Chapter 949, dirty child

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin looked at themselves in the mirror, and their little round faces were covered with rice particles.

 It is on the hair, on the face, and even in the nostrils.

 The two chubby hands were all greasy from grabbing meat and vegetables.

 Xiao Liujin is relatively rough, so I rub the oil stains on my hands directly onto my body. "Okay~"

Xiao Miguo is better. She doesn’t dare to touch her clothes with her hands. She wants to wash them in the wooden basin.

She went to the sink with a face full of rice particles, put her little fleshy hands in the wooden basin, and washed her face like an adult.

 But since the hands are full of oil, once it is applied to the face, it will also be oily.

Xiao Liujin saw her washing her face and immediately wanted to follow her.

Her movements were unrestrained, and when her little chubby hands were washed with water, they made a splashing sound, leaving water stains all over her body.

 Not only her, but also the little Miguo next to her was covered in water.

 “It’s washed.”

 She got all wet and felt that it should be clean, so she went down.

Xiao Miguo looked at her wet clothes and was speechless.

 Finally, I went inside to find some clean clothes to change into.

 Xiao Liujin also followed.

 The two of them found the clothes they liked in the closet, took them out and put them on.

 Due to my lack of skill in dressing, I wore both the front and back wrongly.

Their clothes were designed by Sister Ying herself. They are pullovers and do not need to be tied.

They couldn’t tell the front from the back and the pants were on backwards.

Hao Hao's clothes were dressed in a mess, as if they were dressed like a gang of beggars, but the two of them were very proud and looked at themselves in the mirror.

 Sister Yang came in to check after dinner and saw their beggar outfits.


She had just eaten for a while, and these two guys had made herself like this?

 These are not children.

 “Oh my God, you guys.”

How could he make himself so dirty that rice grains are stuck to his hair?

 He also wore his clothes inside out.

Sister Yang hurriedly pulled them away, "Stop taking photos and go take a shower."

There happens to be no hot water in the kitchen, so I have to wait for a while before washing.

The two little girls couldn't sit still, and they had already slipped away from Sister Yang after being asked to wait for a while.

Sister Yang thought it would take a while to boil the water, so she went to grind Ganoderma lucidum powder.

Every time she grinds medicinal powder and makes pills, she always dives into it and has long forgotten to bathe the children.

 When she came out after finishing her work, all the children at home were gone.

Sister Yang realized later and realized that she was taking care of the child by herself today. When she saw that the child was not playing in the yard, she was startled and hurriedly ran out to take a look.

The servant told her, "Don't worry, they are playing outside and the maids are watching."

Sister Yang breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

 She went out to look, and sure enough she saw a group of children playing in the alley.

 The older children are playing with stones.

Xiao Miguo and the others were squatting on the ground not knowing what they were playing.

Sister Yang walked over and saw them surrounding a little white cat, petting it.

I don’t know who owns a cat. It has white fur and is very beautiful. The babies couldn’t take their eyes away when they saw it, so they came over to watch it together.

Sister Yang looked at them, a bunch of little radish squatting there, and they looked a little cute inexplicably.

 Seeing Xiao Liujin boldly touching the bushy back, she liked the furry feeling, "So cute~"

Sister Yang was originally worried about the cat biting people, but the cat seemed to enjoy the children's compliments, and even lay down and opened its belly to touch them.

Xiao Miguo observed for a while and saw that the cat did not bite, so she immediately stretched out her small fleshy hand to touch the cat's belly.

The soft touch made her close her eyes comfortably, and her little mouth opened happily.

Sister Yang watched them happy and laughed too.

It just so happened that Sister Ying and Jing Han also came back at this moment.

The two of them haven’t been to a beauty salon for a long time, so they went specifically to have a beauty treatment today.

 Although it is not as prosperous as the capital, wherever there are women, there is a beauty industry. They had heard before that there was a shop where they could get a massage, which could loosen shoulder bones and relieve back pain.

 You can also apply a facial mask to whiten your skin and so on.

 The two of them went together as soon as they heard that it could beautify themselves and relax.

 I got a massage when I got there, and my shoulders felt really comfortable.

 After the massage, the two of them went to the street to eat something and buy some rouge and gouache.

 After finishing shopping and chatting, I didn’t come back until this time.

 They brought food for the children and ate what they bought outside at night.

As soon as the carriage arrived home, Xiao Miguo saw the carriage at home with sharp eyes.


 She ran over happily, jumping up and down.

Sister Ying heard her voice, asked someone to stop the car, opened the car curtain and got out.

 “Alas, you.”

Sister Ying was so happy to get out of the car to hug her daughter. Unexpectedly, as soon as she got off the car, she saw a dirty daughter with rice particles in her hair and all her clothes...

 “Daughter? What are you?”

 It was fine when I went out in the morning. My daughter was still clean, white and tender.

 Why is she so dirty after not seeing her for an afternoon?

If it were her biological child, I would have thought she was a little beggar.

 Look at that dirty face, it’s completely black and there’s snot all over it.

Looking at her hairstyle, the two little Jiujiu were completely messed up, their hair was still stuck with rice grains, and it was dry and hard.

The white skirt on her body was black and white, covered with dirt and grass. It was so dirty that she couldn't even see it anymore.

Sister Ying.

 “Then what…” Sister Yang coughed guiltily.

“Children are meant to be free-range, and that’s how they are made, haha…”

 She said she didn’t have the confidence to do so.

Sister Ying reached out to pluck the rice grains from Xiaomi Guo’s hair, but she found that they were completely caked with her hair and she couldn’t even pluck them out.

Xiao Liujin heard their movements and immediately ran over with a smile on his face.



Sister Ying took a quick look and realized that this was even more exaggerated.

  It should be said that Xiao Miguo is a little beggar who has just joined the beggar gang. That Xiao Liujin was an old beggar who had been among beggars for three years.

Look at the dark-faced one. You can’t even tell that this is your own child unless you look closely.

Not to mention other parts, just seeing her sharp nails covered with black stuff gave Sister Ying a headache.

Jinghan was still having a sweet dream, but now he woke up and got off the carriage.

 As soon as I got off the carriage, I saw two dark children, and I asked them half asleep.

 “Ah, who are these two children?” I’ve never seen them before.

  Sister Ying & Sister Yang.

“Ahem, what about that, Sister Jinghan, I have something else to do, I’ll go back first.”

 After saying that, he ran away in despair.

Jinghan realized it later, and she didn't react until Xiao Liujin threw himself on her with a grin and called her mother.

 “Six pounds???”

 “Oh my god, why are you like this??”

 Xiao Liujin is not sad at all, he is very happy.

 “Mother, gift~~”

 Having no idea what she has become, she still needs gifts.

Jinghan raised his head and asked, "Why did you go there? How did you end up like this?"

The yard at home is very clean, why did you make yourself so dirty?

 Xiao Liujin doesn’t know either.

 She just played on the ground with the children next door, rolled a few times, and then went to catch rabbits in the neighbor's backyard.

  If I can't catch it, I go to the field to catch ducklings.

  I didn’t catch the little duck either, so I went to catch the kitten.

Xiao Miguo followed her. The two of them saw that the fluffy little yellow duck couldn't walk, so they ran after it. They fell several times on the way and didn't cry. They were still very excited.

 (End of this chapter)

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