The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 953: , the third princess gave birth to the second child

Chapter 953: The third princess gives birth to a second child

 As soon as the horse racing started, everyone was very excited and stared at the progress of the race with big eyes.

I saw that the tall black mixed-race horse was the first to bear the brunt of the attack, and it turned out to be the first one.

 Then the green horse chased after him.

 There was also a white horse chasing after him.

Those who placed bets were very excited and kept shouting from the audience, "Go! Chase! Chase quickly!"

Even the children looked nervous.

 “Big dark horse, hurry up and give chase!”

Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan were holding a **** horse. They were afraid that the **** horse would fall behind and shout loudly.

 Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin were also very excited.

 After a while, Young Master Zhong arrived belatedly with Little Piggy.

Last year, the third princess gave birth to another son at full term. Mr. Zhong was busy taking care of the younger son and the eldest son on weekdays, and had no time to go out.

However, the third princess went to the military camp immediately after her confinement, so there was no impact at all.

The child was fed by a wet nurse, and Mr. Zhong took care of it when he slept.

 Zhuzhu has become more sensible after becoming an older brother and helps his father every day.

 Even now, Mr. Zhong still feels that there is not enough time.

Because Xiaozhuzhu has to study and practice calligraphy every day, even though he hired a teacher, he still has to check his homework from time to time.

Since the third princess was just out of confinement, he was not very relieved and ordered her to go home to eat every day and not to use swords or guns for half a year.

The third princess didn't want to hear it at first, but her family status has been declining repeatedly, so she can only go home and eat three meals a day.

Mr. Zhong carefully gave her confinement for more than half a year before her body could regain its vitality.

Sister Ying hasn’t seen him for a while. Today she saw him pushing a stroller out and hurriedly went to pick it up.

 “Brother Zhong is here.”

Mr. Zhong smiled and nodded, "Yes, Xiaozhuzhu wanted to watch the horse racing, so I brought him here."

Boys still like horse racing and other things. Although he is busy, he still wants to take his son to see it.

 You can’t ignore the younger one at the expense of the older one, so he brought the younger one along with his brother to watch the horse racing.

  Xiaozhuzhu was indeed very happy when he arrived at the racetrack. After saying hello to Sister Ying and the others, he went to the auditorium to watch the horse racing.

Mr. Zhong pushed his younger son to sit and chat with Sister Ying.

Sister Ying poured him a cup of tea and asked him, "How have you been lately? You've lost a lot of weight."

Mr. Zhong smiled helplessly, "I'm busy. I have to take care of two children and an adult by myself, so I will lose weight."

 Actually, like Wu, he is worried about his life.

Even though there are servants at home, he likes to do things by himself, but he is tired and thin.

 In addition, the third princess is careless. In order to catch her and bring her back for dinner, he keeps an eye on her every day.

 Furthermore, after having a second child, Piggy will occasionally get jealous and cling to him.

 At this time, it is time to coax the little piggy and hold him to sleep.

 When the older one is hugged, the younger one will not be happy.

 The two sons began to compete for favor.

 Sometimes the third princess would come and give him a hug, asking him to hug him.

Three people are vying for favor at the same time. He is happy and overwhelmed, feeling that the burden of sweetness is really huge.

Sister Ying laughed after hearing this.

 “Why do you work harder than my mother?”

There is clearly a mother-in-law and a cook, so why do you still make yourself so tired?

Mr. Zhong smiled and said, "Isn't that what the third princess has in her mouth? I'm afraid she won't be able to eat nutritious meals well, so I have to make them myself."

 Then there is the matter of the wet nurse.

Although he knew that having a wet nurse to take care of the children was enough, he felt that he had put his eldest son to bed at night himself, and his younger son could not treat one favorably or he would blame him in the future.

So the younger son also slept with him at night.

 In addition, he has to supervise Piggy's studies. He is responsible for three people, so he will be exhausted.

 Although I am tired, I am very satisfied. And he didn’t complain, it was all done voluntarily.

"The third princess is very strong now, and we won't have any more children in the future. Just two of them are fine."

The third princess's birth went smoothly this time and was completed within an hour. It was much better than the first child.

But taking good care of your body is more important, so Mr. Zhong thinks that two are enough.

Originally, the third princess was not a young girl, so she was content with having two children.

Sister Ying looked at the little piggy in the stroller and smiled lovingly.

 “The second one looks like you, with delicate features and beautiful eyes.”

 The appearance of the little pig is more like that of the emperor family, but the appearance of the little pig is more like that of the Zhong family.

Mr. Zhong nodded, "Yes, the second one does look more like me, with a slightly smaller frame."

  Piglets are meatier and have strong bones, like the third princess.

 The second one is obviously more slender, let it go.

Sister Yang also came over to take a look, "It's so cute, so small."

Mr. Zhong looked at her belly that was about to give birth and smiled tenderly, "You'll be giving birth in two months, so work hard then."

 Production is hard work, and they all know it.

Sister Yang touched her round belly and felt a little unsure.

They all said that giving birth was very painful. Although she had seen it before, she had never given birth herself, so she was still a little panicked.

Sister Ying held her hand and encouraged her, "It's okay. You've been practicing your birthing postures recently. It will be somewhat useful when the time comes."

 And she will also go in to accompany the childbirth.

Sister Yang nodded, having her sister with her would make her feel more at ease.

While we were chatting, the horse racing process became more and more intense, with only the last lap left to decide the outcome.

On the field, the first place was still the mixed-breed BMW, the second place was the Ili horse, and the third place was the **** horse.

People in the audience were excited, "Hurry, chase! Rush!"

  Everyone had deposited money and was extremely excited.

“Ahhhhhh, the hybrid BMW won, I won, hahaha~~”

 The results of the competition came out. The mixed-race BMW came first, the second was the Ili horse, and the third was the **** horse.

The crowd was chattering, some were happy and some were sad.

 Then there is women’s horse racing.

 Girls can also enjoy glory today, regardless of status or national boundaries.

 Girls from many small neighboring countries also came to participate.

Everyone wants to test their equestrian skills, so naturally they want to participate in the competition to see their abilities.

 The girls mounted their horses heroically, and the scene was lively again.

 Because they were all young and beautiful girls, the teenagers present suddenly became excited.

 “Come on Miss Ginaer!”

“Miss Wu Yunya, come on, we will always support you!!”

 “Come on Miss Pearl, we can’t lose!”

There are a total of fifteen contestants and girls present, but these three seem to be the most vocal.

Sister Ying glanced over and saw that the three most popular girls were all wearing very gorgeous riding attire. At first glance, they looked like young ladies from big families.

 Looking at the confidence on their faces, I guess they are all the favored children at home.

Sister Ying asked Jing Shirong, "Which one of the three do you think is the prettiest?"

Jing Shirong took a cursory glance and shook his head, "They're all average. They can't be said to be very pretty." At most, they were just pretty.

Sister Ying.

"You are asking too much."

Those three girls are obviously quite pretty. Although they are not as handsome as they are, they are still young and beautiful.

 (End of this chapter)

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