Chapter 978, Marriage

Seeing her promise, the emperor touched his goatee with satisfaction.

“Yes, elder sister is right. If it doesn’t work, let him come back.”

Anyway, it’s impossible to get him back, but naturally I won’t say this.

The eldest princess thought very well. She felt that most women would not be able to stand her son's personality.

 Especially a legendary figure like Princess Grant.

 If she doesn't like Qingfeng's temper by then, the worst she can do is make peace and let Qingfeng come back.

 As for whether Heli will be laughed at, let’s wait and see.

 Her son cannot be bullied by others anyway, he can only be bullied by themselves.

 Chingfeng’s nose felt sour when he heard it outside, and he was a little moved.

 Him has always caused trouble to his parents, who were also very disappointed in him and did not want to see him at one time.

 Unexpectedly, they still love him.

 It seems that for the sake of his parents, he also wants to go to the grassland country.

 At that time, if Princess Grant doesn't like his type, the worst possible outcome is to divorce him and he will come back on his own.

 Or if you don’t come back, you will go to Jiangnan to stay.

Since Jiangnan Beauty Salon is so popular, he will definitely be able to thrive there.

The emperor saw that the whole family agreed, so the matter was settled.

Since the journey was long, he did not delay and let him set off the next day.

Mr. Qingfeng left the shop to his mother to take care of, and packed the things he had to take with him on the road before setting off with the guards.

The emperor packed a boatload of dowry for him, which was not only to give him face, but also to gain face for Ling Guo.

 Including the eldest princess, she also gave a lot, and other noble relatives also gave dowries.

The people were very surprised after hearing this, "You said Mr. Qingfeng is going to get married? Oh my god? Are you true or false?"

An insider said, "Of course it's true. The dowry is packed on a whole ship. It can't be fake."

“Oh my god, I didn’t expect that he would actually get married. He really sacrificed his life for justice.”

After all, being a door-to-door son-in-law is not easy, and there are people in the crowd who feel sorry for him.

“Poor child, if I had known earlier, I might as well have found one in the capital.”

Some people joked, "He is so girly, who dares to marry him? If the marriage is just right, he can still contribute to the Ling Kingdom."

Mr. Qingfeng heard their conversation while riding in the boat. He sneered and didn't take it seriously.

Actually, that's fine. With him gone, there will be less gossip at home.

 The big ship moves slowly and can be reached quickly after going out to sea.

 This head.

 The third princess received the emperor's letter and knew that her cousin was coming, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

 Fortunately, it’s okay, my father had better find a good person for her, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

 Because Princess Grant doesn’t like the people she has chosen for Princess Grant these days.

 She couldn't say what she didn't like about it, but she just didn't like it.

 Even felt that the third princess was perfunctory with her.

 “Do you think it’s too troublesome to find a man for me?” Otherwise, why would you just find some dark men, which are not good-looking at all?

 The third princess had a headache, "I also want to find you a fair and tender one."

 But when men in the countryside go out to work every day, how can they be fair and tender?

Princess Kelan has seen Mr. Zhong’s white, delicate and delicate look, and has disdain for black ones, so naturally she doesn’t like them.

 Fortunately, the imperial edict for marriage came, and the third princess hurriedly told Princess Grant.

“My father has found a stunning beauty for you. You should be satisfied this time.”

I just hope that my cousin won’t get too tanned on the road, otherwise I’m afraid there will be no chance.

Fortunately, Mr. Qingfeng cherishes his fair and tender skin very much. He took good care of himself with sun protection along the way and covered himself tightly. He didn’t even want to expose his eyes for fear of getting spots from the sun.

He loves beauty so much, so naturally he won't get too dark, especially since he is locked in the house every day and only comes out at night. After Princess Grant knew the news, she came over to ask.

“You said it was your cousin who came this time?”

 The third princess nodded, "Yes, my cousin, my dear."

Princess Grant was curious, "Tell me, what is your cousin like?"

You won't be like the third princess, five big and three thick, right?

The third princess shook her head, "When he was a child, he was very handsome and cute, with beautiful facial features, just like his father. But now that he is older, I don't know what he looks like anymore."

After all, she doesn’t go back to Beijing often, and she doesn’t interact with relatives after returning to Beijing, so she doesn’t know what Qingfeng looks like now, so she can only wait until he comes.

Princess Grant had little hope.

The men she saw every day were all dark and smelly with sweat, but she didn't see any fragrant ones.

Even if you are from the capital, you won’t be in vain, right?

 The third princess retorted, "Why not."

He originally wanted to give an example to Jing Shirong, because Jing Shirong was born with fair skin. Unfortunately, he was training new recruits in the military camp every day, and he had already tanned.

Qi Yuanming also has fair skin, and both brothers have fair skin. Unfortunately, they are all tanned now, so I can’t give an example at all.

Seeing that she couldn't tell, Princess Grant concluded that the young master who came by marriage was also a black man, and she was immediately disappointed.

 “Forget it, just let it be dark, it won’t matter if you blow out the candle anyway.”

 Three princesses.

"No, don't be disappointed so quickly. Maybe my cousin is a beauty."

 After all, her uncle was attracted by her aunt because of his beauty when he was young.

 Perhaps cousin Qingfeng will follow his father.

Princess Grant didn't quite believe it, "Son, Xiao Mu, you and your aunt should be about the same, then your cousin should be about the same as you."

 If it’s rounded off, it just doesn’t look good.

   Third Princess. “You mean I’m not good-looking?”

 Isn’t she pretty?

Princess Grant looked at her strong body, which was big and thick. There was no beauty at all, only strength.

 You have the nerve to say it looks good?

 Three princesses.

 Suddenly became autistic and didn’t want to talk.

She is obviously very good-looking, or so she thinks.

 Princess Grant is also autistic.

 She felt this was too unreliable.

Judging from the third princess's aesthetics, her cousin may not be good-looking at all, or he may even be a fat man with fat arms.

The more she thought about it, the more disappointed she became, so she simply didn’t want to think about it anymore.

 Forget it, for the sake of peace between the two countries, let's make do with it, it's all the same anyway.

 At worst, I’ll find someone pretty to look good on in the future.

 The third princess. "You."

She wanted to persuade her again, but Princess Grant wanted to go back.

"I still have to prepare for the wedding, so I have to go back and get busy."

 It is a marriage after all, so some respect should be given.

 The third princess could not persuade her any more, so she had no choice but to let her go back.

Sister Ying and her children also heard the news, and they were all curious about what Mr. Qingfeng looked like.

Sister Yang came over with the child in her arms and said, "It is said that this person is a beauty expert and likes to study cosmetics. Your Majesty also asked me to teach him how to make herbal skin care products."

 She has received the letter in advance and started to find land for Mr. Qingfeng to plant herbs that are good for the skin.

Sister Ying nodded and gave Xiaomiguo a whip, "It's good. If both parties are voluntary, it will be a good marriage in the future."

 After summer, autumn comes.

 In late autumn, Mr. Qingfeng’s love-delivery team will arrive.

 (End of this chapter)

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