Chapter 959, Nobles’ Contest

 On the second day, the matter was finally resolved.

But once this matter was resolved, something new came again.

 In the morning, the third princess received a message from a flying pigeon, saying that the triennial noble competition was about to begin again.

 The emperor asked her if she could do it? Go ahead if you can.

This kind of aristocratic competition is about the royal face, and no one wants to lose.

 In previous years, it was the third princess, and this year is no exception.

 After all, her royal brothers are not as good as her in martial arts. It would be embarrassing if they lost. It would be safer for her to win.

When Young Master Zhong heard this, he asked, "Are you competing again?"

Wouldn’t the Princess of Nagaland also want to go? ?

 The third princess was speechless, "I told you, I have nothing to do with her."

Although she doesn’t like men, she doesn’t like women either.

 Besides, she is already married, and it is enough to have this jealous person around her, but she cannot stand another one.

Mr. Zhong glanced at her, "What do you mean? Do you still dislike me?"

The third princess panicked and hurriedly explained, "No, no, I said I only love you. I don't love anyone else, I just love you, okay?"

She is really scared of this jealous guy, so she should just admit her mistake.

  She would admit it no matter whose fault it was, as long as there was peace at home.

 Zhong Da saw that she had a good attitude, so he got angry.

 “When will the competition start?”

 The third princess said, “Next month.”

 The venue has not been determined yet, and it will be decided after several emperors discuss it.

 In previous years it was in the capital, but this year it will definitely be in a neighboring country.

 Every time we come to a different place, so that no one has any objections.

Mr. Zhong nodded, “Then I’ll send you this time?”

 The third princess nodded, "It should be so. I just don't know if the rules have changed."

 If the rules change, the contestants will also change.

Mr. Zhong held her arm and said, "If you go to compete, you will not look at her more than Princess Grant, and you are not allowed to talk to her. Remember that."

The third princess was ashamed, "If it is really beaten, how can I beat her if I don't care?"

Young Master Zhong was frustrated, but he also knew that this would not work, so he could only take a step back, "Then you have to knock her down as soon as possible, and then come back and hug me."

 Three princesses.

Is this man so jealous?

It's just a matter of fact, and the jealousy is so strong. If she really has a lover, he will be angry to death, right?

 Thinking about it, quickly recall whether you had any good friends in the past?

She thought about it carefully, and it seemed that there was not, but it seemed that there was, but she couldn't remember clearly.

 Forget it, just pretend it doesn’t happen.

 “Okay, I’ll listen to you.”

  Anyway, as long as the man is happy, she can coax him too.

Zhong Da was angry when he saw that she had a good attitude, so he let her go.

Sister Ying also knew about the martial arts contest between the nobles, and asked Jing Shirong, "Is the martial arts contest good to watch? She hasn't seen the nobles' martial arts contest yet."

Jing Shirong nodded, "It's quite exciting."

There is not only a competition in martial arts, but also a competition for honor among the royal nobles. The scene is very undercurrent.

Sister Ying heard this with interest, "Who won in previous years? Is it our Lingguo?"

 Compared to other small neighboring countries, Ling State has the largest territory and the largest number of soldiers and horses.

 There is only one Chen state that can compare with it. However, in recent years, the grain and grass of Chen State have not been fertile, and the number of soldiers and horses has dropped significantly. It can no longer compare with Ling State.

 Other small countries only have 30,000 to 20,000 soldiers and horses, let alone comparable.

 But if several small countries join forces, they will become a powerful opponent, so the emperor will always encourage production, encourage participation in the army, and even greatly increase military pay.

It is said that there will be a marriage match next year.

Whether there is a war or not, you will find wives for those little soldiers and generals. When the time comes, with the bond of your wife and children, those little soldiers and generals will go all out for their wives and children.

I have to say that the emperor made a great move. In order to provide a daughter-in-law for the one hundred thousand troops, he even began to encourage the birth of girls, for fear that there would not be enough girls to allocate them.

Sister Ying smiled helplessly after hearing this. She didn't know whether to praise this policy or to be troubled by the fact that children were born because of this situation.

However, the situation in each dynasty is different. If girls can be treated favorably for this, it is not too bad.

Like the three princesses who can bring glory to Ling Guo, other girls will definitely follow suit and strive to become self-reliant and self-reliant women.

 Another month later, the place for the competition was finally decided, and this time it was indeed set in a small neighboring country.

The reason why the emperor agreed to set the venue for the contest in a small neighboring country was because he wanted the people in the neighboring country to see how strong the people in their Ling country were.

Any princess can defeat their warriors, let them have a little awe and be more afraid of Ling Guo, so that they will not be too self-righteous.

 After receiving the order, the third princess began to sharpen her square halberd.

 Her square halberd was specially made by an expert and will not break down for a hundred years.

The sharp thorn can easily cut through a person's chest and hit the person's heart, almost killing him with one blow.

 Unless going to the battlefield, the third princess would never use the Square Heavenly Halberd. At most, it is used for dancing practice to avoid rust.

Mr. Zhong asked, "What are you doing with this? Aren't you just ordering it?"

The third princess frowned, "It's not that simple."

  If we go all the way, it will not be the style of a small neighboring country.

 Everyone wanted to show off their prowess and make the enemy afraid. How could it be possible to just stop there.

The index may also use hidden tricks to try to get the opponent seriously injured.

But with so many people watching, everyone knows how to act superficially, at least not to hurt others openly.

However, if someone deliberately wants to provoke a dispute between the two countries, he will definitely be doing something secretly, so he must be careful.

Mr. Zhong didn’t know much about these court affairs, but when he heard her say this, he could vaguely feel the undercurrent.

“Then, be careful and don’t get plotted.”

 He was a little worried. After all, this was his woman and the mother of his children. Naturally, he didn't want anything to happen to her.

 “You must be well and not hurt, otherwise I will cry.”

The third princess was hugged by him. Seeing that he looked like she was about to cry, her heart softened and she said, "I know."

 She is now a family person, so naturally she will not let herself get hurt easily.

 When the time comes, let Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong go together. With them watching, it will be safer.

Young Master Zhong nodded, hugging her and feeling aggrieved, "I will go and see her then, and I won't take the children with me."

 From what she said, it's so dangerous. It's better to leave the child at home.

 The third princess smiled. "It'll be okay, Qi Yuanming and the others are watching."

Mr. Zhong was still worried, "No, I'm still worried."

Even a little bit blamed for why there is no outstanding prince in the palace, and he actually let his woman fight with others, which is really annoying.

The third princess smiled, "The martial arts of several princes are pretty good, but compared with the tall and powerful princes from neighboring countries, they are still a bit behind."

Ling State is now the most powerful among several countries. If they lose, it will be a big loss, so they must choose her, who has the highest martial arts skills.

Mr. Zhong knew that she couldn't shirk him, so he could only hope that she would be safe.

 (End of this chapter)

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