The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 941: , there is a problem with the transaction

Chapter 941: Something went wrong with the transaction

Sister Ying smiled, "Yes, yes, you are not here, I'm not afraid."

But what I want to say is, "Do you know those nobles?"

She heard from the shopkeeper that the person who ordered the baby dining chair seemed to be a royal concubine?

 It is said that the Crown Princess and the Crown Prince are in a family marriage, and the relationship between the couple is not very good.

The prince didn't want to marry the prince's concubine originally. He originally had his own sweetheart, but the sweetheart was a commoner's daughter, so the family did not agree.

If the prince wants to bring that woman in, he must first give birth to his concubine.

 The crown prince agreed to marry the prince's concubine for the sake of the woman he loved.

 After the wedding, he immediately brought in his sweetheart.

A commoner's daughter cannot be a concubine, but can only be a common roommate.

 Later, the prince doted on her, and she gave birth to two daughters, making her an unusual concubine.

If you want to be promoted to a concubine, you have to give birth to a son.

Sister Ying asked the shopkeeper out of curiosity, "Has the imperial concubine given birth to a child?"

 It would be easier if the imperial concubine had children.

But the Crown Princess has been married for three years and there has been no movement at all, not to mention a son or a daughter.

There are many women serving in the prince's backyard, but only the concubine has children.

 Although she is the daughter of two, she is also the first child of the prince, so she is naturally relatively rare.

Coupled with the prince's doting on the concubine, the two children were also in trouble.

Jing Shirong was puzzled, "Since the Crown Princess has no children, who bought the baby high chair for her?"

Sister Ying shrugged, a little helpless, "It is said that I bought it for the Crown Princess's sister-in-law and younger sister."

 But the noble concubine knew about this somehow, so she asked her child to try the dining chair, but it fell off.

 This is what the waiter said when he was driving the car just now.

Sister Ying can probably figure it out.

  Since the prince's concubine was not favored in the palace, she often returned to her parents' home.

Her parents are kind to her, so she wants to buy a baby high chair for her nieces and nephews.

Unexpectedly, the noble concubine was very brave. When she brought the baby dining chair back, she wanted to try it out immediately.

How would a concubine normally dare to talk to the mistress like this? What's more, she is still the Crown Princess.

 But this concubine relied on the prince's favor and simply ignored her.

The Crown Princess was afraid that if she disagreed, people would file a complaint, and then the Crown Prince would hate her even more. Then I gave the dining chair to the child in the concubine's room to try.

Who knew those two idiots would suddenly fall down.

The child will naturally cry when it falls. When she cries, the concubine will say that the princess has evil intentions and wants to kill her child.

He also said that if the imperial concubine could not give birth to a child herself, she would not be able to see other people's children well, so she acted cruelly.

The Crown Princess had no choice but to invite Sister Ying over and tell her what happened to the chair.

Xiao Er 1510 has told me all the things I have learned about. I hope Sister Ying will be able to cope with it soon.

Sister Ying has understood that this matter was caused by the concubine.

She wanted to put the blame on the Crown Princess if the child fell, so that the Crown Prince would completely hate the Crown Princess, so that she could take advantage of it.

If the Crown Princess knew that she could not win over that concubine, she might blame the baby on the high chair.

The blame was placed on the dining chair, so she was not suspected, and the prince had nothing to do with her. In the end, the punishment could only fall on her, the person who sold the dining chair.

If this matter is convicted and the prince's family is fine, the reputation of her shop will be damaged. She may not be able to sell anything in the future, and she may be blackmailed and insulted. In the end, the shop will not be able to open.

She might even be imprisoned for murdering the crown prince's daughter, and she might even be beaten to force her to admit that it was the crown prince's doing. Otherwise, she would be killed in a dark cell, giving the world the appearance of committing suicide in fear of guilt. Illusion.

 After Jing Shirong listened to her explanation, murderous intent slowly appeared in his black eyes. But Xiao Miguo, who was sleeping with his mouth pouted in his arms, turned over and kicked his feet on him, suppressing his cold and angry murderous intention.

Sister Ying saw the anger in his eyes and scolded him, "What are you doing? Those are all my conjectures and may not be true. Don't have such murderous intent."

Jing Shirong gave a neither salty nor bland oh, obviously unconvinced.

 What he hates most in his life is that people touch the relatives he cares about most. Once they do, he can't help but want to squeeze the person to death in the cradle so that they don't even have a chance to take action.

But with the child on him, he didn't want to do too much killing, so he calmed down.

"how do you want to do it?"

Sister Ying tilted her head and thought for a moment, "It's very simple. It's very cooperative."

If that concubine wants to step on her to murder the Crown Princess, then I'm sorry, she is really not a novice who can be used as a stepping stone. I will definitely give that evil concubine a dog to chew on.

Just as he was saying this, the palace courtyard arrived.

“Master, the palace has arrived. Please be careful when you enter.”

The waiter has served many people and has become a good person for a long time. He knows that it is difficult to deal with people from such a high-class compound, and he is worried about Sister Ying.

Sister Ying is very generous and not afraid at all.

Jing Shirong held the child in his arms and prepared to go in with her.

Sister Ying knew that he wanted to follow, so she asked him to put the child in a sling.

Jing Shirong hugged the child, wrapped it around her chest, and walked in with Sister Ying.

A family of three came in. The housekeeper saw them coming and asked, "Are you the owner of the maternal and child store?"

Sister Ying nodded, "It's me."

 “You come with me.”

 The butler's attitude is quite good and he should be a sensible person.

 She took Sister Ying to the backyard, while Jing Shirong was invited to wait in the side hall.

Jing Shirong glanced at Sister Ying and said to her, "Call me if you need anything."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Okay."

She went to the backyard with the housekeeper. After entering, she saw the maids and slaves kneeling on the ground in the backyard.

There was also a group of spectators standing nearby.

These maids are divided into two groups at first glance.

The group of people who stood watching the show looked like the concubines who were favored by the concubines.

And the one kneeling with an unconvinced look on his face must be from the imperial concubine.

Sister Ying and the housekeeper entered the main room and saw the Crown Princess sitting in the same seat as the concubine.

The two faces have different expressions, one is happy and the other is unhappy.

 The one with the unhappy face is the prince's concubine who is not liked by the prince.

Youzai Youzai is the favored concubine.

Judging from the temperaments of the two of them, the prince's concubine's temperament is more noble, but her eyebrows are a bit resentful.

Although the concubine was born as a commoner, the materials she wore and the hairpin she wore on her head were no worse than those of the imperial concubine, which showed how favored she was.

The Crown Princess and this concubine were the only ones in the house. The Crown Prince had not come back yet, so no wonder this concubine looked proud.

If the prince comes back, she will probably have a different look.

 “The Crown Princess, I’ve been brought here.”

When the princess saw the owner of the dining chair coming, she frowned and asked her unhappily, "Are you the owner of that maternal and child store?"

Sister Ying gave a simple salute and said, "That's right."

 (End of this chapter)

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