The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 963: , it’s hard to lie to children when they are older.

Chapter 963: It’s hard to lie to children when they are older

 Sister Yang felt extremely insecure because she could not feed her.

Especially when the child is hungry, he has to be carried to the wet nurse, which makes her almost feel guilty and depressed.

Every time the child finished eating, she would immediately take it back.

Afraid that the child will recognize the nanny but not her.

Sister Ying knew that this was the time to protect the calf, so she didn't stop her. Instead, she told the wet nurse not to hang around in front of her if she had nothing to do.

Every day, I basically pick up the baby after feeding it, so that Sister Yang won't have to think too much.

Sister Yang also feels that her temper has been a bit strange recently, and she gets angry for no reason, especially when she sees her child being taken away, which makes her even more angry.

When Qi Yuanming came back to see her, she even scolded him.

Fortunately, Sister Ying had vaccinated Qi Yuanming in advance and told him to be tolerant, because Sister Yang’s hormone levels were still a bit chaotic during this period, and since she couldn’t feed the child, her temper was even less controllable.

Qi Yuanming knew that she was sad and couldn't feed her child, and it was too late to feel distressed. How could he care about her?

Jinghan also came to comfort her several times, but it had no effect. Sister Yang's mood was still up and down.

 Finally, Mr. Zhong came over with his youngest son in his arms and taught her his experience, and she felt better.

“Look at me, I don’t have a place to feed the child. The wet nurse is doing it, but doesn’t the child still only recognize me?”

 He put his little son on the bed, and the little boy immediately reached out to him and asked him to hug him. He looked particularly attached to Mr. Zhong.

"See? As long as you take her to sleep every day, take care of her to wash, talk to her, play with her, and take her with you wherever you go, the child will naturally know that you are the mother."

 His two children are handled by himself, and the results are naturally very good.

Sister Yang finally felt better when she saw someone who couldn't feed the pig like her.

Since then, except for feeding time, she has been spending time with the child.

Little Yunduo was confused at first and her reaction was slow.

 Either eating or sleeping every day.

Sister Yang is tireless and always takes her with her when eating, sleeping and looking at herbal medicines.

  Hard work pays off. After confinement, the little one has only recognized Sister Yang. No one can take her away, and Sister Yang must be by her side.

Qi Yuanming only came back every now and then, and the little guy didn't even remember him.

However, the father and daughter look exactly the same, with square faces and big eyes. The eyeballs are jet black, very deep, and they look very energetic.

The more Sister Yang looked at it, the more she liked it. Even the small square face became her favorite, and she kissed her non-stop every day.

 “My little Yunduo is so good, he doesn’t even cry. He is so cute.”

  While talking and kissing, Qi Yuanming who was standing by was extremely envious.

 “Madam, give me a hug.”

 When he came back in the morning, Sister Yang kept holding the child, and he didn't even get a chance to hold it.

Sister Yang looked at him eagerly and reluctantly handed the child to him, "Now, you can hold her for a while. But don't kiss her, she doesn't like the prickly beard."

Qi Yuanming said obediently, "I understand."

When you hold the child in your hands, the soft touch is really heart-warming.

Qi Yuanming’s square face looked at his daughter’s square face. One thinks her daughter is cute, but the other thinks her dad has a nice face and is not as pretty as her mother at all.

 “Little Yunduo, I am daddy, do you still remember me?”

 Babies are very forgetful and cannot remember things if they don’t see them every day.

Little Yunduo looked at him for a while and had forgotten who he was, but his appearance felt a bit familiar, so he didn't reject him.

Qi Yuanming was very moved when he saw that she didn't cry or make trouble, and looked like she trusted him.

“Look, blood is thicker than water, how much my daughter loves me.”

Sister Yang chuckled and said, "You two look exactly the same. You don't need to shed blood to know that you are biological father and daughter."

Qi Yuanming was particularly proud, "That's right, the square face in my family is unique. Others can't inherit it even if they think it is." Anyway, he likes his daughter's small square face very much. It's so unique and cute. Other children can't inherit it. Not yet.

 Sister Yang.

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the same is true for my old father. He can accept his daughter no matter how ugly she is, and even finds her cute.

"By the way, I have to go to the competition venue with the third princess tomorrow, so I won't be able to come back. You take good care of yourself at home, and I'll be back when I'm done."

Sister Yang nodded, "Okay, then be careful. My daughter and I will wait for you to come back."

Qi Yuanming nodded, "Don't worry, I can do it."

Jing Shirong also told Sister Ying and asked her to wait at home for news.

Sister Ying, however, hesitated and did not agree, obviously she still wanted to go.

Jing Shirong laughed, "Why don't you say anything? Are you still thinking of sneaking away?"

If you are still so naughty now that you are a mother, Xiaomi Guo will definitely follow her.

 “I don’t have one.” She pouted with an unconvinced look on her face. Her expression was exactly the same as Xiaomiguo’s.

Jing Shirong smiled helplessly, "Okay, if you want to go, hide yourself well. Plan your escape route first when you get there, so that you can cope with any changes by staying the same."

 Every time they go on a mission, their first priority is to remember the escape route so that they can escape in times of trouble.

Sister Ying has learned this after following him for so long.

“Don’t worry, I went there a few days ago and got better at it. I know which road is closest to our house.”

She has even scouted the way to the military camp. When there are many enemies, she can go directly to the military camp.

Jing Shirong saw her progress and praised her, "Not bad, she has made some progress."

Sister Ying smiled proudly, "That's right."

But she can go, but Xiaomiguo and the others can't go, so they can all spend the day at home.

Xiao Miguo was unhappy when she learned that her mother went out without her.

“Mom, can’t you take me with you? I will be a good boy.”

Sister Ying shook her head, "Mom is going to do some serious business. You stay at home and I will bring you a gift when I come back."

Xiao Miguo pursed her lips, not happy.

“I don’t want a gift, I just want to be with my mother. The mountains and the sky are incomparable, so I dare to make a decision. I will never be separated from my mother until I die.”

Sister Ying.

 “Where did you learn this?”

Although they have started teaching reading, they haven’t taught this sentence yet, right? ?

Xiao Miguo chuckled and said proudly with her round face, "This is what the big brother next door said to the big sister. The big brother said he would never separate from the big sister."

“It means that I won’t be separated from my mother, so my mother will take me there.” (Big eyes blink~)

Sister Ying was really impressed by her, "You have to study tomorrow. Brother Piggy is coming to test your homework. Have you forgotten?"

Every seventh day, Xiaozhuzhu comes to check on her and Xiaoliujin’s homework, and tomorrow is the seventh day.

Xiao Miguo was really wilted when she heard it.

 “That’s great.”

 Finally convinced this little thing, Sister Ying couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that it was getting harder and harder to deceive her children as they got older.

When you were a kid, you could just fool around with a few words, but now if you want to lie to her, you have to make it so that she can't refute it, otherwise she won't accept you.

 At just over two years old, Sister Ying felt that her future education would be difficult.

Jing Shirong smiled, "Take your time, I will accompany you."

With his words, Sister Ying felt at ease and in a better mood.

 (End of this chapter)

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