Chapter 947, remarry

The Crown Princess sneered and said to herself, "Love will come or not. Anyway, I won't serve you anymore."

The prince thought that as long as he came again tomorrow, the matter would be over.

He limped back and touched the painful left side of his face, thinking that when the woman came back, he would give her a good look.

How dare you hit him? I really don’t want to live anymore.

 It’s a pity that his idea will never be realized.

 Because the Crown Princess ran away from home that night.

No one knows where she went, and even after searching around, she couldn't find her.

 The prince was confused when he heard the news early in the morning.

 “What? Ran away?”

Damn it, what did that woman want to do and run away?

Then the slap yesterday was not in vain?

The prince was extremely angry, "Have you asked at the city gate?"

The servant replied, "I asked, but they all said they didn't see it."

This is strange. If you want to go out, you must pass through the city gate. Since you can't see the city gate, where did the woman go?

The old princess and the prince were both puzzled. They sent someone to the concubine's natal family to ask. They said they didn't know, so what can you do.

And I searched around other people’s houses, but I really couldn’t find it.

 This time we are really in trouble.

 The Crown Princess’s mother-in-law’s family is not in a hurry. They feel that their daughter will be fine since she has been smart since she was a child, so they can wait with peace of mind.

 On the other hand, the prince's family was waiting anxiously.

 After all, if a woman runs away from home, if something unexpected happens, or her innocence is insulted by gangsters on the road, then the reputation of their palace will be lost.

 So the old princess did not wait any longer and directly asked the two to reconcile.

When the prince heard that he wanted to reconcile, he was still unwilling, "Why do you ask me to write a letter of reconciliation? I don't agree."

The woman even slapped him. If they were divorced, how could he come back?

  The old princess slapped her over, "Idiot. We are not getting along right now, and when she gets into trouble outside, or becomes a bastard, do you still want your face?"

Hurry up and leave before anything happens, so as not to be embarrassed and look like a bastard.

The prince was stunned, obviously he had not thought of this.

 At this time, after the old princess reminded him, he became afraid.

 “That woman really ran away with the adulterer?”

 This was something he didn't expect.

He just said, why did the woman suddenly want to divorce? It turned out that she had an adulterer outside, no wonder.

The prince was furious, "That bitch, you dare to plot against me even though you have an adulterer. You deserve to die."

 Asking him to humiliate himself in exchange for a smile turned out to be premeditated.

"In this case, I won't write a letter of divorce, but a letter of divorce!"

“Anyway, she has had nothing to do for three years, so it is reasonable to write a letter of divorce.”

Although the old princess wanted to write a letter of divorce, she couldn't.

“It’s not like there is no one in her natal family. The two families still have interests. Don’t mess around. Just make peace with each other. This time we will suffer a loss. We will go to them to ask for compensation.”

 Otherwise, if you stop writing it, people will definitely not work on it, and the situation will become even more tense.

The prince choked and forgot about this level.

He was furious, "Did I get this slap in vain?"

 The old princess said angrily, "What should we do? Do you have a better way?"


There is nothing he can do, he is just too angry.

"Ignore that for now. Let's take care of your reconciliation matters first, so as not to have to rely on us for anything in the future. Write as soon as possible."

 The prince was also afraid of being cuckolded, so he could only write angrily.

 After writing the letter of departure, the imperial concubine has not returned yet. Everyone wondered where she had gone.

The prince guessed that she must have run away with the adulterer. Fortunately, he and Li wrote quickly, otherwise the **** would have appeared.

 But the Crown Princess actually didn’t go anywhere.

 She is in the backyard of Sister Ying's house at the moment.

Because this place is far away from the noble area, and their yard is close to the military camp, the people from the palace did not search here.

As for why she came to Sister Ying's side, it was because she had no place to go when she left home. She had not traveled far in the three years she had been in the palace, and she didn't know anyone.

You can’t hide at your best friend’s house, nor at your relatives’ house.

The last thing that comes to mind is the smart female owner of the maternity and baby store.

So she sent her maid to secretly find out where Sister Ying lived, and went to Sister Ying's house that night.

Sister Ying was surprised to see her in the middle of the night. She looked like she had run away from home.

 Her original intention was not to take her in.

 After all, this was a private matter that only the local nobles could see, and she didn't want to get involved, lest it cause trouble for Jing Shirong.

 But as a wife, the Crown Princess was really pitiful, so she felt soft-hearted, so she agreed to take her in for one night.

 The Crown Princess is also very discerning.

He was taken in by her and thanked her a lot. He also took the initiative to help with cooking and cooking, and also helped take care of the children.

  She is very gentle towards children, and she is not at all the vicious woman who hates children as the prince said.

 And she is very willing to give her own labor, and she is not the kind of person who takes it for granted.

Sister Ying saw her busy at home, fearing that she would drive her away, so she smiled helplessly and showed mercy.

"You can stay at my house if you want, but you have to follow my arrangements. And when you go out, you just pretend that you don't know me and you can't cause any trouble to my family."

The Crown Princess admired her very much when she saw that she was smart and decisive in her actions, so she naturally listened to her.

 She put on the servant clothes given by Sister Ying, took off the jewelry from her hair, and went to work like a normal servant.

Even if someone comes to look at her, she works naturally and people will not look at her.

Moreover, she also earned wages through her own hands, without suffering any losses.

 She did not eat with Sister Ying and the others when eating, but ate in her own room.

 She didn’t breathe a sigh of relief until she got the Heli book.

 “Finally divorced.”

Sister Ying sat over and chatted with her, "I got He Lishu, when do you plan to go back?"

The Crown Princess thought for a while and said, "I'll go back in half a month."

Sister Ying did not drive her away and let her stay at home for another half month.

Until the end of the month, one night in the dead of night, Sister Ying asked the secret guard to take her home.

 After being sent home, her parents would definitely show her a husband, and soon she would get married again.

She originally did not want to remarry, but for the sake of her natal family, she felt that marrying herself off quickly would avoid causing trouble to her natal family, so she agreed to see her.

 She had no hope at first, until she saw a childhood playmate.

The man's right eye was wounded by an arrow. He is twenty-eight and has not yet married, but his status is not low.

 The Crown Princess had played with him when she was a child and knew that this big brother was a good person, so she agreed.

 That man may not have bad eyesight, but he is a very nice person and the wedding was still a sensation.

 No one expected that the Crown Princess and Queen Li could marry so well.

 Because the other party is also a noble.

The prince did not expect that the woman would actually get married again after she came back, and they got married so quickly. It turned out that there was an adulterer.

Ke Heli's letter was written, and he had no legitimate reason to find anyone to argue with him. He could only watch the sedan chair pass by his house angrily.

It is said that after the two got married, their life was very harmonious. Just one month after getting married, the prince's concubine became pregnant. It is said that they had twins, which made the ex-husband's prince so angry that he could not eat.

 (End of this chapter)

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