The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 948: , happiness is self-sufficient and self-sufficient

Chapter 948: Happiness is self-sufficient

 After all, no matter how much you dislike her, she is still the woman she once was.

I didn’t expect that in the blink of an eye, I would become someone else’s woman and be pregnant with someone else’s child. It was an awkward feeling.

 But the matter is a foregone conclusion, and it is useless to say more.

On the other hand, the Crown Princess was grateful to Sister Ying. She felt that it was only because of Sister Ying's kindness in taking her in that she had the happy life she has now, so she even came to express her gratitude.

Sister Ying said, "This is all your chance. I am just a small role in your chance, not worth mentioning."

 The Crown Princess liked her even more when she saw that she didn't accept any favors from her.

“I don’t have many friends. Let’s hang out more often when we have the chance.”

  She was just pregnant with the child, and she looked happy to be loved after marriage, which showed that she was marrying the right person this time.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Okay, I will come to your house to play with you when I have time. Or we can make an appointment for afternoon tea together."

 The former concubine smiled and said, "Okay."

When Sister Yang heard about this, she clicked her tongue twice and felt a little emotional.

“She is so amazing. She just jumped out of the fire pit and jumped in again without fear of making the wrong jump.” Fortunately, she jumped right, otherwise it would have been over.

 In her place, she would not dare to try to marry another one easily.

 In other words, the Crown Princess is bold and will remarry if she wants to.

Sister Ying shrugged, "There's nothing I can do about it, she's also under a lot of pressure."

If she is always at home, her natal relatives will definitely have objections.

 She didn’t want to make life difficult for her parents, so she naturally wanted to get married.

 Fortunately, she chose a good man this time. He is a suitable man to live with. Judging from her body language, life after marriage should not be bad.

Sister Yang nodded, "Seeing how sweet she looks when talking about her husband, her man should be very kind to her."

As long as a man treats his wife better, he can see happiness on his wife's face.

Like before when the prince treated her badly, there was no smile on her face at all.

  Not as radiant as now, with a smile on his brows.

Sister Yang touched her belly and sat down, "If you ask me, if you don't meet a good man, it's okay not to marry."

If you really marry her just for gossiping, you won't be happy, so you might as well move out and live on your own.

Sister Ying took a breath and said, "Actually, whether to marry or not, the most important thing is to be happy."

 Instead of placing your happiness on others, it is better to put it on yourself.

 In a situation like that of the Crown Princess and the Crown Prince, there is actually a completely different way to deal with it.

 The Crown Princess is rich and powerful, and there are many ways to make herself happy.

However, the type of education that women nowadays have received since childhood is to regard their husband as their first priority. The fact that she has been surrounding the prince for three years is inseparable from the education.

 So if you want a girl to know how to make herself happy, it has a lot to do with her mother’s education and current environmental factors.

Sister Yang touched her belly and said, "If I give birth to a daughter in the future, I will make her more self-aware and learn to make herself happy instead of placing her happiness on men."

  Why consider your husband as your heaven? If a man is upright and dedicated to his wife and children, then it is okay to regard him as his heaven.

But if a man is selfish and does not care about his wife and children, but himself, then such a man can be kicked away.

 You still regard your husband as your heaven. If such a man could become a man, the world would be in chaos.

Sister Ying chuckled, looked at Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin who were squatting on the ground watching the two of them talking, and touched the little knots on their heads.

"Do you two understand? Happiness is created by oneself, not given by others. Do you understand?"

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin were confused, not quite understanding what their mother meant.

Sister Ying smiled, "If you want to eat candies, just earn money to buy them yourself. Buy as much as you want, so you don't have to ask for money from others." "Or if you want to eat delicious food, just make it yourself. You can eat it if you want, do you understand?”

The two little girls were confused, tilting their heads and looking at them cutely. A question mark on his face? ?

Sister Yang was very happy to see how stupid they were. "Two little idiots, they are so stupid."

Sister Ying rolled her eyes at her and said, "I call you a little fool every day. Be careful when your child comes out and gets beaten by them."

Sister Yang coughed and forgot about it.

  That's right, in the future she may give birth to a child that is six pounds smaller than Xiaomiguo, so she may be bullied.

 Thinking about it this way, I don’t dare to call the two girls stupid.

Xiao Miguo seemed to understand, she leaned over and smiled at Sister Yang's belly, like a little bad guy.


Sister Yang was stunned, "What did you call me?"

  I immediately reacted, "Oh, are you talking about the sister in your belly?"

It is said that children can see whether they are male or female. If Xiaomi Guo calls her sister to her belly, she might actually give birth to a girl.

Sister Ying is not sure about this. Although she believes in science, she has traveled through time. She has to believe in some metaphysical things even if she doesn't believe them.

 As for whether Sister Yang is pregnant with a boy or a girl, it doesn't matter to them, as long as the child is healthy.

Sister Yang herself is very careless and doesn't care about boys or girls at all.

 However, since Qi Yuanming returned to the military camp, he had a lot of things to do and had no time to come back.

Sister Yang didn't feel lonely even if he didn't come back. She went to the medicine shed every day to look at the herbs. Sometimes she would bring back some more expensive herbs and take care of them in the yard.

 She has something to do every day, so naturally she won’t feel lonely, empty, and resentful.

 Whenever I have free time, I take the children out to play, and my schedule is full.

Sister Ying sometimes leaves the children to her, saying that she wants to practice her skills, so that she will not be in a hurry when raising children in the future.

Sister Yang snorted, "You clearly wanted to go shopping before you left the child to me, and you still call it training me, which is simply treacherous."

Sister Ying laughed and said, "Last night I asked you if you wanted to go out. If you said no, I would have to give you the child."

If Sister Yang is going too, then leave the children at home and let them be independent for a day.

But Sister Yang wanted to grind the medicinal powder at home, so she naturally gave the child to her.

Sister Yang was unable to refute, so she could only admit it, "Okay, anyway, they can run and jump, and they can just feed them. But when you come back, you are not allowed to say that I abused them."

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "Okay, okay, my aunt takes care of the baby, as long as she lives, we don't care about anything else."


Since their mother is so casual, they should choose to save themselves.

At lunchtime, Sister Yang asked the children to line up to receive their meals. After receiving their meals, they sat down on chairs to eat by themselves without thinking of her to feed them.

 Fortunately, Xiaomi Guo and Xiao Liujin are used to eating on their own, so it’s okay if no one feeds them.

However, since their mother is not here, they are not so polite when eating.

 Having started to play with the rice halfway through the meal, it was all over the table.

Sister Yang clicked her tongue and said to her, "Xiao Liujin, if you dare to leave rice everywhere, I won't get your share of dessert after the meal."

 Xiao Liujin is not afraid, just play.

 Xiao Miguo follows suit and plays along.

Sister Yang clicked her tongue and immediately took away their rice bowls and put them down to look in the mirror.

“Look at how dirty you are, are you ugly?”

  Everybody pay attention to protective measures, remember to wash your hands frequently and wear a mask (ì_í)



 (End of this chapter)

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