The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 980: , heart-warming little piggy

Chapter 980, Heartwarming Little Piggy

Qingfeng felt soft when he saw the children approaching him.

This is the first time someone is willing to accept him and teach the children not to discriminate against him.

 He was very moved. He felt that coming here was better than being in the capital. At least there were relatives here who really accepted him.

 Including the third cousin, from just now to now, she has not looked at him with strange eyes, let alone asked him why he was dressed so fancy.

   He didn't even use the tone of an elder to teach a junior, telling him to relax a lot.

And she was still the same as before, not polite at all, eating and drinking when she should, and had no intention of having a guest at home, as if he was not that guest at all and did not need her to be polite at all.

 No wonder the emperor's uncle said that his cousin's whole person had changed a lot after she got married.

Now it seems that it is all the fault of my cousin-in-law.

Especially the two nephews are really cute, polite and approachable. I also like them after seeing them.

 He didn't like children before, thinking that children were devils and were very noisy.

 But when I see the little pig, I feel that the child is still very cute.

  He reached out and touched the little pig’s head and said gently, “Uncle has brought you a gift and will bring it to you later.”

 Little Piggy smiled happily, "Okay, I'll go check it out with my cousin later."

The nephew and uncle looked at each other and smiled.

The third princess looked up and saw that they were getting along happily, and she felt relieved.

 At first she was afraid that her cousin would not be used to coming here.

 After all, although he was marginalized in the capital, his living standard was not bad.

  He who eats delicious food and drinks, is served by servants, and who opens his mouth when clothes come to him and food comes to him, has never experienced hardship.

 Her life is not that good. The house is also a mud house, and it was leaking from the rain before.

But she feels good about herself because her house was renovated last year. Compared to when she was single, it was already considered a luxury house.

 The renovation was because Mr. Zhong felt that if Qingfeng was to get married here, the home must not be too shabby.

So I spent my family’s money to renovate it.

He was dissatisfied with the dilapidated roof of his house for a long time, so he was very energetic when he started working, and almost demolished the house.

 Fortunately, I can go to the military camp to stay for a while, so that I can have room to play with the house.

 After the house was renovated, the family of four was very satisfied.

Especially, their renovated second floor is very solid and there is no need to worry about leakage even if it rains. The children can also sleep on it by themselves.

The fence of the courtyard was also built three meters high, so outsiders could not come in.

Although Mr. Zhong also likes to chat with his neighbors, he doesn't like them constantly peeking in, as if they were peeping on others.

 Just build the walls higher.

 At night, he was afraid that Qingfeng would be frightened if he slept alone, so he asked Xiaozhuzhu to accompany him.

Little Piggy is also good, hugging Qingfeng's thigh and cutely saying, "Uncle, let me sleep with you."

Qingfeng also liked him and agreed.

 “Okay. Just in time I want you to see the gift.”

So the uncle and nephew went back to the guest room together.

Qingfeng went to look through the small bundle and the small box, and said to Little Piggy, "This box of rare things was given to you by your maternal grandfather. I bought it for you in this bag."

 Little Piggy stamped her feet happily, "Really? So many?"

 He is usually good, but he is also a child at heart, so he is naturally happy to receive gifts.

Seeing that he was happy, Qingfeng smiled and touched his head, "Go and open it and take a look."


Little Piggy went to open the gift given by the emperor's grandfather first. As soon as he opened the box, he saw the golden longevity lock inside.

There are also the precious Four Treasures of the Study.

 Even a sharp sword is available.

When he and his mother lived in the military camp, he had already started learning swordsmanship and was worried about not having his own sword.     But this sword is a bit big, and I feel like I have to wait until he is older before it can be used.

 The rest was given to the second brother, and each of the two brothers had a share.

After watching the emperor’s grandfather’s film, he then went to see his uncle’s film.

Qingfeng has never bought gifts for her children, but she always buys expensive ones.

Like interesting nine-link rings, some kaleidoscopes, or other toys that boys like, I bought them.

Little Piggy liked it very much after reading it, and said sweetly, "Thank you, uncle. Daddy said you are a gentle person, and you are indeed very gentle."

From just now to now, his uncle's eyes have been gentle, just like his father, he likes it.

 Chance Qingfeng was surprised when someone expressed his love for the first time.

 Especially when this person is still a child.

 It is said that a child’s preferences are the most direct. If Xiaozhuzhu says he likes him, then he probably likes him.

 This. I feel a little shy for no reason.

 In the past, wherever he appeared in the capital, other people disliked him and would avoid him when they saw him.

 At first he was sad and sad, and didn’t understand why they didn’t like him.

 Later he understood.

Because he always likes to dress himself up and show off his beauty, and his body is fragrant, those people don't like him.

 Feeling that he is an alien and a sick person.

 After that, he stopped going out.

 Even when I go out, I just go to the store.

 I didn’t expect that someone would still like him in his lifetime, and he was also his nephew.

Qingfeng coughed, a little unsure. "Little Piggy, do you really like me? Don't you hate me?"

   Little Piggy hugged his thigh and shook his head, "I don't hate him, I like uncle."

 And why do you hate your uncle? He doesn't understand.

“My uncle is so good-looking and gentle, who would hate him?”

Qingfeng smiled helplessly, "People in the capital don't like me. They say I'm an alien."

   Little Piggy doesn’t understand, “Why do I say that to you? Is it because I’m jealous of you? I’m jealous that you’re so beautiful?”

Qingfeng was stunned, "Ah? There is still such a way to say it."

 This is the first time he has heard of it.

Little Piggy looked defensive, "What else? My dad said that only those who are jealous of someone will speak ill of the other person. Those who don't like my uncle must be jealous of his fair skin and beauty."

“After all, not everyone can be fair-skinned and beautiful, so don’t be jealous.”

Qingfeng was amused by his childish words, "Are you telling the truth? Do you like your uncle to be fair and beautiful?"

   Little Piggy nodded sincerely, "I like it. My uncle smells good and his skin is white. He's whiter than his father. He's really good-looking."

 This is not the first time that Qingfeng has been praised for her good looks, but this is the first time that she has been praised by a child.

He blushed slightly, "Don't you think uncle's dress is a bit gaudy?"

 A peach-pink gauze jacket with a white robe underneath.

 Coupled with her fair skin and good looks, she looks a bit like a rabbit when she wears this pink robe.

 Little Piggy doesn’t know what Lord Rabbit is, he just thinks it looks good.

She also warmly comforted him, "Uncle, don't be sad. Aunt Liang said, be open-minded in everything. Don't pay too much attention to what outsiders say. Just treat them as farts and it's none of your business. Don't worry too much about outsiders' opinions." Thoughts, not worth it.”

“Also, life is for you, your own comfort is the most important, other people are not important.”

He was like a little grown-up, and he was full of truths, which made Qingfeng laugh.

 “Who is your Aunt Liang? There are so many truths.”

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