The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 974: , Princess Grant saw Mr. Zhong

Chapter 974, Princess Grant saw Mr. Zhong

Mr. Zhong was also stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Princess Grant to come so quickly.

The two looked at each other, and he could feel the pressure on Princess Grant without saying a word.

 This is the aura of a strong man, not angry but mighty, just like the third princess.

But he was already used to the aura of the third princess, and he was no longer afraid of the aura of a strong person.

He smiled at Princess Grant and opened the door for her, "Is Princess Grant here? Come in quickly."

 He has a handsome face, an infectious smile, and a very hospitable feeling.

Princess Grant couldn't help but look at him a few more times, looking him over from head to toe.

  Well, my height is not bad, and my **** is also perky, but my body is too thin and I don’t look masculine.

But he is very clean, from his hair to his nails, there is no dirt at all. He is indeed a clean and tidy person.

 Coupled with his evasive eyes and reddish ears, it can be seen that this person must have a shy temperament.

 In this way, the descriptions given by the three princesses were quite consistent.

 Elegant, fragrant and delicious.

Hmm, looking at it this way, it’s okay.

 Zhong Dashan knew that she was looking at him, and her eyes were so hot that he was embarrassed.

But he is a guest, so he can't yell loudly. He just hopes that he or she will go in quickly and stop looking.

The third princess heard the commotion and came out to take a look, and saw Princess Gran staring at her man.

 She not only looked up, but also looked down, which made her man's ears turn red.

The third princess became jealous for no reason, and pulled Young Master Zhong back and asked him to go back to the house.

 “You go and tutor the children with their homework.”

Mr. Zhong hummed, blushed and ran away shyly.

The more Princess Grant looked at him, the more interesting she became, and she teased, "Is this the good wife and husband you call me?"

 The third princess snorted, "Why, you like it too?"

Princess Grant nodded honestly, "If he is like this, it's acceptable."

Although it is not masculine, it gives people a very fresh feeling. If he is willing to take care of the children at home, that would be good.

The third princess smelled of jealousy and was not very happy. "he's mine!"

 Look, Princess Grant is very happy with this way of protecting the calf.

“Yes, yes, he is yours, and I won’t **** it from you.”

It's a pity that she didn't meet such a good man.

 The third princess was very dissatisfied when she saw that he had gone to bed.

 “Don’t you like masculine men? He’s not suitable for you.”

Princess Grant choked up, "Didn't you tell me that a good wife and a good husband are better?"

 Why did she say no again as soon as she got here?

The third princess coughed and knew that she had reacted.

 She asked Princess Grant to go into the house and said, "Come on, let's have a few drinks."


The two of them entered the room, and the third princess poured her a glass of wine. Just as she was about to say something, she saw Young Master Zhong coming over with wine and food.

“Here are your favorite salads, pig ears, and braised pork. Eat them with wine. Don’t drink on an empty stomach.”

 After saying that, I cut some more watermelon.

Like a good wife and good husband, she greeted Princess Grant, "Princess, please eat some watermelon to quench your thirst."

Princess Grant hummed, and the more she looked at him, the more satisfied she became.

The third princess was dissatisfied and glared at Mr. Zhong, "Go back!"

"Don't come out if you have nothing to do. Let's talk about business."

Mr. Zhong hummed, "I know."

 Smelly woman, I'll give you face when you have guests, and I'll deal with you tonight.

The third princess didn't see that he was angry, and thought that he was so well-behaved today and didn't refute what he said.

Princess Grant couldn't stand it and said something to her, "It's okay. Why are you being mean to him? Isn't he a good person?" The person who served the dishes and watermelons was so virtuous and virtuous that no one else could hope for him.

 The third princess was proud and jealous, "It's okay, just so-so."

Princess Grant finally noticed it, "Are you jealous?"

The third princess snorted and said bluntly, "Yes. I'm jealous. I don't like it if you don't look at him more."

Princess Grant smiled, "Yes, yes, I won't look at him, and I don't dare to look at him anymore. I will close my eyes when I see him in the future. Is this okay?"

 The third princess was amused, but she was not angry anymore.


But what I said was, "Why did you suddenly fall in love with him?"

The third princess snorted, "Does this need to be said? He has a nice face and figure, he cooks well, he can take care of children, and his skin is tender and fragrant. Don't you like it?"

Princess Grant was moved when she heard her description.

 “Okay, I like it.”

I didn’t expect her taste to be so strong. She actually likes such a handsome and charming man. This is something I have never thought of before.

 The third princess smiled, "We are different from other women. Naturally, we cannot look at men in the same way as other women."

“The reason why you haven’t been able to find it after searching for so many years must be that you are looking in the wrong direction.”

"I also liked strong people before, but I haven't been attracted to any strong people so far. It means that we are going in the opposite direction."

"Besides, you are not suitable for looking for a strong man. After all, you are looking for a son-in-law."

 If a strong person comes, he may not be willing to come to the door.

And it might be harmful to their military camp.

Princess Grant nodded, "That makes sense."

 “Then, find me someone like the one in your house.”

 The third princess was in a dilemma, "That's not easy."

 If there are a lot of chauvinist men, there are too few like Mr. Zhong.

 It is even more difficult to take care of the family and not mind coming to the door, especially if you have good skin and figure.

Princess Grant was also melancholy, "Is it so difficult?"

“You have so many men in Lingguo, it’s impossible that you don’t have any, right?”

The third princess has a big head, "If you don't wait any longer, I have already written to my father. This is what my father found for me."

 It would be easier if the emperor came.

 After all, he will consider all aspects and will definitely find a good one.

For example, Mr. Zhong’s family has little power and poses no threat to the emperor. Moreover, the Zhong family is of good character, so it is a good match for the third princess.

It will neither add strong men to the military camp nor pose any threat to the emperor.

 So if the emperor chooses Princess Grant, he will definitely be able to choose someone who is particularly suitable.

Princess Grant nodded after hearing this, "Okay, then let your father find it for me."

 I believe that Emperor Ling will definitely find the best man for her in order to have good relations between the two countries.

 The third princess thought the same and poured wine for her.

 “We haven’t gotten together for a long time, let’s have a few drinks today.”

Just as he was talking, Sister Ying came over with wine and food.

Murong Yun came back today and brought many delicious meals to the children.

Since there was still some extra, Sister Ying sent it over.

“Brother Zhong, are you at home?”

Young Master Zhong heard Sister Ying's voice and ran out quickly, "Here you are, come here."

He hurried out and saw Sister Ying carrying a food box, and smiled, "What delicious food did you bring?"

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 (End of this chapter)

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