Chapter 954: The hero saves the beauty

Jing Shirong glanced at her, "You said you were young and beautiful, what does beauty have to do with it?"

Sister Ying.

 Forget it, don’t discuss this with straight men.

The fans in the audience are still enthusiastic, look at the fans who are shouting, they are so enthusiastic.

The three girls on horseback raised their chins proudly when they saw how popular they were.

The only thing that is disappointing is that the enemy is also here, which is really unlucky.

“Wu Yunya, do you have to come and fight with me?”

They are cousins, but there is no room for two tigers in the same mountain. It is enough for a big family to have one young lady with an excellent reputation, but the other party has to compete with her for first place in everything, which is annoying to death.

Upon hearing this, Ji Na'er snorted coldly, "Who is arguing with you? I'm obviously better than you."

She is obviously taller than Wu Yayun, her figure is plumper than her, and her riding skills are better than hers. After all, she is the better one.

But this annoying cousin wants to compete with her for first place in everything. She is really overestimating her abilities.

Wu Yayun choked and said unconvinced, "Fart! I'm obviously in better shape than you, but you're still plump? That's what you call fat, you **** fat woman."


The two were at loggerheads again, neither giving way to the other.

Wu Yayun hummed, "I'll let you see who is worse than who. Don't cry if you lose."

 She has practiced equestrian day and night for more than a month for today's competition, and she will definitely shine today.

   When Brother Mu Tuo in the audience sees her wonderful horse riding skills, he will definitely fall in love with her.

 When he comes to confess his love to her, she will agree to marry him.

 It feels sweet just thinking about it.

 Jinal knew what she was thinking as soon as she saw her expression.

 Fortunately, she doesn't like Mu Tuo, otherwise she would be annoyed to death by this cousin.

But this idiot thought she liked Mu Tuo, and he opposed her every day, which made her worried to death.

The young man named Mu Tuo is also here today, the one who just took the first place on horseback.

Wu Yayun looked at the audience and said loudly to Muto, "Brother Muto, you have to cheer for me later."

Muto nodded with a cold expression, as if he was not too enthusiastic about her.

 But Wu Yayun didn't notice his indifference, and was very happy that he was willing to cheer for her.

"Jina'er, you are not allowed to beat me for a while. I am going to win the championship today to express my love to Brother Mutuo. Please stop ruining my good deeds, or I will never be done with you."

Ji Na'er said disdainfully, "You have people you want to express your feelings to, and so do I. Let's compete with each other if we really can, and don't deal with these useless things."

 She also fell in love with a young man, the young man who was riding the Yili horse just now.

But the young man is not from their country, so I think my family may not agree with it.

But she still wanted to try.

If the other party is willing to give her a chance, the two of them can still gain recognition from both families by working together.

 So she is bound to win today.

 The referee looked at the time and said, "Get ready!"

So the girls **** their horses and took their places.


With the sound of the whip, the girls said "drive~~" and rode fast.

Wu Yayun and Ji Na'er ran side by side for first place, and they were both very fast.

The young men present were very excited and kept cheering them on.

Sister Ying glanced at the excited audience below and said twice, "It's good to be young." She was full of passion and dared to pursue the person she liked.

 It’s not like they don’t have that kind of passion after getting married.

Jing Shirong glanced at her and said, "Who said I don't have passion? I'll show you my passion tonight."

Sister Ying.

 “Go, go, go, why are you everywhere?”

  This guy gets excited when I mention it at night. He doesn't look like someone who has been married for a few years. He is like a young boy who wants to get tired of you every day.

Jing Shirong was not ashamed but proud, "My husband is so capable, why is my wife still not satisfied?"

 It would be too late for other women to be happy. Sister Ying again.

 “Okay, give the child some water.”

   If you continue to say this, your face will turn to shame.

 After all, Mr. Zhong and Sister Yang are still nearby.

Sister Yang was fine, but she felt pity, "That guy Qi Yuanming has been back for a long time, and he didn't even know he came back to see me. It's really true."

Sister Ying was speechless, "Didn't he just come back?" It had been a long time.

Sister Yang coughed and said, "Is there any? I forgot."

Sister Ying.

  Why are these people around me so funny?

Even Mr. Zhong looked shy, "I also think it's good that the third princess is strong."

Sister Ying again.

“Okay, I’m not as thick-skinned as you, you can do whatever you want.”

 After a while, there was the last lap left on the field.

At this time, Wu Yayun and Jiner are still tied for first place, and neither one will give way to the other.

Seeing that he was about to reach the finish line, Wu Yayun asked Jinale angrily, "Can't you let me go just once? I have to confess to Brother Mutu later."

 Jinaer refused, "I still want to express my feelings to my brother Aoki."

 The champion will get a prize, and she also wants to give the prize to her sweetheart.


Wu Yayun was furious, but he didn't expect that she wouldn't give in at all, so don't blame her for being rude.

So she swung her whip and tried to hit Gina's horse.

 Jinaer was startled, "Are you crazy? You are committing a foul."

Wu Yayun snorted, "As long as no one sees it, it's not a foul."

“Besides, I’m just waving my braid normally. If you bring the horse closer, it’s your own problem.”

 Having said that, continue waving your braid.

The whip had barbs on it, and it was very painful when it was whipped. Jiner's horse was whipped once, and it grunted twice in pain, and then fell behind.

Jina'er was furious, she didn't expect Wu Yayun to be so mean.

 She chased after him angrily, waving her braids as well.

Wu Yayun was angry, "Jina'er, do you dare to hit my horse?"

Jinaer sneered, "You dare to hit my horse, why don't I dare."

They come from the same family, but Wu Yayun's mother's status is more noble than Jin'er's mother, which is why Wu Yayun has such a good temper.

But Jinal doesn’t feel that she is worse than Wu Yayun, so she naturally refuses to give in.

 Two young and energetic little girls, when it comes to winning or losing and sisterhood, they naturally choose to win.

The two men were riding fast, waving their spiked whips at each other secretly.

 Finally, because the horses were too close, they suddenly stumbled and both horses fell down.


At high speed, two tall horses suddenly fell down, and the people on the horses were also violently thrown out.

Jinaer and Wu Yayun were both shocked.

 The two of them had average qinggong skills, and after being thrown out quickly, they were unable to save themselves.

Just as he was about to fall to the ground, the two men in the field quickly chased after him, each catching the other.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang were very excited when they saw it, "Ah, a hero saves a beauty, hahaha."

Others think so too.

but. The expressions of Ji Na'er and Wu Yayun don't seem right?

It turned out that the man that Ji Naer liked hugged Wu Yayun, and the man that Wu Yayun liked hugged Ji Naer.


Sister Ying and Sister Yang looked at each other, "Now there's something good to watch, hehehehe."

The two of them moved a chair, grabbed a handful of melon seeds, and got ready to watch the show.

 (End of this chapter)

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