Chapter 970, chatting while fighting

Princess Grant is from the Prairie Country. Although all the players from the Prairie Country lost just now, everyone is still very optimistic about her.

After all, she competed three years ago, and her performance was very exciting.

But back then, she and the third princess fought with square halberds. This year, with bare hands, it felt a bit boring.

 The third princess and Princess Grant thought so too, and said to the referee.

“I want to use the Square Heavenly Halberd. If the third princess agrees, let’s use the Square Heavenly Halberd together.”

 If one person uses a weapon, the other person can also use a weapon.

The referee looked at the envoys from the five major countries and saw that they nodded in agreement, so he said it was okay.

 Since both of them have weapons, there is no such thing as unfairness.

 The audience were very excited when they heard that they were going to get the Fangtian Halberd.

“Wow, Fang Tianji, there’s something good to see now.”

 The servants brought the Fangtian Halberd up to them, and the momentum of the two of them immediately rose.

The two of them wore armor at the same time, looking cool and scary.

 Not only women, but also men like them.

“Third princess, come on, you must win this time.”

“Come on Princess Grant, as long as you defeat the third princess, you will be the number one female general in the world.”

 She is as famous as the third princess and has always been popular with the military.

The two have similar abilities and similar experiences. When they meet again, they feel like old friends who want to see each other again, and they feel sympathy for each other.

However, in front of the country, the interests of one's own country are naturally the best.

 The two first clasped their fists and said hello to each other.

Princess Grant said to the third princess, "Let's finish the order today."

 The third princess nodded, "Okay."

 The two of them admire each other, so naturally they will not kill each other. But I will do my best.

 As the referee said "Start."

 The two men held square halberds and immediately attacked.

Their square halberds were heavy and sharp, and the tip of the sword was even more dazzling. As they struck, the sound of "ping ping ping ping ping" swords flashed in the air.

Everyone covered their ears because of the inner sound, and it was very exciting to watch.

"This is called a real competition. Just now it was wrestling. The competition between the princesses is more exciting."

 “Yes, it still looks better with real swords and guns.”

“Who do you think will win? How about I place the bet?”

 “I think it’s okay, then I’ll take care of the third princess.”

"No, I choose Princess Gran. After all, she has never given birth to a child, so she should be stronger than the third princess."

 A woman who has given birth to a child will be somewhat weak, so she chose Princess Grant, who had never given birth to a child.

Fans of the third princess were very disdainful after hearing this, "Who said that giving birth to a baby will make you weak. As long as the confinement period is done well, the condition will be better than before giving birth."

The third princess was in this state. Who asked Master Zhong to capture her and give her confinement for half a year?

 When the little pig was born, he gave her confinement for a year and did not dare to slack off at all.

Even after she gave birth to her second child, she was given dietary therapy every day, and she was given massage and acupuncture at night. She was not careless at all.

It's not his fault, the third princess's health is now better than before she was born, her face is rosy, and she has plenty of strength.

 Speaking of this, Mr. Zhong was very proud.

Seeing him raise his chin confidently, Sister Ying covered her mouth and snickered, "Okay, I know you are well raised, everyone can see it."

Mr. Zhong smiled happily, "Really?"

 In fact, the third princess's body was really rough before she married him. Because she is not a refined person, she eats, drinks, and eats very casually.

 Plus, I never take good care of my body, which is why I feel so uncomfortable when I am pregnant with a piglet.

 Fortunately, he has been recuperating his body for three years, and there are still great changes.

Now that she can compete with others calmly and calmly, it is completely inseparable from his care, isn't she proud?

Princess Grant also found that the third princess's body seemed to be stronger than three years ago. She couldn't help but wonder, "What did you eat? Why are you stronger than three years ago?"

 The daughter of the third princess said, "It's nothing. I ate claypot rice in the morning."

Mr. Zhong learned clay pot rice from Sister Ying, and he got up early to cook it for her in the morning.

 After the meal, she also ate fruit and drank a glass of goat's milk, which was a nutritionally balanced meal.

 Princess Grant

 “Are you so particular about what you eat now?”

The third princess took her move and replied, "It's okay, but the child's father likes to play with these. If I don't eat them, he will make a fuss."

 Princess Grant

 Why does it feel like the other person is showing off? And it's pure and simple.

The third princess did not feel that she was showing off. Instead, she looked like "you don't understand the thoughts of married people", which made Princess Grant unable to fight.

She asked her while making the move, "How is the man you married? I heard that you gave birth to a child for him?"

The third princess shook her head, "No, there are two."

Princess Grant was stunned and almost got kicked by her.

 “What? Two?”

Didn’t you say one? When did you give birth to your second child?

The third princess answered as she took out the square halberd, "I was born this year. I wanted to give birth to a daughter so that I could have a son and a daughter, but my stomach didn't live up to expectations and I gave birth to a son."

 Fortunately, the man named Zhong didn't make trouble with her, otherwise she would be annoyed to death.

 Princess Grant

 “Okay, stop talking.”

 She will collapse if she talks any more.

 It is unpleasant to think about having a martial arts competition and eating dog food.

 So she became envious, jealous, and began to use her full strength.

Seeing her sudden attack, the third princess thought to herself, "Isn't she jealous of me?"

  After all, she is young and does not have a man yet. She has no one to wash and cook for her, and no one has given birth to her children yet. It is normal for her to be jealous.

 Thinking about it, I suddenly felt a little pity for her.

While accepting the offer, she gave some advice, "What about that? Why don't you find a man to marry? In fact, getting married is pretty good. Look at me, now I have someone to take care of me and I got two kids for free. Life is pretty good. ”

Princess Grant passed over with a square halberd, "Do you think I don't want to?"

But every time there is a competition to recruit a bride, no one can watch, so how can she get married?

Is it possible to really marry those crooked melons and cracked dates?

The third princess roundhouse kicked her and stabbed her in the back, while saying, "There are crooked melons, cracked dates and so on. You can just pick a good melon among them?"

Her man is not a martial arts master, he is still weak and weak, and she is like a woman, so why not marry her anyway? She also gave birth to two cubs.

"I would say, you are too picky. Women who are too picky will delay having children. Otherwise, you can just find a good-looking one to have two children."

 After all, it is for oneself, and it is not a loss.

 Princess Grant

“Are you serious? Is your man really that bad?”

The third princess frowned. She didn't like others saying that her man was not good, so she opened her mouth to retort, "No, he is not bad."

“Although he doesn’t know martial arts, the art of war, or fighting, he only knows how to wash, cook and take care of the children, but that’s enough. I like him to wash, cook and take care of the children for me.”

She didn't like Mrs. Zhong's girlish chatter before, but after the couple had been together for a long time, the more she looked at him, the better she got, and she liked him no matter how she looked at him.

Even washing, cooking and raising children has become his advantage. She can't live without him anyway.

 (End of this chapter)

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