Chapter 960, Sister Yang launched

 The third princess was hugged tightly by him, as if she was his most precious treasure, and his cold and hard heart softened.

She never dreamed that one day she would be someone else's favorite, and they would not let her go out of their way to do anything, which would make her heart warm.

She raised her hand to touch Mr. Zhong's head. Thinking that it would be better to be more cautious this time, she got up and went to discuss the matter with Jing Shi, Rong, Qi and Yuan Ming.

 “I’ll go back to the military camp, and you can take care of the children at home.”

 After saying that, he got up and left.

Mr. Zhong knew that she was busy and did not dare to pester her. He accepted his fate and went to take care of the child.

Sister Ying also heard about this at home, and waited until Jing Shirong came back before asking him, "What did the third princess want to discuss with you?"

Jing Shirong said as he put on his clothes, "Let's step on it better and squat down when the time comes to prevent someone from doing something secretly."

For example, when the third princess is fighting with the other prince, if someone has bad intentions, the other prince will suddenly die and fall to the ground. When the third princess is killed, the other king will definitely be furious.

After all, if the favored prince loses his life, the king will definitely not do it, and he will definitely settle the score with the emperor when the time comes.

 In order to calm down the incident, most people sacrifice their lives for lives or pay compensation.

 But the compensation is not enough at all, and the other king will still hold a grudge in his heart. When the time comes, several neighboring countries will cooperate and attack them.

  Or let the third princess die, causing the Ling Kingdom to lose a capable general. When the military is in a panic, others can take advantage of it and sneak in.

  No matter what the outcome is, it is fatal.

 So Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming should step forward and squat down.

 Once the mastermind behind the scenes is found, he must be caught.

Sister Ying asked, "Is it dangerous?"

Jing Shirong shook his head, "Not necessarily, everyone is not stupid. If we go check out the spots, others will definitely go. Let's see then."

 What they can think of, others can think of.

Those who want to break the rules of this competition will definitely use any means, or they may have already thought of a trick waiting for them.

 So they must be extremely vigilant and not let down.

Sister Ying understands.

“Then I’ll go and help keep an eye on it then.”

Her eyesight is good and she can see far away. When the time comes, she can find clues by looking at a tall building.

 Plus she is a woman, so if she dresses plainly, people won't pay attention to her.

Jing Shirong refused, "You take care of the children at home, but when you go out, you distract me."

Sister Ying knew that he was right, so she had no choice but to admit it.


 If she went, he would indeed be distracted.

 But if she doesn’t go, she won’t feel relieved either. It’s really a dilemma.

Just as he was talking, there was sudden movement in Sister Yang's nursery.

 “Sister!! Help!”

Sister Ying was startled by the loud scream and ran over.

 “What’s wrong? What’s wrong? Are you about to give birth?”

 As early as the day before yesterday, Sister Yang's baby was full term. It has been three days overdue, and it finally happened tonight.

 Fortunately, the midwife lives at home and gets up as soon as she calls.

Sister Ying rushed over to take a look.

At this time, Sister Yang was lying on the bed, not daring to move, because her amniotic water had broken and she could only lie down because she was afraid of losing all the amniotic fluid.

 But the cramping in her stomach made her throb in pain, frightened and frightened.

 “I’m coming, don’t be afraid.”

Sister Ying hurriedly checked it for her. Fortunately, she didn’t see any redness.

 The midwife came to check and asked the maid to boil water and prepare scissors.

Sister Ying asked Jing Shirong to call Qi Yuanming back.

 After a while, Qi Yuanming hurried back and ran to the delivery room as soon as he came back.

The midwife was going to stop her, but Sister Ying said she would let them meet before the baby was born.

The midwife had nothing to say, so she let him in.

 Qi Yuanming came in sweating profusely and went straight to the bed.

"Sister Yang, how are you? Have you given birth?" Sister Yang couldn't help but roll her eyes at him, "Idiot, you can't be that fast."

Qi Yuanming glanced at her round belly and breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. Fortunately, I caught up."

 I'm afraid that if he doesn't come back before the child is born, he will miss everything.

Sister Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so she asked him to wait outside.

 “My sister is here with me, you should go out first.”

"Okay, then I'll wait for you outside. If you need anything, just call me."

 After that, he went to the midwife and said, "Please let her suffer less, or I will fight you to the death!"


What kind of crazy man did you come from? He warned her before she was even born. Be careful and she will stab her in a moment.

Qi Yuanming immediately drew his sword, "Would you like to try it?"


“Well, I was wrong. I just look like a bad woman, but my heart is not bad, so don’t worry.”

Qi Yuanming just saw that she looked ferocious and looked like a bad person, so he was worried.

The midwife who delivered Sister Ying's baby happened to be unable to come because of something, so she found a fierce-looking one.

Qi Yuanming was afraid that she would bully Sister Yang, so he never dared to leave, so he squatted at the door so that he could rush in if anything happened.

 Fortunately, Sister Ying was inside, so he could feel more at ease.

 Sister Yang is her first child, and the labor process is relatively slow.

She felt pain for a while and rested for a while, but she didn't give birth that quickly at all.

Sister Yang couldn't help but grit her teeth when she was in pain and said, "Why don't you give birth yet? It hurts me to death."

The midwife said helplessly, "It's still early, I just opened three fingers, please wait."

  It was already the third watch, and when I opened my three fingers, Sister Yang felt like she was about to collapse.

Sister Ying cheered her up, "Persistence is victory. Don't you want to give birth to the child quickly and be relieved then?"

 Sister Yang wished she could pull the child out right away, so as not to torture her like this.

 But the cervix is ​​not fully dilated yet, so I can only endure it.

Qi Yuanming waited outside for a long time but didn't hear any movement. He was still surprised, "Sister Yang? Why didn't you scream?"

 Why is there no sound?

Sister Yang said angrily, "What's your name? Do you think it's something that doesn't require any effort?"

Qi Yuanming choked, "Then, then I'll get you something to eat."

Hurrying to the kitchen to bring things.

 Because the birth had not yet begun, the midwife allowed him to bring food in.

Qi Yuanming sat by the bed. Seeing that she was in so much pain that she had no strength to speak, he fed her some black chicken soup with distress.

 Feed her some sweets to replenish her strength.

 Sister Yang can still take two mouthfuls when she is not in pain.

 When the labor pains came, I grimaced in pain.

Sister Ying asked her to be patient and asked her servants to boil water.

 When it reached six fingers, someone brought the hot water in and let her soak in it.

Sister Yang was in so much pain that she had no energy left. She cried and groaned twice. She felt better after soaking in the water.

 When the sky was slightly bright, she opened her fingers.

The midwife took a look and said, "Okay, we can start giving birth."

As the cervix was fully opened, it was still slowly falling, and greater pain hit her. Sister Yang couldn't help but let out a scream.


It hurt so much that she woke up from her dream.

Qi Yuanming was very sleepy after staying up all night, but he was suddenly frightened by the sound and hurriedly wanted to go in.

“Sister Yang, are you okay?”

The maid stopped her and said, "General, don't go in yet, you will disturb the midwife."

Qi Yuanming was anxious, but he still had to stop.

“Sister Yang? Are you okay?”

 He kept shouting anxiously outside the window.

 (End of this chapter)

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