The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 975: , it is better for a man to be gentle and virtuous

Chapter 975: Men should be gentle and virtuous

Sister Ying smiled, "There are hot and sour cold skins and jellyfish skins. They are both rare and delicious."

Mr. Zhong's head got wet when he smelled the spicy and sour taste. He liked it very much, "Thank you then. Just wait. The fruit wine I brewed is ready. I'll get you two jars."

Sister Ying waited for him with a smile, "Okay."

Princess Grant looked outside and saw Sister Ying, who was smiling and talking sweetly. She couldn't help but take a second look.

 “Who is that woman? She is pretty.”

The third princess said, "Jing Shirong's wife is my best friend, and we have a very good relationship."

Princess Grant said, a little envious.

“You all have families, and I’m the only one left.”

 She really had no idea about starting a family before and was not in a hurry.

 But when I see all my friends around me getting married, I feel a little envious.

Mr. Zhong went to dig for wine, and Sister Ying brought in the cold dishes.

 “Hey, we have guests.”

As soon as she came in, she saw Princess Grant there, but he was too embarrassed to call her by her name and just treated her as a guest.

Princess Grant nodded to her, "Let's have a drink together?"

Sister Ying waved her hands and said, "No, I'm still going back to take care of the child."

“Try these cold dishes, they are delicious.”

“This is jellyfish skin. It’s sour and spicy, and the texture is crispy. Let’s see if you like it.”

Princess Grant is a grassland person and has never eaten jellyfish skin.

She picked up a piece and tasted it. It was crunchy and crunchy in her mouth. With the spicy and sour sauce and a bit of vinegar, it was really delicious.

 “Not bad, you did this?”

Sister Ying smiled and nodded, "Yes, I processed it."

  Mu Rong Yun brought the things back and put them in ice cubes to freeze them because they were afraid they would stink.

As soon as she came back, Sister Ying hurriedly dealt with it to prevent it from getting sour and inedible.

The cold jellyfish skin is the most delicious. She made a large plate for the family and sent the rest.

Mr. Zhong dug out the wine, washed it clean, and then brought him over.

“Sister Ying, this wine is not very intoxicating. You and Jing Han can drink it too. It will be more refreshing if you go back and chill it.”

Although the summer here is hot, there is a snow mountain on the other side of the mountain. If you have money, you can go there and buy some ice.

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, then I'll chill it when I go back and drink it."

Mr. Zhong gave her two more jigsaw puzzles, "Go back and give them to Xiaomiguo and the others to play with. I made them myself."

Sister Ying was surprised and said, "Can you still do this?"

Mr. Zhong smiled shyly, "Hey, the kids liked it, so I learned how to make it. It's actually quite simple, but it's a bit labor-intensive."

His index finger was even cut.

When the third princess heard this, she immediately walked over to check his hand. She was unhappy when she saw a scar on the slender finger.

 “If you want toys, just buy them, why bother?”

 A good hand has a scar.

Young Master Zhong felt sorry for her and smiled shyly, "It's not that exaggerated. Besides, the children like it, so it's okay to make two for them. Your son even helped with it."

The third princess was surprised, "Is that pig still helping?"

Mr. Zhong scolded her, "What the **** are you talking nonsense about?"

The third princess laughed and said, "Okay, okay, don't do this again next time. I feel uncomfortable seeing the scars on your body."

Young Master Zhong snorted and said, "I won't tell you anymore, bitch." After that, he twisted his waist and went upstairs.

Sister Ying.

 Princess Grant

 This couple is so bored that they die.

Princess Grant was even more speechless, "I feel like I've been hurt."

 After all, the third princess, who is more masculine than her, actually has a caring side, and her man is really shy and sweet. It’s no wonder that she dotes on him so much.

Princess Grant finally couldn't bear it anymore after eating a lot of dog food, "Hurry up and find me a husband. Find me a husband according to the standards of a man in your family."

Seeing that she was so motivated, the third princess could only agree, "Okay, okay, I'll find it for you. You go back and wait for news."

Princess Grant hummed and glanced upstairs before leaving, hoping that the third princess would find her a man like Young Master Zhong.

 Just clean, white and beautiful, preferably well-behaved and sensible.

The third princess pushed her, "Go quickly, don't look anymore."

 What are you looking at, you stinky woman. That's her man!

Princess Grant didn’t want to eat dog food here either, so she left angrily.

Sister Ying saw it clearly, covered her mouth and snickered, and told Jing Shirong about it when she got home.

"You don't know that Princess Naglan couldn't even walk when she saw Mr. Zhong."

  It turns out that her preferences are so similar to those of the third princess, and she also likes someone like Mr. Zhong.

Jing Shirong thought it was normal, "What's the matter? Men all like gentle and beautiful wives. The third princess and Princess Grant are almost the same as men, so their preferences are naturally similar."

Sister Ying gave him a cute look, "Don't you like people who are not gentle and beautiful? Judge people by their appearance!"

Jing Shirong stopped tying Xiao Miguo's hair and smiled, "Both men and women are the same. Even you women don't like short and sloppy men."

Who doesn’t like tall and handsome men? Women don’t have the same choice.

Sister Ying said "I'll go", unable to refute.

 “Okay, you win this round.”

“But by the way, can the third princess find a man as good as Brother Zhong for Princess Grant?”

For example, Mr. Zhong lives with the third princess sincerely, so it doesn't matter whether he comes to be his son-in-law or not.

Obviously, he was marrying the third princess, but since he had already followed her to the border, naturally he was the one who came to the door.

But in the third princess’s house, Young Master Zhong is the one who makes the decision. He tells the third princess to go east. If the third princess dares to go west, there will be no one who doesn’t come to her door.

Jing Shirong recalled whether there was a person like Mr. Zhong No. 2 in the capital, and suddenly thought of it.

“I remember that the third princess had a cousin who had this kind of soft and weak character.”

The man's name is Qingfeng, and from his name, he sounds like a fresh and refined person.

However, this person has a weird temper. Although he is a man, he likes to dress up. If his parents didn't pressure him, he would even want to put on makeup.

But in a place like the capital with so many rules, it would be impossible for him to go out wearing makeup.

Jing Shirong once met Mr. Qingfeng, and he was indeed a beautiful man.

But he has a weird temper and doesn't like to say hello to others, let alone go out with men. He always lives alone in a separate courtyard.

According to the maids in his house, Mr. Qingfeng spends his time studying rouge and gouache at home, and applies strange things to his face every day, saying it is for skin care.

 Some women saw that his skin was fair and smooth, and even wanted to find out what secret recipe he used.

Master Qingfeng saw that they were discerning, so he told them the secret recipe.

The women used his secret recipe and it turned out much whiter. So far, those women have become good friends with Mr. Qingfeng.

 Women can understand him and tolerate him, but men cannot.

Everyone thinks that he is an outlier. If he doesn't behave like a good man and insists on being a pink-headed boy, it will be unlucky to look at him.

 Even his parents felt that he was an embarrassment to the family and kept letting him live in another house, as if they didn't recognize him.

 (End of this chapter)

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