Chapter 964, the rules have changed

 On the second day.

Jing Shirong left early in the morning.

Sister Ying was not in a hurry. After she got up, she would dress up first, then have a meal, and then take Xiaomiguo to Xiao Liujin's room to sleep.

She asked the cook to prepare some delicious food for the two of them, and left a note for Xiaomiguo before going out.

 After arriving at the door, I suddenly saw a familiar figure from behind.

The other party also heard the sound of the door opening and waved to her, "Sister Ying, come here quickly."

Sister Ying was stunned for a moment and didn't recognize who the other party was.

But the voice felt familiar.

When the other party came up to me, I realized, "Brother Zhong? Why is it you?"

The man in front of her looked like an old man. He was also dressed in the clothes of an elderly person. Even his hair was whitened. No wonder she didn't recognize him.

“Brother Zhong, why are you dressed like this?”

She reacted, "Is it possible that you are also going to watch the competition?"

Mr. Zhong nodded, "Yeah, I'm not worried, but I still want to take a look."

 He pushed the two sleeping children over and asked his servants to take them to Xiao Liujin's house, and let them play together today.

Sister Ying smiled helplessly, "Just in time, I'm going too, so let's go together."

Young Master Zhong got what he wanted and nodded happily, "Okay."

He had already sneaked out, so he could find someone to be emboldened to avoid losing his temper if the woman knew about it.

Sister Ying saw through him at a glance, "You sneaked out, right?"

 Zhong Dashao.

He said firmly, "No, I'm just curious and want to see the excitement."

“Besides, I’m half a royal, so I can still go and see it.”

Sister Ying laughed so hard, "Does the third princess know this?"

She didn't know about it, but Mr. Zhong wouldn't say it because he was afraid that Sister Ying wouldn't take him with her.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Oh, we are good friends. I will help you. Why are you pretending to me?"

Mr. Zhong scratched his head in embarrassment, "Okay, I really want to go secretly, and the third princess doesn't know."

 After all, it was his wife who was on stage today, the mother of two children. He couldn't feel at ease, but he didn't feel at ease just by taking a look at her, so he dressed up in disguise.

Sister Ying understood him and patted her shoulder, "Don't worry, I've found a good spot. I'll be there soon."

"But I have agreed in advance that if something happens, you will be the first to run away from me. If you are caught by someone who is interested, you will become the weak point of the third princess and cannot act on impulse. Do you understand?"

Mr. Zhong understood and nodded, "I understand."

 He was afraid of hindering the third princess, so he dressed up in disguise.

 If something happens, the third princess won't be distracted if she doesn't recognize him.

Sister Ying said, "The important thing is that you have to run by yourself. If you run successfully, the third princess will not be distracted."

 If you get caught, it’s the end of the world.

Mr. Zhong was confused when he heard this, "Are there really so many bad people?"

 Nowadays, in the peaceful and prosperous times, it is rare to see gangsters maliciously hurting people on the streets.

Sister Ying waved her hand and explained to him in detail, "This is different."

 There are not many conflicts of interest among the people, and naturally there are no incidents of hurting anyone. They can only argue a few words.

 However, there are turbulences among several neighboring countries. Everyone wants to be the largest country, so naturally it is not as calm as it seems on the surface.

Yiguo has been trying to attack Lingguo in recent years, and has been secretly communicating with several other small countries.

 The emperor was afraid that these small countries would unite to attack Ling State, so he kept the three princesses on guard.

 In this competition, several neighboring countries have selfish motives, and the emperor naturally also has selfish motives.

Neighboring countries want to ruin Ling's reputation, and he also wants to provoke discord among several countries, and he has laid many tricks behind his back.

 The third princess knew about it, including Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming. Only Mr. Zhong and the others don’t know.

The third princess felt that he didn’t understand the affairs of the court, so she didn’t tell him to avoid worrying him.

Sister Ying knew about it, but she didn't tell Mr. Zhong. She just gave him a few words to stop him from talking nonsense.

The two of them disguised themselves until they arrived at the high-rise inn they had chosen in advance. By this time, the inn was already crowded with people.

This time the arena is located in the busiest street of a neighboring country.

The location here is empty and it is still in the center of the street.

Nearly all the inns around the arena were filled with people. There were so many people watching the competition, they were bustling and crowded.

 Fortunately, Sister Ying had reserved a seat in advance, otherwise there would be no place to sit.

She didn't book a private room because she was afraid that the private room would be unsafe, so she booked a seat by the window on the third floor.

At this time, the third floor was full of people. Some were standing and some were sitting, all of them were cracking melon seeds and discussing.

“Hey, tell me, who has the best chance of winning this year’s competition between princes?”

 Those who have watched the martial arts competition in the past years know a little bit about it, "I think it should be the third princess and Ba Damu."

 Ba Damu is the strongest warrior in the grassland. He is nearly two meters tall and extremely strong. It is said that he can lift a large furnace by himself.

 That furnace cauldron weighs two hundred kilograms.

 Such a strong warrior, even a master would be a little afraid of him.

  After all, the rule is to stop at the point and not to hurt people's lives.

 So swords are not very suitable. If used with bare hands, it is indeed not as durable as Ba Damu.

Mr. Zhong looked at the crowd and saw a particularly tall and brave man.

The man had a rough face and sharp eyebrows, and he was not someone to be trifled with at first glance.

Especially, his arms are full of muscles, as hard as big rocks, which is scary to look at.

 Such a tall man, Mr. Zhong was a little worried about the third princess.

Sister Ying is also a little worried.

No matter how powerful the third princess is, her body is still a woman's. Compared to a wrestling man who is over two meters tall, she will still be weaker in strength.

If you are really bare-handed, it may not be easy to win.

Mr. Zhong sweated tightly and suddenly didn't dare to look at it.

 He glanced around and saw that the princes sent by the neighboring countries were all over 1.9 meters tall and weighed more than 200 kilograms.

Looking at the way they make a thumping sound when walking, you can tell that they are very strong.

It seems that Yiguo came with the mentality of winning this time.

 What will happen if the third princess loses later?

At this time, the third princess was in the dark with Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming, observing everything downstairs. She also found that the princes sent by several neighboring countries this time were very strong, and she was a little confused.

“I didn’t meet these people three years ago. Could it be that these people are fake?”

Jing Shirong sent someone to check in advance and replied, "The rules have changed this year. Of the three strong men, two are concubines of the minister's family, and one is a horse slave."

 The rules have changed this year. Instead of only selecting the princes and grandsons of nobles as in previous years, everyone can participate.

Since everyone can participate, all masters can participate, no matter whether they are aristocrats or not.

 The third princess understood, "No wonder."

 No wonder these people who came this time are so strong and not ordinary people in terms of physique.

 If other princes come, she will be confident.

 But when these strong men come out, it’s hard to say.

 She can win in terms of martial arts, but her physical strength decreases after each round.

If you continue to fight this group of people, when your physical strength is exhausted, it will be difficult to pass the last level.

 (End of this chapter)

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