Chapter 962: Can’t feed

Seeing that she had made all the arrangements, Sister Yang felt sleepy after she felt at ease. She closed her eyes and fell asleep soon after.

Little Yunduo also yawned a little and fell asleep after a while.

Qi Yuanming looked at the mother and daughter quietly, and finally fell asleep contentedly beside the bed.

Sister Ying asked him to sleep on a nearby bed, and she took Xiao Yunduo away. The two people were so sleepy that they didn't even know the child was awake.

 She closed the door and let them sleep peacefully.

 At dawn, Jinghan and the others got up.

As soon as I heard that Sister Yang had given birth, I came over to take a look.

Little Yunduo was actually placed in the cradle, and the children gathered around to look at it.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin lay on the cradle curiously, looking at their newborn sister.

“Mom, is this my aunt’s sister?”

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, her name is Xiao Yunduo. From now on, you will protect her and don't let the older children bully her, you know?"

 Xiao Miguo nodded, "I know."

Xiao Liujin looked at it for a while and then realized, "Hey, why is my sister's face square?"

 Brother Zheng and Brother Yuan also looked over and said, "It is indeed square."

Sister Ying brainwashed them, "A square face is my sister's characteristic, and none of you have it. It shows that my sister is special and so cute."

A few children thought it made sense and nodded, "Yes, none of us have it. My little sister is really blessed."

Xiao Miguo also nodded seriously, "Yes, so cute."


She held back her smile and glanced at Sister Ying, meaning, "I really belong to you."

Sister Ying glanced back at her, "That's right."

 Wait until the child wakes up and is hungry.

She was about to cry when she opened her mouth, so Sister Ying immediately carried her to the nanny.

By the time Sister Yang woke up, it was already night.

 After she woke up, she felt dazed and rubbed her belly out of habit.

 The bulge in my belly is still there, but it’s gone a little bit better than before.

 She was startled when she didn't feel the fetal movement, "Huh? Why don't you kick?"

Normally I would kick her, but why is she so quiet today.

She patted her belly, and something suddenly came out from below. She was startled and called Qi Yuanming.

 “Big guy, it’s not good, I seem to be leaking something.”

Qi Yuanming was startled and woke up immediately, "What's going on? Let me take a look."

As soon as she lifted the quilt and was about to look, Sister Yang suddenly remembered.

 “Yeah, I forgot.”

She covered herself with the quilt and said to Qi Yuanming, "The baby was already born, but I forgot about it. I thought it wasn't born yet."

 Qi Yuanming breathed a sigh of relief, it's okay.

 He looked at the house and found that the child was not inside.

 She asked curiously, “Where is the child?”

Sister Yang looked outside and said, "The eldest sister should have taken her away."

Qi Yuanming then went out to take a look, and sure enough, the child was at the nanny's place.

Seeing that the child was fine, Qi Yuanming went to bring food to Sister Yang.

“No, I have to finish the three dishes, one soup, and the fruits.”

 This is the confinement meal prepared by Sister Ying for her. Qi Yuanming remembers that Sister Ying said that she should eat it all.

Sister Yang looked at the portion and ate it all.

 I missed my child after eating.

 “Bring the child to me.”

 It usually stayed in her belly, but when it suddenly wasn't there, she felt panicked.

Qi Yuanming also wanted to have a child, so he went to bring the child.

Little Yunduo has just finished feeding, and her little mouth is nuzzling, so cute.

The more Qi Yuanming looked at it, the more he liked it. He hugged it and kissed it.     “So good, like me. Haha~”

Sister Yang was happy, "What does it look like to you? It's obviously like me."

Qi Yuanming was unconvinced and looked at his daughter's big eyes and small square face. She looked like him no matter how she looked.

But he also dared to argue with Sister Yang, lest she get angry later.

“Yes, yes, like you, you are a good baby, and she is also a good baby.”

 Sister Yang was in a good mood because she was praised. She hugged her daughter and took a few breaths.

 “It smells so good, milky.”

Qi Yuanming also took a sip, "Yes, it's like milk skin, milky and milky."

The two of them hugged their daughter and looked at her for a long time without letting go, which was very strange.

 After a while, Sister Yang said, "I heard that the aristocratic competition is about to begin. Are you going to help?"

Qi Yuanming nodded, "If you want, A Jing and I will go."

Sister Yang nodded, "Then be careful and don't get hurt."

“Now you have a wife and daughter, so take care of yourself. You still have to support your family.”

Qi Yuanming nodded, "That's natural. Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to me."

 Before he got married, he dared to go through mountains of swords and seas of fire.

 Now that I have a wife and children, I feel somewhat sorry for my life.

But it’s a matter of the court’s face, so we can’t let down our guard. We need to be more serious.

By the time the couple finished chatting, it was already dark.

 The child woke up after sleeping for a while, opened his mouth and started crying. He was obviously hungry.

Sister Yang hurriedly opened her clothes to feed her, but unfortunately she never got out of the house. The child cried loudly when she couldn't eat. In the end, she had no choice but to carry it to the wet nurse.

 Seeing the child being taken away, Sister Yang, who didn't like crying too often, suddenly started crying.

When Sister Ying came over, she saw her crying sadly. Knowing why she was crying, she comforted her, "It's okay. It won't work today. Let's try again tomorrow."

 Not all mothers have quick bowel movements.

 Some go for three to five days, and some don’t go out for a month. Everyone’s situation is different. Don’t blame yourself too much. Who doesn’t want to feed her child?

 But if there is no milk, there is nothing we can do.

“Just relax and try again tomorrow, maybe it will work.”

Even if it doesn’t work, it’s okay. “The wet nurse will feed you during the day and you will take care of the rest, so you don’t have to worry about the child disowning you.”

Sister Yang sniffed and asked, "Is this okay?"

It is said that if the child has milk, she is a mother. If the child does not recognize her, she will be heartbroken.

Sister Ying touched her head and comforted her, "No, look at Mr. Zhong, he has no milk to feed the children. Aren't the two children closest to him?"

"Except for not breastfeeding, you have to do everything else by yourself. The child will definitely kiss you."

Like washing, cuddling, sleeping, playing and talking with each other, after a complete set, the child will know that this person is his mother and loves him, so he will naturally get close to her.

Zhong Dashao is a good example.

 Except for not being able to breastfeed, he did all the other things that a father and a mother do. The children all kissed him and only recognized him.

 With Master Zhong as an example, Sister Yang was really comforted.

On the second day, she continued to try, but it still didn’t work. Even after drinking something special, it still didn’t work.

She refused to give up and kept trying, but it had no effect and she even cried in pain.

Seeing her like this, Sister Ying could only stop her cruelly.

 “Okay, okay, don’t try, it’s all bleeding.”

 Hurry up and give her some medicine.

 “You are also someone who has read the Anthology of Hundreds of Diseases. Some women are born without water, and there is nothing that can be done about their physical problems.”

"I know you want to feed it yourself, but you can't try hard if you don't have milk. Now that the wound is broken and the baby can't eat even after applying medicine, you can just take care of yourself and let the wet nurse feed you. You can take care of it yourself at other times. Don't try again. "

Sister Yang was so angry that she cried, but she also knew that she had no choice but to give up.

 (End of this chapter)

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