Chapter 946: Reconciliation

The old prince and the old princess did not expect that the imperial concubine, who had always been filial and respectful, would suddenly propose a divorce with such a firm attitude.

Even though they beat the prince to death, she still refused to let go and was a little angry.

“Daughter-in-law, we think we treat you well, why can’t you just relax and live a good life for our sake?”

"I know that the prince is stupid and only loves that concubine. If you really can't swallow this, I will make the decision and send that concubine away tomorrow. I will never let her get in your way again. The child will also be in your name. what do you think?"

The Crown Princess sneered, "That's not my child, why should I let them bear my name?"

 She is not well-fed, raising a child for that **** Bai Yuer.

 What she wants is peace and separation, to stay away from that stupid man, the Crown Prince.

 She never wanted to live with such a blind man again, and she couldn't live a single day.

Seeing her resolute attitude, the old princess was also troubled, "If you don't like those two children, I will send the children away as well, and send the mother and daughter far away, never to appear in front of you again. ,Is this okay?"

  She thought that the concubine did not want to go through with it because of that **** Bai Yuer, so she decided to do this.

But the Crown Princess was still very determined, "No need. What happened to Bai Yu'er has nothing to do with me. I want to divorce because my fate with the Crown Prince has ended. I can no longer be in the same room with him, let alone with him. Under the same roof.”

"I'm tired of him and don't want to look at him anymore. If you're kind, you might as well let me go."

Her idea was wrong, and the old princess was also a little angry.

“Prince Concubine, although our place is more tolerant towards women, it is not a place where you can do whatever you want.”

"We are an aristocratic family after all. You and the Crown Prince reconciled at a young age. It would be very unpleasant to tell people. Why can't you just control your temper and live a good life? What man has never made a mistake? After punishment, let it go. What else do you want?"

  I actually blamed her for losing her temper.

The Crown Princess looked coldly at the people in the room. Her husband's family all looked at her with ignorant eyes, as if she was the one making trouble unreasonably.

 Three years ago, she might have compromised.

 But now, she has really had enough of this kind of life without love, and she cannot survive a day.

"Heli, I say it one last time, I want to make peace, otherwise I will go back to my parents' home and never come back for the rest of my life. It's up to you."

 After saying that, he left directly.


 The old princess almost fainted from her anger. She didn't expect that her always well-behaved daughter-in-law would suddenly be so determined. Now she had a headache.

The old prince was even more angry. He walked down and kicked the prince, "Trash, even your own woman can't look down upon you!"

 The Crown Prince was also shocked by the Crown Princess’s attitude.

 Doesn’t she like him the most? Why did you suddenly change your mind?

 Or does she have another adulterer outside? Otherwise, why would you change your mind so quickly?

The old prince kicked him angrily, "Why don't you go and apologize to her! If she doesn't come back, don't come back either."

His family has interests in dealings with the Crown Princess's family. If there is a stalemate, it will not be of any benefit to his family.

 The prince obviously knew this, otherwise he would not have agreed to the marriage.

But now that the Crown Princess wants to reconcile with him, her attitude is still so firm, and now he doesn't know what to do.

The old princess asked him, "Women are all about coaxing. You go over and apologize to her, say a few nice words, and then coax her on the bed. It will be fine within two or three days."

"If it doesn't get better in two or three days, it will be fine in five days at most. Please speak more nicely during these five days, otherwise she won't change her mind."

  She thinks that women are all the same, and they just need to be coaxed, and it’s not difficult.

 When the time comes to coax people back, everything will be fine.

When the prince heard this, it seemed to be the truth, so he went.

He knows how to coax women, but he has never coaxed the princess.

Just like that, the prince held the red and swollen buttocks that had been spanked, applied medicine, and passed away to the concubine's natal home.

The Crown Princess’s family saw him coming and thought it would be a good idea to let him come in to vent their anger on their daughter.

 So he let him in. When the prince saw them letting him go, he thought that his mother-in-law's family didn't want to reconcile either, probably just to vent his anger on the prince's concubine.

So he became more confident and took the gold, silver and jewelry he bought to his concubine's boudoir.

When the Crown Princess heard that he was coming, she sneered.

"Okay, I want to see if he can talk more."

The maid let the man in.

As soon as the prince came in, he first looked at her boudoir, then walked over, holding the buttocks in his hands, kneeling on one knee, with a sincere look on his face.

"My beloved concubine, I am really confused about this matter. It is my fault. I should not have wronged you indiscriminately. Can you give me a chance and let me make it up to you?"

The Crown Princess looked at his performance with cold eyes, "Can you overcome it by simply saying "You are wrong?"

 In the past three years, she had forgiven him many times he had wronged her.

 But this time, she didn't want to endure it anymore.

 After enduring it for three years, it was enough.

Seeing that she was willing to talk to him, the Crown Prince thought that his opportunity had come, so he immediately approached her and said with a sincere face.

"I was deceived by lard and fell into Bai Yu'er's trap. I won't do it again. I know you are innocent. I shouldn't have wronged you. It's my fault. Otherwise, why don't you hit me? As long as you If you can forgive me, I will slap you in the mouth."

The Crown Princess looked at him coldly, "What did you say?"

The prince nodded affirmatively. "Yes, I said that."

He knows that women like to hear nice things, and they can just say it, and it is impossible to really hit him.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, the Crown Princess slapped him.


This slap was so huge that the prince felt that his ears were ringing.

 He covered his aching face and looked at the Crown Princess in shock.


 “Did you really hit me?”

Is this woman crazy? He is the prince.

This woman actually dared to hit him!

 “What? Didn’t you ask me to hit you?”

The Crown Princess rubbed her sore palms, feeling relieved and relieved.

 Turns out this is what it feels like to hit someone, really venting your anger.

The grievances of the past three years can be slapped away, which is really enjoyable.

The prince's face was livid with anger, but thinking of the purpose of coming here, he could only endure it.

He still had to smile, "Yes, I asked you to do so. As long as your concubine is happy, you can beat her any way you want."

"I have treated you badly in the past three years, and I will never do it again. The mother-in-law said that she will send Bai Yu'er and the two children away tomorrow, and you will never see them again."

The Crown Princess sneered.

 She didn't believe that this man could let Bai Yu'er go.

It's just to send her away temporarily, and then take her back when her anger subsides. Who are you fooling?

 She rubbed her palms, and the more she looked at this man, the more he became unworthy of the stage. She waved her hand, "You can go."

 Now that he has exhausted his energy, he has no use value.

But the prince thought that her anger had subsided and was still smiling, "Then I'll come back tomorrow. I'm still injured on my leg, so I'll come back to see you tomorrow."

 (End of this chapter)

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