Chapter 945, not guilty

Seeing that a shop owner dared to talk back to her, Bai Yuer glared at her, "If your chair wasn't bad and it fell so easily, how could my son fall?"

“If your chair hadn’t fallen down, why would there have been so many things happening today? It was all caused by your chair!”

  I will put the blame on her life and death.

The Crown Prince also wanted to resolve the matter quickly, so he made a final decision, "Since it's an issue with the chair, just take the chair back and apologize to the Crown Princess, and that's it."

If there hadn't been so much drama just now, Sister Ying might have thought peace was more valuable.

But this pair of **** were singing along and resolutely refused to admit their mistakes. They also wanted to blame the mistakes on her. I'm sorry, but she wouldn't admit it.

Sister Ying sneered, "Your Majesty, what you said is ridiculous. I have sold thousands of chairs, but I have never heard of a chair falling down on its own."

“What’s more, the chairs ordered by the Crown Princess are specially made to be stable. The chairs weigh up to seventy kilograms, and the legs of the chairs firmly grip the ground. Can you try letting it fall over on its own?”

"If the chair could fall down on its own, I would admit your sin today."

 If she can’t, then I’m sorry, she doesn’t have the kindness to do so.

The prince choked. He didn't expect her to speak so forcefully.

 Usually when the boss sees him, he either nods or bows down, but also gives him special respect. Anyone like this woman would dare to challenge him.

 He walked over and pushed the chair, but it was as stable as a rock and did not fall over.

Unless he lifts the chair legs with force and pushes it down, it is possible to push it, otherwise it will not be pushed down.

It is unlikely that such a stable chair will be falsely accused of falling over on its own.

 This is a difficult time.

Originally, he thought that as long as he put the blame on the head of the chair, the matter would be over.

Who knew that the chair would not fall over and the female boss’s attitude was not timid, so he didn’t know what to do for a moment.

Sister Ying didn’t want to get involved in their family affairs, nor did she want to get into trouble with the palace, so she said.

"I think it was because the two children were naughty that I fell down. Just ask the maid to take care of it next time."

"And this is a matter in the backyard. It should be handled by the Crown Princess. You are a busy person, so you should not go to the backyard for such a trivial matter."

 After saying that, I simply blessed my body and prepared to retire.

"Since this matter has nothing to do with my chair, I will go back first. I don't want an outsider to participate in your household affairs, so I will leave first."

The Crown Princess nodded towards her, obviously not wanting to embarrass her.

The prince didn’t want to make a fool of himself in front of outsiders, so he waved his hand and asked her to leave quickly.

Sister Ying turned around and left, looking at the Crown Princess again before leaving.

 She had a bad look at the concubine's eyes, and she thought that things would not be solved so easily.

Jing Shirong was waiting outside the door. When he saw her coming out, he hurriedly came over to take a look.

 “Let’s talk about it after we get on the carriage.”


He held the child in his arms, got into the carriage with her, and went back together.

 In the carriage, Jing Shirong asked with concern, "How is it? Are they making things difficult for you?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "No, the Crown Prince is a reasonable person. Even the Crown Prince was blind and protected the concubine even though he knew there was something wrong with it. Presumably, he also knew that Bai Yu'er was responsible for this. She was biased. Protect."

The look in Princess Concubine's eyes just now clearly didn't want to let it go, and she might expect some gossip to come out in the next few days.

Jing Shirong just carried the child up to the roof to take a look, but he went back because he was afraid of exposing the child to the sun, so he couldn’t see clearly.

Sister Ying looked at the little Miguo in his arms. The little guy was sleeping soundly, with his little mouth open in sleep, looking silly.

Jing Shirong also smiled and helped her close her mouth, but she opened it again, as if she was breathing through her mouth.

The waiter helped them drive the car and asked with concern, "Master, has everything been resolved?"

Sister Ying, "It's solved, it's okay, it's not our problem."

 Xiaoer, “That’s good.”

 With such an expensive order, if something happens, it will be a big loss.

“But I heard that the prince cherishes his two daughters, so I don’t know if he will be angry with our store.”

 Sister Ying doesn’t know. But judging from the fact that the prince is not very smart, he probably has enough time to deal with the prince's concubines, so he probably doesn't have time to deal with them.

 The waiter didn’t know the follow-up, so he could only send them back first and let’s talk about the follow-up later.

Sister Ying is not worried, it is not a big deal in the first place.

She and Jing Shirong rode back on horseback. After arriving home, Xiao Miguo also woke up.

She just woke up, rubbed her eyes, and found that she was already home and didn't want to get off Jing Shirong's arms.

As soon as he entered the yard, he saw Xiao Liujin sitting on the ground looking in the direction of the gate.

 As soon as she saw Xiao Miguo coming in, she ran over happily, "Sister~~"

 “Where have you been~~”

She didn't see Xiaomiguo when she woke up early in the morning. She only found out that they had gone out after asking the cook.

 Xiao Liujin was sad, "Why didn't you take me with you~"

Xiao Miguo scratched her head and forgot about her.

 “I’ll take you with me next time.”

 Xiao Liujin immediately became happy after being coaxed by her.

 “That’s good~”

Xiao Miguo remembered that she had brought a gift, so she went over to get it for her, "Hey, a gift."

 Xiao Liujin went to get it happily.

 “Wow, little rabbit paper~”

 It is a small skirt in the shape of a bunny.

 Xiao Liujin happily went into the house to change into it.

Xiao Miguo also wore the same clothes as her, and the two of them happily looked in the mirror.

Jing Shirong saw that she had recovered from her illness and was ready to return to the military camp.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Xiaomiguo reluctantly held his thigh and refused to let him go.

Jing Shirong knelt down and coaxed, "Daddy will be back next month. You can take good care of your mother at home and help daddy be your mother's little piglet."

Xiao Miguo got the task and nodded, "Okay, I'll help daddy~"

Jing Shirong kissed her and was ready to leave.

Before leaving, he said to Sister Ying, "If you have anything to do, ask me to go to the military camp and tell me, or blow the whistle."

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, don't worry, it'll be fine."

She had a hunch that there would definitely be a sequel to this matter, but it had nothing to do with her, but rather with the Crown Princess. She was waiting to see the good show.

 A few more days.

 There are indeed rumors about the palace.

It is said that the Crown Princess proposed to divorce the Crown Prince very early in the morning, and she was extremely firm, leaving no room for maneuver.

 Marriages between nobles have always been very stable, and reconciliations are rare.

 Even if there is no love between husband and wife, they can live separately, but they will never get divorced and affect the interests of the two families.

But this time the princess's attitude was very firm and she was unwilling to live any longer.

 She went back to her parents' home and told her everything about being ignored and violently abused in the past three years, and she was determined to make peace with her.

Once the Crown Princess’s natal family heard that she had been wronged by the Crown Prince, they naturally refused to do anything.

This marriage is a marriage that the bride's family has paid more for, but I didn't expect that the prince's family would not appreciate it so much.

 In this case, it’s okay not to have this marriage.

Hence, the imperial concubine’s natal family came to ask for reconciliation.

When the old prince heard that his in-laws were coming to reconcile, he was immediately furious. He called the prince over and scolded him, and then beat the prince in front of the prince's mother-in-law. However, the prince's attitude was still firm, "We want to reconcile! We will never compromise." ”

 (End of this chapter)

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