The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 973: , the three princesses act as matchmakers

 Chapter 973, the three princesses act as matchmakers

Princess Grant didn't take it seriously, "How could an enemy bring it in? Isn't it a marriage between the two countries? Is it a symbol of their willingness to make good friends?"

“Or have you not seen the strength of Ling Guo?”

Not only are their soldiers and horses strong, but their food and grass are also fertile.

“Look at their soldiers and horses. They are all full of tendon meat and walk vigorously. It seems that they are well fed and strong and strong.”

“Are you not afraid of a hundred thousand soldiers and horses like this?”

After hearing this, the ministers looked at each other in confusion.


 In fact, they all understood this martial arts tournament.

 Among the five neighboring countries, Ling State is the strongest and has the most troops.

 Let alone their 100,000-strong army.

They all went to investigate secretly. The grain and grass in Ling State were indeed very abundant. They couldn't finish it every month, and there was still some leftover to feed the cattle and sheep.

Moreover, the Emperor of Ling State has always had a friendly attitude, unlike Meng State who always wanted to go to war.

 A marriage with the Ling State would still be of great benefit to their grassland country.

Thinking about it this way, I feel that marriage is not bad.

Moreover, Princess Grant is so old, it’s really time for her to get married. If she doesn’t get married, she will get old.

With such excellent genes, if they can give birth to a few cubs, they can be trained to become generals when they grow up.

With such a total in mind, the more I thought about it, the more cost-effective it became, so I made up my mind.

"Okay, but you are the commander-in-chief of our military camp. If the Ling Kingdom wants to marry, they have to let their people marry."

 Otherwise, if they marry off the general in their military camp, wouldn’t they lose more than they gain?

Princess Grant naturally wants to marry someone, and the military camp cannot do without her.

However, it is still a bit uncertain whether a man can come to the house voluntarily.

I think I have to discuss it with the third princess and ask her to help choose someone with a weaker self-esteem. Don't choose someone with a strong chauvinism, so as not to feel resentful when they come to the door.

"No, I have to go to the third princess to have a look."

 Whether it is your life-long event, you still have to worry about it.

The Emperor of the Grassland had no objection and asked her to bring two people with her to help her out.

 The third princess has already chosen a few people.

 The first one is the victorious general who has followed him for many years.

This guy is a tough guy, but because his heart is too hard, he has never been able to have feelings for women.

 In addition, he was an orphan and there was no one at home to arrange the marriage for him, so the marriage was delayed.

 The third princess asked him, "I'll introduce you to a marriage, what do you think?"

General Chang Sheng looked puzzled, "What kind of marriage? With whom?"

"You've also seen Princess Gran. She looks similar to me. She's a rough person, but her character is pretty good."

"But one thing you have to know is that Princess Gran cannot marry down. You can only go over and be her son-in-law. See how it goes. If you are willing, just come over and have a look. If you are not willing, forget it."

General Chang Sheng had a cold face, thought for a while, and refused, "No, I don't want to leave the military camp."

 He was an orphan since he was a child. It was the third princess who kindly took him in and trained him, and he became what he is today.

  He has been staying in the military camp since he was a child. The military camp is his home and he will not go anywhere except here.

The third princess understood, "Forget it, I'll ask Lieutenant General Li."

Deputy General Li is also her subordinate. He is two or three years younger than her. He is not bad, but a little short.

But his ability is not bad, so she went over and asked. “Vice General Li, how about I introduce you to a marriage?”

 Vice General Li looked horrified, "Isn't it with Princess Grant?"

He had heard all about this, but he didn't expect that the third princess would actually ask about him.

The third princess looked otherwise, "You haven't got a wife at your age, what's wrong with you?"

Deputy General Li waved his hands repeatedly, "No, no, Princess Gran is too tough for me to control. Besides, my mother has already found a wife for me, and I will go back and get married next month."

The third princess sighed, "Okay, you can go get some wedding gift money later and take it back next month."

Everyone in the military camp will receive a sum of money when they get married, and the third princess will also receive a reward. Lieutenant General Li went away happily.

 The third princess sighed. Neither of the two outstanding and capable generals were willing, so she had to look for others.

 She originally planned to find two strong ones, then two weak ones, and finally two medium ones. After all, all styles were available, and Princess Grant could easily choose from them.

 No matter how strong a person is, he is unwilling to do so, so he can only look for a good wife and a good husband.

 However, compared to strong men, it is more difficult to find the type of good wife and husband.

 She couldn't think of a good candidate after much thought, so she went to ask Mr. Zhong.

“Do you have any other brothers or friends who are similar to you?

 As long as it is of his type, the probability is about the same.

Mr. Zhong thought for a moment and said, "There really is one. I have a cousin who is also like me. He is more polite."

However, being polite is a good thing, and it is probably not impossible for him to become his son-in-law.

The third princess was puzzled, "Why? Is it not good to be a son-in-law?"

“Aren’t they all the same? Aren’t women also supposed to be door-to-door wives? They all go to other people’s homes. Why can women come to the house but not men?”

Mr. Zhong was stunned. He didn't expect that she understood it so well.

"no the same."

 Since ancient times, women have come to the door, and men rarely come to the door.

 So people are accustomed to think that it is shameful to have a son-in-law who is a door-to-door son-in-law. Otherwise, he is poor and cannot afford to eat. Otherwise, why would he become a door-to-door son-in-law?

Some people even think that the life of a visiting son-in-law is miserable, as he has to rely on others, look at their faces, and even suffer from anger.

But the third princess said, "Isn't it the same for women? When you are a housewife, you have to depend on others, and you have to be angry with your parents-in-law. Why can't you stand it when you are a man?"

Women can handle it, why are men so useless?

Mr. Zhong was stunned by what she said and could not refute for a moment.

Yes, it seems to be the same when a woman comes to the door, but why can’t it be done when she comes to a man’s house?

So he didn’t know how to refute it, even if he agreed.

“However, I can understand it, but other men shouldn’t understand it, right?”

Like his cousin, although he looks polite, he also has the chauvinism of a man from the capital, so it would be very unreasonable to ask him to come to the house.

The third princess clicked her tongue, feeling that the man was really troublesome.

 I looked around and couldn’t find the right one, and I got a headache for a while.

 She was drinking when Princess Grant came over.

 When she knocked on the door, it was Mr. Zhong who opened the door.

 “Who is it?”

Young Master Zhong came over wearing a white gauze robe, his hair was neatly combed, and his face was very delicate.

As soon as he opened the door, Princess Grant was stunned for a moment. He didn't seem to expect a man to open the door.

And this man is too handsome, right?

 It’s not very good-looking, but she is very hydrated, her skin is very tender, and her body is very clean.

 You can smell his fragrance if you get closer.

Is it possible that this man is the third princess’s man?

 Otherwise, how could he be so elegant, with tender water and a fragrant smell?

 Zhong Dashao.

 (End of this chapter)

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