The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 950: , the rebellious two-year-old

 Chapter 950, rebellious two years old

 Because ducks are free-range and are not afraid of people at all. If children chase them, the ducks will run away.

There is a lot of mud in the fields, and when you fall down, you will be covered in mud.

In addition, the two of them not only caught ducks, but also imitated adults in pulling radishes.

 Finally, I went to run around with other older children, and within a short time I was all dirty.

Sister Ying was really convinced and asked Xiao Miguo, "Are you going to catch the ducklings too?"

Xiao Miguo nodded happily, "Yeah, let's catch the little duck."

 I didn’t feel there was anything wrong at all, but I was very happy and wanted to catch it.

Sister Ying held her forehead and said, "Don't you usually like to be clean? Why are you so dirty today?"

Xiao Miguo looked at her dirty clothes and said seriously, "Freedom is king."

Sister Ying.

 “What did your aunt tell you??”

 The little round-faced man nodded seriously, "Yes."

Sister Ying again.

Alright, my aunt will take care of the children and just stay alive.

Jinghan was also speechless.

“I thought I would be rough enough raising children, but I didn’t expect Sister Yang to be exaggerated when she left me.”

Sister Ying couldn't help but laugh, "She was this virtuous when she was a child, but she didn't expect that raising children would be more terrifying."

I guess that girl will take care of her children in the same way in the future. Just thinking about it makes me dizzy.

Jinghan also admitted it, "Forget it, it's time to play, just accept your fate and go wash them."

Sister Ying nodded, picked up the dirty little honey fruit and went in to wash it.

 The water that washed the entire tub was black.

The two old mothers looked troubled, feeling that if they came back from a few days away, the dirty parents of the two little girls would not be able to recognize them.

 Thanks to the two little girls who were careless, they were quite happy to be dirty.

 Sister Yang felt guilty and did not dare to look at them during dinner at night.

Sister Ying was very happy, "Okay, stop looking and eat."

Seeing that the two of them were not angry, Sister Yang chuckled and said flatteringly, "What about that? I made Ganoderma lucidum health pills. I will give each of you a bottle in a while. It nourishes the body. You two can take it when you have time."

Jinghan was also happy when he heard this, "Are you busy doing this in the afternoon?"

Sister Yang took the chopsticks and clicked her tongue, "Well, I happened to have all the medicinal ingredients, and I just wanted to do it, but I lost track of time."

Jinghan didn’t blame her, after all, Sister Yang had never taken care of a child.

 Plus, children are hard to hold back. You can’t stop her from playing even if she wants to play. If you get the chance, she’ll run away.

 In addition, there are many children in the neighbor's house. Not to mention Xiaomi Guo and Xiao Liujin, even Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan cannot resist the appeal of their friends. They come back sweating every time they play.

Sister Ying is fine, she just needs to wash one child.

Jinghan needs to take three baths.

  After working hard for most of the night, I finished my work and then I was tired and rested.

 To the next day.

 Children get up earlier than adults and run out to play with the neighbor children as soon as they get up early.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin are running more and more steadily, and can now run out to play with other children on their own.

 They like to play with the older children and always run after them.

However, the older children don’t like to play with the little ones, so when they see them, they chase them away, “Go and play aside, don’t get in the way.”

The boys wanted to climb a tree to catch cicadas, but they didn’t want their little carrot heads to occupy the position and affect their jumping from the tree.

 Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin were driven away, and they pouted angrily, unhappy.

 “Hmph, boys are the most annoying.”

 Xiao Liujin nodded, "It's just annoying."

After the two of them complained, they could only go and play with your older sister.

 The ladies are only seven or eight years old this year, and they are all at an age where they love to wear new skirts. They will be showing off the new clothes they will wear for their birthdays this year.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin came close to each other, as if they were watching the fun, and they were very excited to watch.

 It wasn't until Sister Ying woke up that she took the two little girls back.

 A few more months.

Jing Shirong came back from work, played with the child for a while, and chatted with Sister Ying.

 “Do you want to go to the horse racing race tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?”

There is a local horse racing festival, and young teenagers will ride their favorite horses to compete on this day.

The winner will receive one hundred taels of silver, and may also be attracted by the daughter of a wealthy family, or by other young girls, so that they can get married.

On such a good day, young people will naturally come out to compete.

 An interesting thing is that not only teenagers can participate, but also girls.

However, men and women are in different groups, and they all have their own proportions.

 There is also a mixed competition between men and women, which is Cuju.

The way to play Cuju is different in each place. There are mixed games between men and women in the local area. In order to avoid physical contact, people here use horses to beat with sticks. Anyway, the scene is very lively.

Jing Shirong said, "On that day, most people will take a day off to watch horse racing and football matches. The scene is very lively. Ask your cousin if you want to go, and we can come together."

Sister Ying nodded, "My cousin should go too."

 After all, with such a big excitement, children will definitely go.

Xiao Miguo has been listening for a long time. As soon as she heard that there was something to play, she went immediately.

 “Mom~ I’m going, I’m going.”

With his short hands, he climbed onto Sister Ying’s lap using both hands and feet, as if he was afraid that she would disapprove.

Sister Ying was very happy, but she deliberately made things worse.

  Pretending to be a tiger, "Last time you disobeyed me and ran out of the house by yourself, which made me unable to find you. I was still angry, so I didn't take you with me."

Last time, the little guy woke up early at noon, looked at his mother who was still sleeping next to him, got out of bed secretly, and ran to the neighbor's house to play with the little rabbit.

The key point is that she didn't say anything when she went out. She sneaked away by herself, which shocked the family and made Sister Ying angry and scolded her for the first time.

 After the little guy was scolded, he felt that his mother was making a fuss out of a molehill.

  Because she felt that it was very close, just a few steps away. Why did her mother scold her? She was not convinced.

 At the age of just two years old, he has already started to become a little rebellious.

  People say that two-year-olds are devils, but Sister Ying didn’t believe it at first.

 After all, Miguo, who is over one year old, is still a very well-behaved baby.

Who would have known that just after his second birthday, the little guy started to have his own ideas and did not act according to common sense.

 You can even escape from prison with Xiao Liujin.

 Xiao Liujin is taller than her, and her figure is a little fatter than hers. She looks like an older sister taking care of her younger sister.

 But it was actually Xiaomiguo who took her.

The two of them once went to a neighbor's house to play in the water. When they saw a peach tree, they actually imitated the older children in climbing the tree. In the end, they fell from the tree because of lack of arm strength.

 Fortunately, there is a pile of soft soil underneath, otherwise it would be painful.

The key point is that they didn’t dare to say that it hurt, and they pretended to be fine when they got home.

If it weren’t for their fair skin and the big bruise where they fell, Sister Ying wouldn’t believe they could pretend they hadn’t climbed a tree.

She doesn’t object to children liking to climb trees, after all, she has also come from that age.

But even though he was bruised and still pretending to be fine, there was no one left.

 I don’t know whether to praise them for being brave or for being so independent-minded and knowing how to hide things from adults.

 (End of this chapter)

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