Chapter 961, Sister Yang gave birth

 Sister Yang still has the strength to reply to her at this time.

She only had one thought now, to give birth to the child as soon as possible. She was almost dying of pain.

Sister Ying has been by her side, "Open your mouth and breathe. You learned what you learned yesterday, take a deep breath."

Sister Yang took a deep breath and exhaled.

 Hold on when the midwife asks you to do it, and hold back when asked to do so.

 After a while, a sudden urge came over and the child's head came out.

 The midwife said happily, "I've seen the head, I've seen the head."

Sister Yang also breathed a sigh of relief.

Sister Ying asked her not to exert force yet and wait for a while.

As expected, Sister Yang stopped exerting her strength and took a breath.

 When the child's head comes out smoothly, everything will go smoothly.

After a while, the baby came out successfully. The midwife patted the baby's little buttocks, and the baby started to cry "Wow~Wow~".

At this time, it was already slightly bright. Qi Yuanming heard the cry of the baby inside, and his eyes were red.

“Sister Yang? Are you okay?”

Sister Yang feels that ten months of stool has finally been released, and she is very happy.

Hum said to the outside, "It's born."

I just don’t know whether it’s a boy or a girl.

The midwife held the baby in her arms and announced the good news, "Girl, six pounds and two taels."

Sister Yang let out a big breath. It didn’t matter whether it was a boy or a girl. It would be great if the baby could be born smoothly, otherwise it would make her want to smash the wall in pain.

Sister Ying went over to see the child and saw that the little girl was small, white and tender, but her face was a bit square.

 It seems that he has followed Qi Yuanming’s square face.

I just don’t know how Sister Yang felt after seeing it.

Sister Yang waited for a while before she remembered to take care of the child.

“Sister, please give me the child.”

I have been pregnant with this little thing for ten months, and I still don’t know what she looks like.

Sister Ying hummed, wiped the little guy clean, put on his clothes, and then took him over to show her.

 “Now, your daughter.”

She put the child on the bed. Sister Yang turned her head to look. Just as she was about to wonder, she saw the square little chin.

 Sister Yang.

 “Ah, this, this is a square face??”

Sister Ying coughed and consoled her, "My daughter follows her father. Besides, there's nothing wrong with having a square face. Isn't it quite cute?"

Sister Yang was not comforted.

 “Why can’t she follow me? I have an oval face.”

Xiao Liujin and Xiao Miguo both have round faces, and they are so cute. Why does her daughter have a square face? Woohoo, what should I do in the future?

Sister Ying. “It’s not that exaggerated.”

 Square face is also a characteristic. How can you say that about others?

Sister Yang snorted angrily, "You can only say that if your daughter doesn't have a square face. If Xiaomi Guo has a square face, I don't believe you won't cry."

Sister Ying.

“Mother does not think her mother is ugly, but you must not dislike her. Besides, she is also cute and cute. If you say that, she will be sad.”

 The little guy in his arms seemed to hear that his mother disliked her, and he immediately curled up his little mouth and cried, "Wow~Wow~".


 I cried so much that I was so sad.

Sister Yang instantly felt guilty and coaxed her, "Oh oh oh, it's your mother's fault. She shouldn't dislike you. If you have a square face, just have a square face. In the worst case, your mother will make a lot of money for you in the future. It doesn't matter if you can't get married."

 A new-born baby.

 Why does it feel like this sentence is not a compliment to her, but a compliment to her, but she doesn't understand it.

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "Okay, don't dislike her anymore. Children are very sensitive. If you dislike her, she won't play with you in the future."

Sister Yang also felt a little guilty. She glanced at her daughter fearfully and saw her looking at her with big eyes and a confused look on her face, as if she was a newborn kitten with cute **** and cute breasts.

Mother's love is suddenly overflowing and suddenly becomes rare.

“Oh, my daughter’s eyes are so big. It seems she has followed your father, and your father has big eyes.”

 The nose is also quite straight and the skin is white.

And with long arms and legs, he looks like a tall baby at first glance.

The only flaw is the small square face.    I had a small square face when I was a baby, and I don’t think it will change in the future.

Sister Yang is worried, but she can’t change it, so she can only accept it.

At worst, I will learn bone cutting surgery in the future. If my daughter wants it, I can cut it into a melon-shaped face.

Sister Ying.

 “You’d better save your time and concentrate on raising your children.”

Each child’s appearance is mostly innate, and there are some that may turn out to be different later on, but most of them are genetically determined.

 No matter what kind, giving them confidence is the best.

 Otherwise, the little girl will be disliked for having a square face at such a young age, and she may not be confident in herself and dislike her square face in the future.

Sister Yang was startled when she heard this, "Is that so? If you say she has a square face, she will become less confident?"

Sister Ying, "Of course."

If a child keeps telling her that a square face is not good-looking, she will naturally dislike it, and she will probably dislike her own square face even more when she grows up.

Sister Yang was a little scared after hearing this.

 “It’s okay, okay, I won’t talk about it anymore.”

 When she grows up, she will praise her square face every day for her good looks. Keep instilling in her the benefits of a square face so that she won’t feel inferior.

Sister Ying smiled helplessly, not knowing what to say.

  "You rest for a while, and I'll go to the kitchen to get you something to eat."

Sister Yang hummed, hugged the child and wanted to sleep for a while.

 After the delivery room was packed, Qi Yuanming was allowed to come in.

As soon as Qi Yuanming came in, he immediately rushed to the bedside to see her.

 “Sister Yang? How are you?”

Sister Yang looked at him sleepily, "I'm fine, I'm just a little sleepy."

Qi Yuanming touched her sweaty forehead distressedly, "Thank you for your hard work."

Sister Yang shook her head, "No."

 After saying that, he immediately showed his daughter to him.

 “Now, your daughter.”

Qi Yuanming was stunned and looked at the small ball in her arms.

 “This, this is my daughter?”

Sister Yang nodded proudly, "Yes, she is our daughter."

Qi Yuanming smiled and looked at his child like a silly father.

 “She is so small.”

 The small body is not as big as his hand.

 The little mouth is red, so cute.

Especially the small square face, which is exactly like him.

The more Qi Yuanming watched it, the more he liked it, "My daughter is so cute."

 Before, I saw Jing Shirong hugging his daughter every day, and I was very envious.

Now he also has his own daughter, which is great. He can also hold his own daughter in the future.

Sister Yang also laughed and said, "Give her a nickname."

Qi Yuanming nodded and took out a piece of paper from his arms, "I started looking for these last month. A Jing's daughter is called Xiao Miguo, and our daughter is called Xiao Yunduo. How about it?"

 Small clouds, white and white, so cute.

Sister Yang thought it was very cute and liked it immediately.

 “Okay, let’s call it Xiao Yunduo.”

 I hope that my daughter will be as soft and cute as a cloud in the future, and I will be happy just thinking about it.

Qi Yuanming smiled happily, and the couple looked at the child together for a while.

They didn’t start eating until Sister Ying brought the food.

 Having given birth all night, I feel sleepy after eating.

Sister Ying asked her to sleep first while she came to see the child.

There is also a wet nurse in the courtyard. If your child is hungry, you can go to the wet nurse first.

 (End of this chapter)

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