Chapter 979, Mr. Qingfeng has arrived

 The third princess got the news in advance and went to pick it up in person early in the morning.

This time the bride-to-be team was quite large, probably because they wanted to show off to Mr. Qingfeng and give him some face in the grassland country.

 Including the dowry, there are ten carriages, which is almost the same as the dowry of the third princess back then.

The third princess has been waiting for so long, and finally the person she has been waiting for is here.

 “Cousin, are you here?”

Mr. Qingfeng wrapped himself up tightly, revealing a pair of beautiful big eyes.

The cousins ​​have not seen each other for many years, but when they saw each other for the first time, they were still very friendly.


The third princess nodded happily and asked him to come down, "Let's go. I'll take you around, or do you want to go back and rest first?"

With her carelessness, she would not have said these words. These words were taught to her by Young Master Zhong early in the morning.

Mr. Qingfeng was also surprised that she cared about people and smiled, "I want to take a bath first and then sleep."

As for shopping, let’s wait until we have a good rest.

 The third princess nodded, "Okay, come up, I'll take you back."

 After saying that, he stretched out his hand towards him to pull him onto his horse.

Mr. Qingfeng, however, felt shy and said, "No, I'll ride one myself."

Although he is effeminate, he can still ride a horse.

The third princess was not polite and gave him a horse, "Let's go back together."

Mr. Qingfeng hummed and rode back with her.

Those who were escorting the bride went to the inn to rest.

 Don't worry about the dowry, no one dares to come here to steal it.

 After returning home.

Mr. Qingfeng looked at this ancient courtyard and couldn't help but ask, "Cousin, is this your home?"

Isn’t his cousin here one person below ten thousand people? Why do you live in such a shabby place?

The third princess disagreed, "You don't like it?"

“If you don’t like it, I’ll find you a better place tomorrow.”

Qingfeng didn’t object and said, “Let’s go in and take a look first.”

Even though I’m here, I still want to see my two nephews and my cousin-in-law.

Mr. Zhong went shopping for groceries early in the morning, and he just came back from shopping. He had big bags and small bags, and he was pushing a stroller. The cart was full of vegetables, meat, and fruits.

 Looking at the door open, he knew that the third princess had come back to pick someone up.

 “Ah, you are back.”

 He came in with a stroller, and Piggy also had big and small bags on him.


When the third princess saw that he bought so much, she clicked her tongue and said, "You won't ask someone to come over and help?"

Really, why are you working so hard?

Mr. Zhong smiled and said, "Hey, I have a son."

He still likes to take his son out with him, letting him get in touch with him in everything, and helping him with work together. This not only cultivates the relationship between father and son, but also exercises his survival ability.

Sister Ying taught him this, and he found it very useful.

Seeing that he didn't look tired, the third princess stopped talking to him and walked over to help him carry his things.

“Next time, don’t buy so much at once that you won’t be able to finish it all.”

Mr. Zhong said cheerfully, "Why can't you finish the meal? You have such a big appetite, and you have a cousin, so don't buy more. It will save you the trouble of running around every day."

As the weather gets cooler, things are easier to store, so buy more and stock up.

  Speaking of cousin, the third princess called Qingfeng over and introduced him, "This is your cousin-in-law."

  Came over with a cool demeanor, clasped his fists at Young Master Zhong and saluted, "Hello, cousin-in-law."

Mr. Zhong looked him up and down, and couldn't help but clicked his tongue in his heart, secretly thinking that this guy was really fair and handsome.

Originally, he thought that his skin was already very smooth and tender for a man, but he didn't expect that the other person's skin was whiter than him, tenderer than him, and even smelled better than him.

He couldn't help but feel sour, but he still said politely, "My cousin has just arrived, go and have a rest first. I have packed the house for you. You go and wash up first. You will have dinner in a while." He said, Let the servants take him over to rest.

Qingfeng hummed and went to the guest room first.

 As soon as I arrived at the guest room, I found that although it was old, everything was neatly arranged and the quilts were clean.

 Including a light floral fragrance in the room, which shows the taste.

He thinks it's good. Although it's not as wealthy as the other courtyards in the capital, it's better than being clean and tidy.

 He is a person who loves cleanliness. He thought that his cousin would be so rough that the house would be messy.

 Fortunately, my cousin-in-law is very capable, so this house looks so clean.

 He went to take a bath first, then took a nap, and then came out after getting up at night and getting dressed.

 Master Zhong has cooked a lot of delicious food today, especially for Qingfeng.

As soon as Qingfeng woke up, he could smell the aroma of food.

Mr. Zhong sent Little Piggy to invite him, "Uncle, the meal is ready. Come and eat quickly."

Qingfeng nodded, "Okay."

 He followed Little Piggy out and saw a table of delicious dishes.

“Cousin, please sit down quickly. The dishes are all served. There is only one pot of wine left. I will pour it for you.”

 Speaking, he went over wearing an apron.

As soon as the third princess came over, she sat down and picked up her chopsticks to pick up some meat for him.

 “Eat, your cousin-in-law is very good at cooking.”

After saying that, he ate it himself and gave some to his eldest son.

 Little Piggy was eating obediently and taking a look at his younger brother.

Mr. Zhong brought wine and poured it for him, very enthusiastically.

 “Eat quickly and try to get used to it.”


Qingfeng took a look at the dishes. They were all dishes from Beijing, but they seemed to taste more delicious than those from Beijing.

He ate a piece of sweet and sour pork, and his eyes lit up. It was indeed more delicious than the capital.

“Cousin-in-law, did you cook this?”

Zhong Da saw that he liked it and smiled proudly, "I did it. I went to learn from my best friend."

Qingfeng was puzzled, "A good bestie? A close friend?"

This was the first time he heard the word best friend from a man.

Is it possible that my cousin-in-law also likes to dress up like him? Feminine personality?

He observed Young Master Zhong carefully and found that although he was wearing an apron, he was still clean and had the temperament of a good wife and mother.

Especially when he is picking up food for his children, he is even more gentle and exudes the brilliance of motherhood.

This scene looks warm, but in the eyes of secular people, it seems to be looked down upon.

But he appreciates it very much.

  It would be very happy if I could wash hands and make soup for the woman I love.

But he doesn’t like cooking very much because cooking hurts his hands and leaves him with the smell of food.

He still likes to pour those rouge and gouache, and it is better to let his servants do the cooking.

 Master Zhong would bring him vegetables from time to time, asking him to eat more.

 “Eat some fruit after eating to relieve tiredness.”


Young Master Zhong poured a glass of wine for the third princess, and then said, "Cousin Qingfeng, you have to rest for a few days. I will take you to the market the next day. It happens that my best friend's shop and my shop are also open there. , when you want to open a store, I can help you refer to the location. "

Qingfeng saw that his words were sincere and did not seem to be perfunctory, so she nodded, "Okay. Thank you cousin-in-law."

Mr. Zhong smiled and said, "Hey, no matter how polite you are, we are all part of the same family."

 Little Piggy also smiled, "Yes, we are a family."

 Mr. Zhong had already taught the children last night. The person he said was his cousin, he could be considered a biological uncle, and they were all part of the same family.

 So the children remember it firmly.

 (End of this chapter)

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