Chapter 969, even better

Except for the people from the Yi and Chen countries, whose faces were ugly, the people from other countries were very excited.

 After all, the next scene is that of the third princess.

 The third princess has been at the border all year round. Everyone has heard rumors about her, including many fans.

Especially the girls, they came here under the bright sun today just to watch the three princesses compete.

A male audience member reminded, "The next scene seems to be for General Jing and General Lu, and the last scene is for the three princesses."

Fans felt a pity when they heard that she was not the third princess, "Why do we need another show? It's been so long."

“And what’s the origin of General Jing? Have you never heard of him before?”

Jing Shirong has always kept a low profile, and it is normal for people in neighboring countries not to know him.

Everyone thought it was just a competition between two generals, and it was of little value, so they all stopped to drink water.

Jing Shirong specially wore a general's uniform today. After all, he was representing the imperial court and had to wear official uniform.

The other party is also wearing a general uniform. Both of them have good looks and look particularly eye-catching.

The girls looked at the two men's outstanding appearance with sharp eyes, "Oh my God, are these the generals of Ling and Yai? They are so handsome."

 “I really like Ling Guo. His eyes are so beautiful and his nose is also pretty.”

There is a woman who likes another one, "I think General Yi Guo is more manly. Look at how strong that **** is. It looks very strong at first glance. I like it."

 The girls took a quick look and saw that General Kaguo's **** was indeed very strong.

Everyone blushed in embarrassment, but they also looked at Jing Shirong’s butt.

  “Yeah, General Jing’s **** is also very perky. Oh, I’m so embarrassed.”

 Sister Ying upstairs

 What kind of people are these? They only look at men’s butts.

But her man’s **** is really perky and feels better.

 Zhong Dashao.

 “Please be more serious, it’s a competition.”

Sister Ying coughed and said, "I know."

But in other words, "How strong is this general of Yiguo?"

 Those who can be sent to fight must have good martial arts skills.

 She hasn't seen Jing Shirong compete in martial arts for a long time, and she is a little worried.

Mr. Zhong smiled and said, "Have more confidence in your man. His martial arts skills are not bad."

Sister Ying curled her lips, "But he was injured three times by Chen Jian."

Jing Shirong told her about this before, and she was deeply impressed. After all, Jing Shirong's martial arts is considered very high. Being able to be stabbed three times by Chen Jian shows that Chen Jian is still very good.

Young Master Zhong also heard the third princess talk about this and explained, "Brother Jing was stabbed three times, but Chen Jian didn't get any advantage. He was also kicked three times and his injuries were not serious." Generally speaking, Jing Shi Rong's martial arts is slightly better.

Sister Ying’s eyes widened in surprise, “Is it true or not?”

Although she has seen Jing Shirong fight with others, she has never seen him use his full strength, so she cannot feel how strong he is.

 But listening to Mr. Zhong’s expression, I feel that my man should be very strong.

But the general of Kaguo also looks very powerful. A fight between the two of them will be exciting.

As soon as the words fell, the two started talking.

 Because the two of them have outstanding looks, everyone is particularly focused on them when they make a move.

This match is still very interesting to watch. Although the two are fighting with bare hands, due to the high martial arts skills and beautiful moves of both parties, the audience is very excited to watch.

 The two of them fought from the ground to the sky without stopping. Everyone was very excited and started shouting "come on".

“Come on, General Jing, kick him! Kick him down!”

 "General Lu, hit him quickly, don't let him win!"

 The two groups of fans were very excited and shouted loudly.

 Especially the women shouted the hardest.

 “General Jing, come on! We must win.”

Jing Shirong just tested the opponent's strength at first. After testing the opponent's strength, he started to make real moves.

His moves are very masculine and upright, and they look particularly good when fighting. The prairie girls were very excited and wished they could throw some fruit or something to them.

The general of the Yi Kingdom did not expect that the opponent was so strong and did not dare to be careless, so he immediately launched a killing move.

His fist hit Jing Shirong's heart directly, trying to break his heart with one punch.

Jing Shirong knew what he was thinking when he punched, so he turned around and kicked him in the knee from behind.

The general of Yiguo felt pain in his knees and almost knelt down.

 Fortunately, he spun around and stood up again.

After being a general for so long, he was kicked down for the first time. General Yiguo was very angry. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Jing Shirong with a sinister look on his face.

His mission today is to seriously injure Ling Guo's generals, causing them to lose one of their generals.

 So he could no longer preserve his strength at this moment, and all his moves were fatal attacks.

Jing Shirong didn't let up either. After breaking up the moves, he counterattacked with the same moves.

General Yaguo was stunned. He obviously didn't expect that the other party would use his tricks to hit him?

 He frowned and felt angry, "Are you insulting me?"

Jing Shirong shook his head seriously, "No."

He just felt that the opponent's moves were so cruel, so he imitated his moves and returned them, lest he won't be convinced after a while.

General Yiguo

 Okay, he was sure, the other party was insulting him.

 He was really angry now, "Watch the move!"

This time, if you don’t hit his heart, you will also blow his head off.

Jing Shirong saw that he was angry, so he didn't panic and dodged easily.

After reading this today, he has determined that most people from the Yi Kingdom rely on strength to win. If they fight, with their physique and strength, they do have a good chance of winning.

 But today’s martial arts competitions focus on martial arts skills, and the people from Yiguo are obviously a little inferior.

 He wasted no more time and clamped the scissor-kick directly on the neck of General Kaguo. He spun him around in a circle and spun him to the ground, motionless.

General Kaguya's eyes turned black, and he felt as if his neck was broken. It was extremely painful when he moved.

Jing Shirong quickly left him and stood aside waiting for the referee's assessment.

Everyone saw that General Yiguo was holding his neck and unable to get up, and shook their heads, "It seems that the people from Lingguo are still more powerful, winning every game."

Although the people of Yi State are tall and powerful, they are indeed not as good as others in terms of kung fu. Appearance is worthless.

When the people of Yiguo heard these words, their fists clenched and they became angry.

 But it is a fact that they lost. They lost ten to one, so how could they have the face to refute.

Sister Ying was relieved when she saw Jing Shirong winning easily upstairs.

 “Fortunately, the fight is finally over.”

 Otherwise, seeing how hard they beat her, she would be sweating.

 The next step is the scene of the third princess.

Now it’s Young Master Zhong who is sweating.

He asked Sister Ying, "Tell me, who will win between the third princess and Princess Grant?"

 Many people say that Princess Grant is a master of martial arts. Although the third princess of his family is also a master, he is still quite worried.

Sister Ying understood his mood and patted him on the shoulder, "It'll be okay."

 They have this mentality because they are too worried. Otherwise, after a few games, it will be obvious who is better.

Just as he was talking, the third princess and Princess Grant came on stage.

 As soon as the two came on the stage, the audience was filled with excitement.

 “Ah ah ah, Princess Grant is out.”

 They haven’t seen Princess Grant for a long time.

 (End of this chapter)

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