Chapter 955, Four Corners of Love

Even Xiaomi Guo and Xiao Liujin came over to watch the fun together.

 Including Mr. Zhong looked over with a gossipy face.

 Jing Shi Rong.

 Why are these women in the family so gossipy?

Even Mr. Zhong looks like a bitch? ? ?

He was disgusted, but he couldn't help but be affected, so he leaned over to watch the fun.

Sister Ying discussed with them in a low voice, "Do you think those two young men did it on purpose?"

Or, they like another girl.

Sister Yang nodded gossipingly, "I think it's very possible."

Jinaer likes Qingmu, but Qingmu immediately goes to save Wu Yayun.

Wu Yayun liked Mu Tuo, but Mu Tuo hugged Jiner immediately.

It seems like this is a bit of a fuss.

Sure enough, when Wu Yayun saw Mu Tuo holding Jiner, she immediately gave up and struggled to get off Qingmu.

 “Brother Mutuo, let go!”

She rushed over angrily, pulled Mu Tuo's hand away, and refused to allow him to hold Jinale.

Jinaer herself was confused and looked at Aoki with disbelief.

 “Brother Qingmu, you. Do you like Wu Yayun?”

The young man named Qingmu's ears were slightly red, but he still answered firmly, "Yes, I like Wu Yayun."

 At the horse racing last year, he noticed this youthful girl and kept her in his heart, thinking that if he met her again this year, he would confess to her.

I didn’t expect that we would actually meet each other today. It’s such a great fate.


She never dreamed that her sweetheart would actually like Wu Yayun, an unreasonable shrew.


She was speechless. She had never seen such a **** thing.

 She thought Aoki was always looking at her in the crowd, but she didn't expect that she was just being sentimental.

 It turned out that he was not looking at himself, but at Wu Yayun beside her.

She also wanted to save face, so she immediately snorted angrily, "It's up to you."

 After saying that, he left angrily.

 Wu Yayun didn't want to leave, so he pulled Mutuo and asked, "Brother Muto, don't tell me that you like Jinale? You don't like her, right?"

She didn't believe that Mu Tuo would like Jin'er. She was obviously better looking and more likable than Jin'er. How could Brother Muto like Jin'er, a cold and unlovable woman.

But Muto looked in the direction where Ginaer left, affectionately, as if he was watching Ginaer leave with his eyes.

Wu Yayun was so angry that she pulled him over, "I don't allow you to like her, you can only like me!"

Muto looked at her with a puzzled expression and asked, "Why?"

His liking for Jinal is his personal matter, what does it have to do with Wu Yayun?

Wu Yayun said angrily, "Because I like you. I like you, and of course you must also like me. We are a perfect match."

Muto shook his head in refusal, "No, I like Jinale, you'd better stop liking me."

 After saying that, he turned around and left.

 “Brother Muto!”

Wu Yayun was so angry that she wanted to chase her, but was blocked by Qingmu, "Wu Yayun, I like you, please marry me."

Wu Yayun was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that Ji Na'er liked Qing Mu, so she thought wickedly, "If I let Qing Mu like me all the time, Ji Na'er would be mad to death, right?"

With this thought, he used a honey trap on Aoki and looked at him with hooked eyes, "Brother Aoki, you like me, right?"

 Aoki nodded sincerely, "I want to marry you."

Wu Yayun’s lips raised, “What about Gina’er? She likes you. If you like me, what should Gina’er do?”

  She said this deliberately, just to make Jinale angry to death and make her compete with her for first place every day.

Qingmu was puzzled, "What does our matter have to do with Ji Na'er?" He liked Wu Yayun. It was his own business, what did it have to do with Ji Na'er?

Wu Yayun suddenly found it interesting when she saw that he had no sympathy for Jinal at all.

"Okay, since you like me, use your skills to pursue me. If you can't please me, don't blame me for ruthlessly rejecting you."

As long as Aoki goes to her house to chase her, Jiner will definitely see him.

 When the time comes to see her sweetheart chasing her with her own eyes, Jinale will definitely be angry to death, which makes her happy just thinking about it.

Mutuo, who heard the whole process on the sidelines, was unhappy and felt that Wu Yayun seemed to be bullying Jinal.

He didn't want to hear any more, so he simply rode to find Jinale and wanted to tell her about it.

Wu Yayun saw him leaving and hurriedly chased him.

 Aoki was left watching her leaving figure, thinking about how to catch her.

Sister Ying and her children were close to the scene and could hear their conversation, and they were all gossiping in their hearts.

Mr. Zhong asked, "Do you think these two couples can be together?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "I don't know, maybe, maybe not."

  But it seems that Mu Tuo is very interested in Jinale, so maybe the couple will become a couple.

Sister Yang asked, "Will Qingmu and Wu Yayun make it?"

Jinghan said, "I don't think Wu Yayun likes Qingmu at all, so how could she agree to marry him?"

Poor this sincere man, he will probably realize that he has been tricked in the end.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin also listened with gusto, bit by bit with their little heads.

Jing Shirong listened to their conversation.

 It seems that not only adults gossip, but also children.

 After watching the game, they went back together.

We ate outside in the evening. We had a big pot of rice. Many people ate together on the grass. Everyone just had to pay a little extra.

Sister Ying has been out in such a lively place for a long time, and she is in a very good mood.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin were running and jumping to play with other children.

 Some of the women enthusiastically came over to share the meat with them and started chatting with them.

“I heard that there will be a contest for marriage tomorrow. It is said that the princess from a small neighboring country is seeking marriage. Do you want to come and see it?”

  It is not uncommon to have martial arts competitions to recruit brides. It is a rare holiday, but everyone still wants to come and see it.

Sister Ying didn’t want to go out at first. She felt tired after being out for a day.

 But the children gathered around and wanted to come out.

I had no choice but to respond, "Okay, then come out and have a look tomorrow."

 That’s how raising children is. If they don’t use up all their energy, they won’t stop.

Even children like Little Piggy who can calm down want to come out to play, which shows how tiring it is to take care of children.

Sister Ying asked Jing Shirong while eating baked buns, "Can people from different small countries here intermarry?"

 Because today we are all people from different small neighboring countries, but everyone gets along very happily.

Jing Shirong nodded, "As long as there is no war, small neighboring countries that are close to each other can intermarry."

 It's just that ordinary people only look for people nearby, and there are still few intermarriages, but there are some.

“Then I’ll come and see it again at this time tomorrow, and I won’t come the day after tomorrow.”

 Taking the children out every day is too physically demanding.

“Okay, I won’t cook tomorrow, just go out and eat.”

 I’m tired of eating at home every day, but occasionally I go out to eat something delicious.

 (End of this chapter)

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