, "Don't eat too much candy, or your teeth will be eaten by the little bugs in the candy, which will be very painful."

Xiao Miguo was startled, "Chongchong?"

 She was most afraid of those weird bugs, and she immediately didn’t want to eat candy.

Jing Shirong took this opportunity to confiscate the candies and pointed her to the barbecue stall.

 “The candies are not tasty, they are full of bugs. Can we eat meat?”

"After you finish eating the meat, dad will take you to the theater and listen to a book, okay?"

Xiao Miguo went to play as soon as she finished eating. As expected, her heart was moved. With a milky voice, she nodded her little head, "Okay~~"

She smelled the fragrant barbecue, and the candy in her hand suddenly lost its aroma. Went to eat barbecue with Jing Shirong.

Sister Ying saw that she was so easy to deceive, so she laughed and said, "You little idiot."

The family of three went to a barbecue restaurant to sit and eat local kebabs.

 The feeling of making skewers outside is different from eating it at home, and the taste is also different.

Jing Shirong took a skewer of meat and blew on the hot air. When it was no longer hot, he put it horizontally in Xiaomiguo's mouth and said, "Here, try to pick up a skewer."

 The little honey fruit bit the flesh, and Jing Shirong pulled out the stick.

 “That’s right, that’s how I masturbate.”

 Xiao Miguo learned the essence and immediately started eating it.

Sister Ying watched from the sidelines and felt that it was quite interesting for a biological father to take care of a baby.

Xiao Mi Guo holds the skewer in one hand, takes a bite and rubs it, and the sauce is all over her mouth.

Jing Shirong also took the meat skewers and started eating.

 The father and daughter ate one bite at a time, very happy.

After finishing the skewers, Jing Shirong sat on her shoulders, holding her short legs and letting her watch the acrobatic performance.

 The weather is very cool today, not hot at all.

Sister Ying followed them and went to watch acrobatics with them.

Xiao Miguo sat on Jing Shirong’s shoulder, with a particularly good view, and clapped her hands happily.

 She is quite brave and is not afraid of sitting at such a height.

There were many people surrounding this acrobat, and everyone was watching the fire-breathing performance.

Xiao Miguo was stunned for a moment when she saw the flames spurting out.

 Then everyone applauded, and she followed suit.

Jing Shirong saw that she was not afraid and asked her, "You still want to watch? There is a monkey show over there."

 Xiao Miguo wanted to see it immediately, "Yes~~"

 “Okay, let’s go.”

Jing Shirong continued to take her to watch the monkey show.

  It seems that no matter what era you are in, there are always monkey performances, and here is no exception.

 In the crowd, a monkey keeper was holding a monkey standing on the circle.

 After a while, the monkey was asked to stand on his head again.

 Everyone clapped when they saw how smart the monkey was.

There were children eating bananas in the crowd. As soon as the monkeys smelled the aroma of bananas, they pounced on them and grabbed them.

The monkey keeper was frightened and hurriedly pulled the monkey back. He was afraid that others would blame him, so he whipped him down angrily.

 “Who asked you to scare the guests? Apologize quickly.”

The monkey was hurt by the beating and wanted to struggle, but the iron chain around its neck tightly bound it and it couldn't move. It could only stand in place and bared its teeth and screamed. It was obviously hurt by the whip.

It chirped, and the monkey keeper was dissatisfied, so he tightened the chain so that it couldn't even scream. People watching just thought this was a performance and even applauded.

 Only Miguo looked at the iron chain around the monkey's neck and was not happy.

Jing Shirong noticed her depressed mood and asked her, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Miguo pointed at the monkey’s neck, “It hurts~~”

With such a young child, I don’t know how she can understand the pain of such a chokehold. Jing Shirong felt something and gave the monkey keeper some money, "Stop beating it and loosen the chain."

The monkey keeper received the money and immediately responded with a smile, "Yes, yes, I'll let him go right now."

He was afraid that people would mistakenly think that he was abusing animals, so he explained to them, "I don't usually beat it. I only hit it when it wants to attack people. Otherwise, you can see that it is wide and fat, and I usually feed it a lot." ”

 Someone who knew the monkey farmer knew that what he said was true, so he echoed a few words.

"Yes, he has raised this monkey for many years and has always cherished it. You can see that the monkey has no injuries."

Everyone looked at the monkey and found that it was indeed fat and had no scab wounds. It seemed that what the monkey keeper said was true.

So everyone gave some reward money, and the monkey's performance today was considered a complete success.

Jing Shirong looked up at Xiaomiguo and saw that she was pouting, as if she was unhappy, so she said helplessly, "What's wrong? Are you still angry?"

Xiao Miguo shook her head, "The monkey paper is dirty~"

She suddenly said this, Jing Shirong and Sister Ying were both stunned, "Huh??"

 “What kind of monkey is dirty?”

 Isn’t my daughter feeling sorry for the monkey? Why did you become so dirty?

 Xiao Miguo didn’t know how to explain it.

She felt really sorry for the monkey just now, but after watching it for a while, the monkey suddenly picked its nose and then ate it into its mouth.

 Finally, I dug my butt, put it to my nose and smelled it, and finally licked it. It was so disgusting.

So the sympathy instantly turned into disgust.

Sister Ying.

 She seems to understand a little bit.

 Jing Shi Rong.

 He also noticed it, but he didn’t expect that his daughter was still a little germophobe.

The couple looked at each other, chuckled, and laughed.

 They were ready to go back after watching the performance.

On the way home, I suddenly saw the waiter running over in a hurry.

 “My boss, it’s not good.”

Sister Ying walked over and asked him, "What's wrong? What happened?"

The waiter stopped to take a breath and reported to her, "Those baby dining chairs we just sent out this morning, as soon as they arrived at someone's home, the owner tried them, and the child fell off. Now he is trying to reason with us."

Sister Ying frowned when she heard this, "Why did it fall?"

She has sold more than a thousand baby high chairs, and she has never heard of a child falling off them.

 The dining chair is heavy at the bottom and light at the top, and is very stable. Even if the child shakes the chair, it will not fall over. It has been tested many times, and I have never heard of it falling down after sitting on it.

Unless you pushed it deliberately, there are always signs before the chair falls. Most adults can hold on to it immediately when they see it, so how could it fall down?

Sister Ying was puzzled, so she could only go over and take a look first.

“Where is that house? Lead the way.”

Seeing that she was willing to come forward, the waiter breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Hey, come with me."

Jing Shirong said, "Let's take a carriage."

   It’s almost time for Xiaomi Guo to take a nap.

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay."

So they got into a carriage, and the waiter drove the carriage all the way to the house where they bought the dining chairs.

Sister Ying remembered that this family seemed to belong to the local prince's family, but she didn't expect that something would happen on the first day of delivery. It was really a bad start.

Jing Shirong comforted her, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

 (End of this chapter)

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