The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 951: , the disobedient two-year-old

 Chapter 951, Disobedient Two Years Old

Jing Shirong felt a little different after hearing her description.

“No way? Is it really that serious?”

 Hurry up and bring Xiao Miguo over to see the injury.

There are indeed some bruises on the fleshy little arms, including some bruises on the calves.

 Fortunately, I used Yang Jie'er's anti-blood stasis ointment, and it's almost healed. I'll just apply it for a few days and it will be fine.

Jing Shirong clicked his tongue and looked at Xiaomi Guo, "Why did you fall so badly? Didn't your mother tell you not to climb too high?"

 Climbing a tree is okay, but you must be able to get down.

 She is only over two years old, so her physical strength is naturally not as good as that of older children, so it is expected that she will fall.

I didn’t expect that the two little guys didn’t cry even after they fell. It’s strange.

 “Aren’t you in pain? Huh?”

Xiao Miguo chuckled and turned her big eyes away, not daring to look directly at her father.

 But Jing Shirong was patient and prepared to reason with her.

“It hurts so much when you fall, will you climb that high next time?”

Xiao Miguo shouldn’t do it because she still wants to climb that high. He pretended not to hear his father's question.

Sister Ying couldn't help but roll her eyes, "Look, she's in high spirits right now. She knows she has to fulfill her promise, so she pretends not to hear."

“Now I’m really not cute at all. After my second birthday, I started to get irritated. I fainted sooner or later.”

Jing Shirong smiled, "Isn't that true?"

 It was just climbing a tree, maybe the little girl didn’t do it on purpose.

Sister Ying glanced at him angrily, "Why not?"

Today I fell from a tree that was more than one meter tall. Fortunately, there was a pile of soft soil underneath.

 What if there are hard rocks underneath?

Even though they are over two years old, they are still very small. If they fall from a high place, their heads or eyes will be badly damaged.

At heart, they are either grown-ups who know how to behave, or they are just little kids. They might even cry if they hit their heads.

 Furthermore, “She doesn’t just **** me off about climbing trees.”

“Once she went to catch a four-legged snake with other little boys.”

Some four-legged snakes are poisonous. As a two-year-old, she dared to catch four-legged snakes with others. If she was bitten, she would be dead if one of them was poisoned.

Jing Shirong frowned after hearing this and became serious, obviously a little scared.

 He asked Xiao Miguo to stand still and looked at her seriously, "Did you and your brothers catch a four-legged snake?"

Xiao Miguo's eyes rolled around, trying to change the subject, "Brothers like to play." She started to act stupid and didn't mention a word about catching snakes.

Jing Shirong did not expect that she would change the subject and said seriously, "Besides catching four-legged snakes, what else have you done?"

 It seems that since he has not been home for the past few months, his daughter has become rebellious.

Sister Ying found a united front and complained. "Not only did she catch four-legged snakes, she also went to the pond to catch frogs with the neighbor boys."

 “If the secret guard hadn’t followed, she would have fallen into the water.”

That time Sister Ying really wanted to get angry and give her a good beating.

But thinking that she might not remember it even if I hit her, I simply didn’t get angry or hit her. At the same time, I didn’t talk to her, didn’t even look at her, and decided to give her the cold shoulder.

 Xiao Miguo was glad that her mother didn't scold her at first.

  But it was wrong to think about it in the blink of an eye. Although his mother did not scold him, he did not talk to her and did not sit with her when eating.

 When I go to bed at night, I don’t even sleep with her, and I don’t hold her at all.

 After her mother ignored her for two days in a row, she realized that she was scared and cried for a hug.

Sister Ying stopped hugging her and asked her seriously, "Have I ever told you that if you can't swim, don't go near the pond? What if you fall in and drown?"

If the secret guard hadn't fished her out in time that day, something serious would have happened.

 Xiao Miguo was also frightened that day.

After being fished out, he was about to cry, but the big boys suddenly made a sound of surprise, as if they had discovered some treasure. They shouted in surprise, "Look, it's the cub of a wild goose. It's so small and cute."

Everyone went to see it one after another, so Xiaomiguo, who was about to cry, forgot to cry for a while and went to see it too.

The secret guard was afraid that she would catch a cold, so he directly carried her back.

 After arriving home, the secret guard told Sister Ying what happened, and Sister Ying almost lost her breath and fainted.

She originally didn’t want to keep her children at home, hoping they could play freely.

 But when she went out, she always pointed out the places not to go, such as deep ponds.

 But Xiao Miguo was obviously unconvinced. She felt that boys could go to the pond, so why couldn’t she?

She also wanted to see what the pond looked like, so she went there with her elder brothers.

Since there were secret guards and maids following her, she walked over with her elder brothers at ease.

Who would have thought that the pond was so slippery that I accidentally slipped down and choked on the water.

 Originally, she did not dare to look at her mother after returning home.

 But this was still discovered by my mother.

So she was also afraid of being scolded.

 But compared to being scolded, being ignored by your own mother seems to be more terrifying.

After being ignored by her mother for two days, the little girl was really scared and couldn't help crying.

When she had cried enough, Sister Ying said, "Will you go to dangerous places again?"

Xiao Miguo sniffed, "I don't dare anymore, wuwu~"

 In fact, I still dare, but I am afraid that my mother will be angry.

Sister Ying is helpless and plans to let her learn more self-rescue skills in the future, otherwise being on guard all the time is not an option.

 She can't keep her children at home all the time, that's not her parenting style.

Moreover, children always want to look around when they go out, and they can’t even catch them.

So I thought about showing her a lot of things, such as how to save herself after falling into the water, or what to do if she can't get off the tree.

 I feel like there is still too much to teach.

 Although she is protected by secret guards, she still needs to be aware of her own safety.

She has to remember that she should not touch any dangerous things, otherwise she will do it again next time.

After hearing this, Jing Shirong agreed with what she said and severely criticized Xiaomi Guo.

“Next time you encounter a place you haven’t seen before, don’t go down easily. If it’s a swamp, you won’t be able to come up once you step down.

Unlike the streets in Beijing where the streets are paved with blue bricks and white stones, there is a lush green grassland right outside the door.

There are ponds, swamps, and forests not far from my home, all of which are dangerous places.

The local children are very brave and dare to go anywhere.

And they all go in groups.

 Children all like to play in groups, especially children who like to play with older children. Xiaomi Guo and Xiao Liujin especially like to play behind the older children.

However, the older children thought they were a burden and basically ignored them, let alone took care of them.

 So every time something happened, the secret guards and maids would show up, and the older children would have run away long ago.

Even so, the two little girls still have to play with the older children.

Jing Shirong severely criticized Xiaomi Guoyitong and told her, "It's not that your mother doesn't let you go out to play, she tells you not to go to dangerous places."

“If the secret guard hadn’t saved you last time, you would have fallen into the water to feed the big fish.”

 But Xiaomiguo didn’t know how to be afraid.

 “But I didn’t fall.”

 And she is back in good health.

Jing Shirong choked. He didn't expect that the good boy at the time had learned to talk back.

 (End of this chapter)

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