Chapter 967, Lower Cartilage Powder

 Because of this incident, the game was suspended.

The doctor came soon. He was an old man with gray hair.

This man's name is the Son of God, and he is quite prestigious among several neighboring countries.

Not only the nobles, but the common people also came to him for medical treatment, and he cured all major and minor illnesses. Therefore, in the eyes of the people of several neighboring countries, this holy son was Hua Tuo when he was still alive, and everyone had no doubts about his medical skills. .

The Son of God touched the white sheep's beard to check it with the player from Chen Kingdom. After a while, he touched the white beard and said.

“This man is not dead at all, he is just so weak because he inhaled a kind of powder that makes his hands and feet weak.”

“As for the reason why he vomited blood, it may be that he exercised too much and forced himself to break the power of the medicine, so he vomited blood.”

 Everyone understood it, but began to wonder, "How could he inhale the powder that made his hands and feet paralyzed? What did he think?"

There's a competition coming up, shouldn't we smoke this thing? Could it be that he was harmed by someone?

  Publicer A, "I think it's possible. Otherwise, how could we smoke this thing during a good martial arts competition? Someone must have given it to them because they wanted them to lose, right?"

People B said, "Let me just say, although this man looks weak, he shouldn't have fallen to the ground in just two blows. It turns out he was hit by cartilage dispersion."

The common people had never heard of Cartilage Powder, so they immediately asked the man, "What is Cartilage Powder?"

The man replied, "It's a medicinal powder that makes people weak. However, this kind of medicinal powder is not common. It is only available to people in the martial arts world."

 Speaking of this, everyone looked at each other in confusion, "A person from the martial arts world?"

Isn’t that the first player in Lingguo?

Is it possible that he didn't give the medicine?

At this moment, another voice came from outside, "It's not good, Battle is also vomiting blood."

 “What? He vomited blood too?”

Bartelle was the one who competed in the first battle just now.

Everyone was impressed by his ruthless face and wondered, "Why is he vomiting blood?" Could it be that he was really drugged by Chen Jian?

Everyone looked suspicious, and even the referee began to be suspicious, asking Shen Zi to quickly go over and take a look.

 The Son of God went over to check his pulse, touched his goatee and said, "He was also infected with cartilage powder."

 The people were surprised, "But the banging sound he made just now doesn't look like he has no strength."

Shenzi explained, "That's because he has a good constitution. He didn't have an attack immediately after inhaling it, but he didn't start to have an attack until it was over."

“If you are an ordinary person, you will immediately fall to the ground if you smell it.”

 Only these warriors with a foundation in martial arts can survive for so long.

 Everyone looked at each other and had doubts in their hearts. After all, both of them had cartilage scattered, which can only mean that someone did it deliberately.

The referee also felt strange and immediately called all the contestants who had competed to check.

 The Son of God had no problem checking their pulses.

 Only the players competing against Lingguo are affected by the trick, players from other countries are fine.

 When everyone heard this result, they already had a conclusion in their hearts, but they just didn’t dare to say it.

A thoughtful person saw the opportunity and said in the crowd, "Is it possible that the people from Ling Kingdom did something?"

“Otherwise, why are the players from other countries okay, but when they arrive at Ling Country, their opponents fall to the ground?”

  Everyone agreed very much, "Yes, no wonder Battle, who was so brave, was beaten to the point where he couldn't get up. It turned out that he was beaten to pieces."

Everyone has understood what he said, and they all looked at Qi Yuanming as if they were evildoers.

Qi Yuanming also understood. It turns out that this drama is happening here.

He just said that no matter how thin the people of the Chen Kingdom were, they could not be this weak. It turned out that a trap was set in advance for them to fall into the trap.

 He took his time and struck preemptively. "This is such a coincidence. How come players from other countries are fine when they play, but when they come to our Ling country, they are all weak?"

“Could it be that our Ling Kingdom is too powerful and scares the players away from fighting with strength, so they just take Cartilage Powder? Do you want to use this move to show your favor to us?”

Everyone looked at each other and secretly thought that this general was really arrogant.

 Why do they mean that Ling Guo is so powerful that players dare not fight and just take cartilage powder?

They were all dumbfounded and even speechless.

Qi Yuanming just made them confused and said loudly, "Now the spearheads are all pointed at our Ling country. No matter how you look at it, it is a trap."

“Since you think our Ling Kingdom won by relying on cartilage powder, why not let’s compete again.”

“This time you select people on the spot and let the doctor check them out so that you don’t have to vomit blood as soon as you go on the field. What’s the point of playing?”

“If you want to fight, fight openly and honestly, don’t embarrass yourself by eating those things.”

People in Yiguo were all confused. "What do you mean? Could it be that we ate the cartilage powder ourselves?"

Qi Yuanming dug his ears, "I can't feed you, right? You're all on the stage, how can I feed you?"

“Besides, I don’t need to give you any medicine because of my strength. Three moves will make you kneel down and call me grandpa.”


The people of Yiguo didn't expect that he not only remained calm but also dared to bite them back.

 Those who don’t know better think that they don’t dare to fight with real materials, so they eat cartilage powder. It makes them so weak and afraid of death.

Qi Yuanming saw that he was angry and continued to provoke him, "Do you think that all the masters in Ling Kingdom are fake? Let me tell you, without me taking action, Chen Jian alone can beat ten of you. If you don't accept it, ten of you will be beaten." All on."

 After he said this, the people wanted to see it even more.

“General Tamerlane, since they are so crazy, let’s go together ten of them. If the time comes, the other side will ask for it.”

They, Yi State, had long wanted to lead troops to attack Ling State, but they didn't have enough troops, otherwise they would have attacked Ling State long ago.

 This year, I finally got along with the Chen State, hoping to form an alliance between the two countries, destroy the Ling State's prestige in the competition, turn them from a great country into a sinister villain, and ruin their reputation.

Naihe failed as soon as he took action.

This man named Qi Yuanming is just a general who has just arrived in the capital, and he is actually so eloquent.

Now they, the Ling State, insist that it is their Yi State that eats the cartilage powder themselves, and it will not work if they don't do it.

And the ten to one ratio was proposed by Ling Guo himself, so don’t blame them for being rude.

“Well, since you have already spoken, we are embarrassed to refuse, so we can go together, and time is still a stick of incense.”

 When the time comes, beat their right-hand man to death and see how arrogant they can be.

Qi Yuanming snorted coldly, "It's not certain who will win and who will lose. If you lose ten to one, you will never come to participate in martial arts competitions in the future. It will be embarrassing."


This general named Timur was half-dead with anger, and what made him stronger was a general going into battle, "Come on, beat me to death."

  The other party is not a nobleman anyway, so it’s okay to beat him to death.

 If the people of Ling State are not beaten to death today, they will not understand their hatred.

Qi Yuanming looked calm on his face, but he was worried in his heart, for fear that Chen Jian would not be able to fight ten against one.

Fortunately, he added in time, "Of course ten against one is no problem, but you are so tall, we have to get a tool, otherwise it will be a big loss if you plot against us."

 (End of this chapter)

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