The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 966: , the people of Chen State vomited blood

Chapter 966: People from Chen Kingdom vomited blood

Jing Shirong and the third princess could see clearly from upstairs.

Then Chen Jian is indeed a master, and he has not yet used his full strength.

Being the number one master in the Killer Building, his strength is obviously not low. But they wanted to think too badly of him, and it seemed unnecessary for them to worry about him.

Looking at his ease, you can tell that this person has rich combat experience and is worthy of being the emperor's confidant.

Jing Shirong and the third princess looked at each other. Unexpectedly, the other party knew that this person was the emperor's confidant.

The third princess smiled helplessly, "I know very well the virtues of my father."

In this kind of competition that concerns the royal dignity, he will not hide his clumsiness and will definitely send the most capable talents to avoid losing face.

In order to win, even Chen Jian, a confidant who never let him show up, was sent out, which shows that the emperor wanted to win.

The third princess naturally wants to win, she must win just for the sake of Ling Guo's prestige.

Lest these people think about attacking them together every day.

 The next game is a competition between people from the State of Chen and the State of Yi.

Jing Shirong took a quick look and saw that there were some physical differences between the people of Yi and Chen.

 The men of Yiguo have always been tall and mighty.

Although the men of Chen State are also tall, they are all thin and thin, and they do not look brave.

 Comparing the two, normal people would think that the brave one would win.

However, Chen Jian, the thinner one, won just now, and this time everyone no longer judged a book based on appearance.

 The audience said, "Who do you think will win this time?"

“I heard that the Chen State has been quite friendly with the Ya State recently, and they even talked about getting married. Both countries are like in-laws, so they shouldn’t fight too hard.”

 As he said this, the competition began.

People from Chen and Yi countries clasped fists at each other and then took action.

This time the fight was more normal, using a wrestling style.

I don’t know if Chen Guo did it on purpose or not. Not long after he got up, he was knocked down several times in a row.

Everyone thought, "The people from the Chen Kingdom are not very good at the bottom. It is strange that they are lifted up as soon as they are lifted up, and they are not knocked down."

 Just fell down a few times, and when the time was up, the people from Yiguo won.

Jing Shirong was watching from upstairs, and Qi Yuanming also saw it, and asked them, "Do you think the people of Chen State deliberately let go of Yi State?"

 After all, the two countries are going to marry each other, and the State of Chen needs strong soldiers from the State of Yai. Maybe this competition was deliberately conceded.

 The third princess nodded, "It's possible."

But it’s not like she won’t do what they want.

  If Chen Guo gives in again soon, she will do something dirty.

The purpose of coming today is not only to win the championship, but also to destroy the relationship between Yaiguo and Chenguo. There will be more excitement in a while.

The third scene is the comparison between Yaguo and Linguo.

The people of Yiguo were tall and strong, and they soon won the victory.

 The common people were very excited when they saw it. "I feel that the strong men of the Yi Kingdom are quite capable of fighting, but it's not interesting for civilians to fight. In the past, the nobles fought with more vigor."

  After all, he always uses his fists, so he is not very interesting at all.

It's better to use some martial arts moves, show swords, etc. Everyone is tired of watching just fighting with bare hands.

 In the fourth scene, it was the people of Chen State and Ling State.

This time it’s Qi Yuanming.

After Qi Yuanming came on stage, some girls screamed, "Oh my god, it's General Qi. He looks so manly~ I like it~"

Other girls who knew him expressed their support, "Come on, General Qi."

 When the other people saw that this was a general, they immediately became interested. "Interesting, we finally have a general. I wonder if the third princess will come? And Princess Greene."

If these two people play together, the fight will be beautiful.

Some people who didn't know anything asked, "Have you seen the third princess competing with Princess Green? Is it good?"

"Of course she is beautiful. The third princess is the best princess in the Ling Kingdom. She is capable of literary and military skills and can lead troops. She is very powerful."

Princess Greene’s fans were dissatisfied after hearing this. “Is it amazing if you know martial arts? Then we, Princess Greene, are also great.”

Some people saw them competing and laughed, "Don't worry, if the third princess and Princess Green come out later, we'll just watch them carefully."

 You will know by comparing the victory and defeat, there is no need to fight at all.

They looked at the ring again and saw that the people from the Chen Kingdom were pinned to the ground by Qi Yuanming in a few moments, unable to move.

Qi Yuanming knew that the people of Chen State were not very good at martial arts, but was there something wrong with being so weak?

 He always feels like he can't fight hard. Could it be that his martial arts skills are getting better?

Jing Shirong also looked strange upstairs.

“In the past, although the people of the Chen Kingdom were not as good as us in martial arts, they were still unable to catch all three moves. What is the Chen Kingdom planning now?”

The third princess was also thinking about this, "I've already asked someone to keep an eye on it, and I'll know the answer in the evening."

The people sent out by the Chen Kingdom today are all tall and thin, but they are also muscular.

 But they were knocked down within a few blows without being beaten. It didn't look like they were too weak in martial arts, but rather like they fell down on purpose.

 “Yeah, he seems to be bleeding.”

As the man from Chen State fell to the ground, Qi Yuanming also felt strange, so he walked over and scratched him with his feet to see if he was really faint.

Unexpectedly, after just two gentle pulls, the other party started to bleed, and it came out of his mouth.

 Let alone everyone else, even Qi Yuanming found it strange.

 He ​​squatted down and was about to check the other party's injuries, but unexpectedly the other party suddenly opened his eyes, smiled sinisterly, and then sprinkled a handful of medicine powder.

Since he was facing away from the audience, the audience could not see the powder when he blew it lightly.

 Fortunately, Qi Yuanming reacted quickly and immediately spun around, holding his breath and closing his eyes.

He dodged, but the other person suddenly vomited blood, then stared at him with blood-red eyes, pointing his finger at him, as if he had died unjustly.

 “Oh my god, he killed someone.”

The people were in an uproar, and they didn't expect that someone would be killed in a martial arts contest.

“Oh my God, this Ling country is so bad. It’s just a martial arts competition, but it actually poisons people to death. It’s really knowing people but not knowing their hearts.”

“That’s right, I’m still a general. With such ruthless tactics, why should I be a general? I’d rather be a Rakshasa.”

   You say something to me as a "careful person", trying to ruin Ling Guo's reputation.

Qi Yuanming quickly reacted, knowing that this was a trick, and immediately refuted loudly.

"What you are saying is really funny. With my martial arts skills, let alone him, I have beaten both of them. Is it necessary to use poison?"

"Besides, he was already lying on the ground just now, and I have already won, so why bother to come out and cause trouble for myself."

“Who knows if there are some thoughtful people who want to damage the reputation of our country, Ling, and deliberately came here to frame me.”

The people looked at each other and felt that what he said made sense.

  Indeed, "I have already won a sure victory just now, so there is no need to make such a show."

And this person died a bit strangely, how could he die suddenly despite being so good?

“That’s right, General Qi didn’t even hit him on the head just now. He hit him on the legs at most. How could he be dead? It seems really strange.”

 Everyone was suspicious, and the referee couldn't just sit back and watch, so he came out to preside over the situation.

"Okay, stop arguing now and let the doctor take a look. He will know in a moment."

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 (End of this chapter)

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