The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 977: , come to your door? Not coming?

Chapter 977: Coming to the door? Not coming?

Mr. Qingfeng was a little moved by what he said.

After all, he really loves working on his beauty products and can't do anything without his rouge and gouache.

 The emperor saw something moved on his face and continued to feel comfortable.

“By the way, do you remember Qi Yuanming? His wife grows herbal medicine.”

“I heard that you have recently been developing skin care products that can add herbal medicine. Qi Yuanming’s wife is an herbal expert. She knows all the herbal medicines that are good for the skin.”

"As long as you go over there, I will give you a decree to ask Qi Yuanming's wife to teach you the secret recipe of beauty herbs."

Mr. Qingfeng was moved.


He really wanted to make a herbal repair ointment this year, but he didn't know much about herbal medicine and was afraid of taking the wrong dose.

Go and ask the doctor, but the doctor disdains to do this kind of research and refuses him directly.

 He is also a strong man, and when others disdain him, he simply doesn’t ask.

  However, I am still obsessed with herbal skin care.

 Because he had seen with his own eyes that after a wise man applied a herbal paste to a woman with acne, the redness and swelling on the woman's face subsided.

At the time he thought it was medicine, but others said it was a skin care product.

 So he kept it in mind.

 It’s a pity that he doesn’t know much about herbal medicine, otherwise he could have tried it.

Seeing how excited he was, the emperor patted him on the shoulder and said, "Go, I can study your herbal skin care."

“When it’s finished, we’ll sell it to the capital. I’ll help you sell it.”

“By the way, I’d like to give you a plaque for your rouge and gouache shop.”

The plaque given by the emperor is the royal recognition of his products, which is a great honor and affirmation.

 Having this plaque is equivalent to making the product a big brand, and it will become even more popular in time.

Mr. Qingfeng got motivated and wanted to try it immediately.

“Then I’ll go back and talk to my mother.”

The emperor waved his hand and said, "No, I've already called them. I'll talk to her later. You can go see your grandmother first."

Qingfeng cupped his fists and saluted, "Yes."

 After a while, the eldest princess and his wife arrived.

 The emperor told them about the marriage, and the two had different reactions.

I thought the eldest princess would agree after hearing this. After all, this son brought shame to her and made her laugh at her sisters even when she went out.

  But after hearing the emperor’s description, she didn’t quite agree.

"Brother Huang, I don't think much of this. No matter how bad Qingfeng is, he is still my son. I always feel weird asking my son to get married."

  It sounds unreliable for a good county prince to be given in marriage and become a son-in-law.

If spread, gossip will be even worse.

I don’t know, but she thought that his son was given as a gift. She felt uncomfortable thinking about it.

On the contrary, the Prince Consort was quite happy.

  After all, my son is so old, and he dresses up all the time, and he doesn’t know how to find a wife to start a family.

Seeing that he was almost twenty, the ladies were still asking, which young lady would be willing to marry him.

Now that a good marriage is in front of you, what's wrong with it.

 Besides, Princess Nagaland is quite famous, and they have all heard of her in the capital.

  It will be a blessing to be able to marry such a strange woman.

  Even if someone mocks his son for visiting the house, that is because he is jealous.

The eldest princess was not happy, "No, I don't agree. If you want to get married, you can ask the woman to come over. My son can't come to the house anyway." Prince Consort asked, "Why is it impossible? I can come to the house, why can't my son?"

It is also a son -in -law, what else can you divide?

The eldest princess is just not happy.

"Anyway, I was going to let him find one in the capital, so why bother going so far. He would suffer the consequences."

She only said she disliked her son, but after all, he was her biological son and there was no real reason to abandon him.

The prince-in-law was in a dilemma, "But all the noble ladies in the capital look down on him, or he has looked down on others for so many years. He would have gotten married long ago."

“If you insist on letting him marry a noble girl from the capital, he might just hang out after getting married and not treat her well. Wouldn’t that make people laugh even more?”

 At any rate, if you marry a wife from out of town, no one will know what happens, which makes you worry less.

The third princess retorted, "Then find someone from out of town. Why let him leave the capital?"

 She didn’t even let her daughter get married far away, let alone her son.

The prince consort whispered in her ear, "Everyone is saying that our son is addicted to sleeve-cutting. Look at his behavior. What would he do if his sleeves were really cut off?"

It would be better to let him marry the Princess of Grant, and then let the Princess of Grant control him and figure out his habit of cutting sleeves.

The third princess has also heard this rumor. Thinking about her son's demonic appearance, it does seem a bit like it.

 But she still couldn't bear to let him leave home so far.

The emperor watched for a long time, and after they stopped arguing, he said, "Sister Huang, let me tell you, Qingfeng and Princess Grant are a good match."

"Look at the third princess. Not only did she refuse to marry, but she also wanted to break away from the father-daughter relationship with me."

"Now look at the boy from the Zhong family who I introduced to her. Although they have gone so far, the boy from the Zhong family is living a happy and sweet life now. He writes to me every month."

"Look at them now they have two sons. The boy from the Zhong family has the final say at home. The unfilial daughter's attitude towards me has also changed for the better. This is the change of finding the right person."

"If Qingfeng passes by, maybe Princess Grant can make him better. If he has a child by then, won't he also have an heir?"

"Besides, since the two countries have good relations, he can come back to see you at any time, and he is not going to be a hostage."

“And the third princess is still there. If you need anything, just go to his cousin. Who dares to bully him?”

"If you let him stay in the capital, the marriage will not be possible. Don't you know his temper?"

Rather than being in such a stalemate, it is better to let him get married and start a family. In the future, he will have children and become sensible, so things may get better.

 This is also the eldest princess's heart problem.

 Her son was fine when he was a child, but when he grew up he started to like to wear women's clothes. She was so scared that she beat her son overnight and told him not to wear women's clothes again.

 This kid Nair agreed openly, but secretly wore it himself.

One time when she went out, she saw a beautiful little girl from a distance. At a glance, wasn't it her Qingfeng?

 She was really angry at that time.

But even beating and scolding still had no effect.

 In the end, I had no choice but to let Qingfeng move out and live out of sight.

However, leaving him alone is not an option. Instead, it makes him worse and worse.

If he gets married to Princess Grant and has a few more children, life may be better.

Thinking about it this way, it’s not bad.

 The emperor had a way of persuading people. When he saw the third princess slowly becoming interested, he raised the corners of his mouth proudly like an old fox.

"You should think about this quickly. If Qingfeng doesn't go, I will find someone else." After all, besides Qingfeng who is not married, there are other old bachelors.

When the eldest princess heard that there was a competitor, she was afraid of being overtaken, so she immediately made her decision.

 “Okay, let him try.”

 Come back as soon as possible.

 (End of this chapter)

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