Chapter 972, Mutual Trust

She said to the third princess, "Did you see that these people are making fun of me even after I haven't gotten married?"

She is also tired of the days of being talked about. She wants to get married as soon as possible and settle down as soon as possible. It is best to have a baby next year, so that she can fulfill her father's last wish.

The third princess understood her distress and said confidently, "Don't worry, I will go find them for you when we get back. Then I will bring them to you and you can take a look at them one by one."

“It’s okay if you’re not satisfied, I have a lot of bachelors anyway.”

General Li Fu is also single, and General Chang is also single. Both of them are excellent, but they are both rough men, and she doesn't like them anyway.

However, if the two countries marry, they can maintain peace forever.

 At least when Princess Grant was the general, there was definitely peace.

 After all, they are all married and are in-laws, so naturally there will be no fights.

Princess Grant also thought of this and naturally had to be cautious.

If she agrees, it means she accepts to live in peace with Ling Guo.

If she refuses, the third princess will not say anything.

 She thought about it and agreed.

"Okay, you go back and help me take a look at this matter. I will also go back and tell you, and I will inform you then."

 After all, getting married to someone from the Ling Kingdom is a big deal, so I still have to go back and inform you.

 As for whether those old guys agree or not, it’s not up to them.

  Now that the entire army of the Prairie Country is in her hands, she naturally has the final say.

“Then I’ll go back first and contact you in a few days.”

 The third princess nodded, "Okay."

 She had nothing else to do and was ready to go back to see the man and her children.

Jing Shirong had exchanges with several envoys from other countries and was ready to go back.

Before leaving, Jing Shirong waved to the people upstairs, "Come down, I'm going back."

Sister Ying stuck out her tongue, but she didn't expect to be noticed by him. She has really sharp eyes.

She gave a sweet smile and went downstairs.

 Master Zhong followed closely behind.

 The two came down one after another. Jing Shirong had no reaction, but the third princess was shocked.

“Hey, what are you two dressing up like?”

 An old lady and an old man, quite presentable.

Mr. Zhong scratched his head in embarrassment, "This is my first time in disguise. How is it? Does it look like me?"

The third princess commented, "It's okay, but it doesn't look like walking."

The old man does not walk so softly and weakly, he is very tall and thick. He will kick anyone who looks like him after just a few steps.

Mr. Zhong was unconvinced, "I'm not that delicate. Why don't you make me look ugly?"

He heard everything this guy said about his **** just now.

The third princess felt guilty and coughed, "Oh, we're going back soon, the children should be anxious."

Mr. Zhong remembered that his two sons were still at Sister Ying's house, and wanted to go back and have a look.

 “Okay, let’s go.”

 He walked over, naturally took the third princess's arm, and rested his head on her shoulder.

The third princess habitually touched his head, then grabbed his slender fingers and kissed him.

Sister Ying and the others were not surprised, but the fans of the third princess on the side were shocked.

"Oh my god, didn't I see it wrong? The third princess actually kissed an old man? She looked so moved when she kissed her? Oh my god, my eyes."

Is this still the third princess they admire the most?

Is it possible that strong men have such unique habits?

 The third princess ignored those people's opinions and rode away with Young Master Zhong.

Jing Shirong also picked up Sister Ying and mounted his horse, followed by Qi Yuanming. The three of them went back one after another. The people in the crowd clenched their fists and were very angry that they lost so ugly this time.

 But I have already lost, and if I want to compete again, I will definitely not do it, so I can only go back and think of a solution.

“Your Majesty, I heard that the third princess wants to introduce a man to Princess Grant. It seems that they are going to get married.”

The great king of Yai Kingdom originally coveted Princess Gran's soldiers and horses, and even wanted to bribe Princess Gran to be used by their Yai Kingdom.

However, before they could get in touch with Princess Grant, they were taken advantage of by the third princess, and they were immediately unhappy.

 “No, we can’t let them get married.”

He thought for a while, "Since the third princess wants to introduce men to Princess Grant, then we will also introduce him to Princess Grant."

They have all heard that Princess Grant likes strong men.

As long as they can introduce the best men on the grassland, it will definitely work.

 When the time comes, I will give the third princess and her group a medicine on the way to make them suffer from diarrhea, and their image will naturally deteriorate.

 Comparing a group of strong warriors with a group of sissies with diarrhea, no matter how you look at it, their warriors are more eye-catching.

I believe that Princess Grant will definitely choose their prairie man.

Thinking about it this way, King Yi became confident.

 “Go and find the most handsome and charming men on the grassland.”

As long as Princess Grant chooses to marry them, the total number of troops and horses between the two will be 50,000. When the time comes to cooperate with Chen Guo, the number of troops and horses will be 100,000.

 An army of 100,000 people has a chance of winning against an army of 100,000 people.

Thinking of this, King Yiguo felt happy and went to do it immediately.

 After the third princess returned, she first held the child in her arms, and then began to choose a husband for Princess Grant.

She told the emperor about this and asked him to help select a few people.

 After all, her marriage was brokered by the emperor, so her father must have some potential as a matchmaker.

But the two places were too far apart, and the third princess didn't have the patience to wait, so she simply picked from the people in the military camp first.

Young Master Zhong asked worriedly, "Aren't you afraid of letting a man from the military camp marry you to reveal the military secrets?"

Although Princess Grant only has an army of 20,000 people, she has strong leadership skills. If she really gets a military plane, it will be a big deal.

The third princess said confidently, "What are you afraid of? Since I dare to introduce people to her, I'm not afraid of her coming to trick her."

 Princess Grant is very martial-minded, not a sinister villain. She can trust it.

Mr. Zhong was still worried, "You two don't have much contact. You know people well but don't know their hearts."

 The third princess firmly believed in the other party, "She won't."

Although the two of them don't have much contact, they are like good friends who have known each other for more than ten years, and they can trust each other without any defense.

 She herself felt strange about this feeling, but she just believed it inexplicably.

And not only did she trust Lord Grant, County Grant mainly agreed to the marriage, which also meant that she believed in her.

 After all, when Ling's general went to her military camp, it was like setting a time bomb for their prairie country.

 Without sufficient trust, it is impossible to agree.

 So this matter is based on the trust of both parties, otherwise it will not be completed.

 After hearing this, Mr. Zhong felt the same.

They were worried that military information would be leaked, and they were also worried that the people sent there were undercover agents.

 So both parties will definitely be uneasy. It depends on what the third princess and Princess Grant do.

The other end.

After Granju reported this matter to the king, it really aroused opposition from many ministers.

“Are you looking for someone from Ling to get married? Are you crazy?”

Wouldn’t that bring the enemy in?

 (End of this chapter)

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