Chapter 981, Best Friends Group

“She is Xiaomi Guo’s mother, my father’s best friend, and Uncle Jing’s wife.”

  Does this make sense to your cousin?


 Well, he was confused.

Think about it, "Is she your father's best friend?"

 Zhuzhu nodded, "Yes, Aunt Liang's words are very reasonable. If you don't understand anything, you can ask her."

“And Aunt Yang is also great. She is the one who wants to teach you how to grow herbal medicine. Her medical skills are very good.”

Sister Yang gave them herbal medicine lessons, so Xiaozhuzhu admired her medical skills.

 After all, herbal medicine can save people. Dad said that doctors have great abilities and should be treated with respect.

 Zhuzhu saw with his own eyes that Sister Yang saved a dead passerby, and he admired Sister Yang even more.

Qingfeng didn't expect that everyone here had already received the news. It seemed that the letters came and went very quickly.

The next time he writes a letter to his parents, they should arrive soon.

 If you can communicate, there is nothing to worry about.

Moreover, there are many children in the family, and he feels relieved when other brothers and sisters are there to honor him.

The uncle and nephew chatted until midnight before falling asleep.

 On the second day.

 At dawn, Qingfeng felt that he was full from sleep and slowly started to relax.

 As soon as I got up, I smelled the aroma of rice, coming from the kitchen.

 The third princess was already practicing the Square Heavenly Halberd in the yard.

She practiced so hard that she wanted to take off her clothes when she got hot.

After seeing this, Young Master Zhong put on an apron and went over to stop him, "What are you doing? There are other men at home, it's true."

The third princess paused and said, "I forgot."

Usually when it’s too hot to practice martial arts, she takes off her clothes directly and wears a small vest underneath.

  She thought, "My cousin is not an outsider either." It meant it was hot and she wanted to take off her clothes.

Mr. Zhong firmly objected, "No, you are not allowed to take it off."

My cousin is also a man. How can I wear underwear when I am a man? What does it look like?

 There is no male servant at home because this guy always likes to wear a vest.

 Because there is no male servant, firewood is bought directly outside on weekdays.

But these little things have no impact on Mr. Zhong.

He put his hands on his hips and did not allow the third princess to take off her coat, and asked her to wash her hands and eat.

The third princess clicked her tongue. She was so hot that she had no choice but to go back and wash herself.

Qingfeng heard their conversation in the room and felt a little warm.

 As soon as he lowered his head, Little Piggy also woke up.

 He smiled and touched the little pig's head, "Do your parents get along like this on weekdays?"

 Little Piggy nodded, "Yes, my mother is scared of my father."

  Even though his father is weak and weak, his mother is just afraid of him and it’s so funny.

After hearing this, Qingfeng suddenly admired Young Master Zhong.

After all, the third cousin has such a strong temperament, and the cousin husband can actually train her to be submissive, which shows how powerful she is.

I heard that Princess Grant also has such a strong temper, and I don’t know if he can subdue her.

If he could get along like this with his third cousin's family, and he could have the final say in the family, then life would be pretty good.

If Princess Grant was overbearing and unreasonable, he would probably have a hard time.

But forget it, he didn't have much hope when he came here. He only hoped that he could make herbal ointment.

As for whether Princess Grant liked him or not, and whether she would treat him well, he didn't dare to expect too much, lest he be disappointed.

Young Master Zhong saw his son getting up, knocked on the door and called, "Qingfeng, get up and eat when you wake up."

 “Okay. Come right away.”

 Little Piggy took him to wash up. After washing, they went to the kitchen to eat together.

Little Erzhu is also full and is lying in the baby chair.

 Zhong Da saw them coming and served them corn porridge.

 “Drink it while it’s hot, with corn tortillas.”

 Breakfast consists of agricultural crops, including whole grains, and a plate of fruits after the meal. Qingfeng took a quick look and found that although the things were not very delicate, they were all clean.

 He sat down to eat. It tasted sweet and delicious. It was indeed delicious.

Mr. Zhong sat down, took a sip of porridge, and said to Qingfeng, "Cousin, do you want to go out for a walk today? I will take you to meet my best friend."

“They are very nice people and have cheerful personalities. You will definitely be able to chat with them.”

Qingfeng was not very confident, "Really?"

Although women from the capital would also chat with him, they would always ask about skin care, and few of them would actually become close friends.

If he can make true friends, he will also be happy.

Young Master Zhong cheered, "You just think too much. I will take you to see them later, and you will definitely join us."

It's not that he's bragging, he has a close relationship with his best friends, and I believe his cousin will like it.

Qingfeng didn’t object. After all, it was her brother-in-law’s kindness, so she agreed.

 The third princess was the first to finish eating, and then left.

Before leaving, I thought of a few words, "If there's anything you're not used to, or if you want anything, just ask your brother-in-law, or come to me in the military camp."

Qingfeng nodded, "Okay."

Since it was my cousin’s kindness, I didn’t refuse it.

 After finishing the meal, Mr. Zhong went to wash the children's hands and asked the maid to clean up the dishes, and then came to call Qingfeng.

 “Let’s go, cousin, I’ll take you to meet my bestie.”

Qingfeng hummed and thought of something, "Wait a minute."

 He went to the house to get some rouge and gouache, and went to someone's house, so he could bring some with him.

Mr. Zhong smiled and said, "You don't have to be so polite. They don't care about this."

Qingfeng still felt that he should be more polite. After all, it was his first time visiting.

Zhong Da saw that he was polite and smiled, "Okay, let's go."

 He pushed the stroller and asked Xiaozhuzhu to follow him, and took Qingfeng to Sister Ying's house.

However, Sister Ying and the others are still asleep at this moment, but the children got up first.

 Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin will study herbal medicine with Sister Yang in the herbal medicine shop.

 Zhong Dashao came in at a familiar door. Knowing that they were not awake yet, he took Qingfeng directly to the herbal medicine shop.

“That’s the herbal shop, the children will definitely be there.”

 Little Piggy ran over happily.

 “Six kilograms of honey fruit~~”

 Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin heard the sound and ran out when they knew Brother Zhuzhu was coming.

 “Brother Piggy~”

 Little Piggy smiled, "My cousin is here."

 The two children looked at each other, "Your cousin? Who is it?"

“It’s the one introduced by the emperor’s grandfather.”

 He had told his two sisters before.

Xiao Miguo remembered, "Oh, is this the one who wants to marry Princess Grant? Come and show us."

 When she said this, Young Master Zhong was startled and quickly looked at Qingfeng's face.

Although it is true that he got married, I am afraid that my cousin did not do it voluntarily.

 When a man is told to marry, he is afraid that he will be unhappy.

I don’t know what Xiaozhuzhu said. He actually told Xiaomiguo like this. He really deserves a beating.

 But Qingfeng’s face was calm and he didn’t seem angry.

Mr. Zhong apologized, "It's my fault. I lied to the child. I apologize to you."

Qingfeng shook his head and was not reassured.

“They are right, I am indeed married.”

If he agrees to come, it means that he is voluntary and does not care whether he gets married or not.

Xiao Miguo saw the look in the adult's eyes and realized that she seemed to have said the wrong thing. She pinched the hem of her skirt, walked over to Qingfeng and hugged her thigh, "Brother, I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing."

 (End of this chapter)

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