The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 982: , learn skills from a teacher

 Chapter 982, apprenticeship

Qingfeng lowered his head, looked at the little guy on his legs, and smiled.

 “You are right, I am indeed married, and I have nothing to apologize for.”

Xiao Miguo heard that the adults were all face-saving and seemed unhappy about getting married, so she still felt a little guilty, so she handed over the snacks in her hands with a sweet voice.

 “Big brother, give it~”

 This is a chocolate made by her mother. All the children in the family only have two pieces, and she only has two pieces. She is reluctant to eat it on weekdays.

Qingfeng looked at the candy packaging and smiled, "No, I don't eat candy, you can eat it."

Xiao Miguo still handed over the chocolate, "This is not candy, it is chocolate. My mother has been working on it for several days."

There are no cocoa beans here. It was when Jing Shirong was patrolling that he met a caravan and saw that they had some, so he bought some and brought them back to Sister Ying.

Every time he sees something he has never seen before, he will buy some and show them to his children. It has become a habit.

Sister Ying was pleasantly surprised when she saw the cocoa beans and wanted to make chocolate immediately.

But chocolate is not easy to make. Just peeling and drying the beans takes several days.

 Then it is ground into powder and then made into chocolate.

The children watched it for several days, and finally the finished product came out. Sister Ying only gave them a fingernail-sized taste.

 It was a little bitter at first, but I fell in love with it after eating it carefully.

 Because the quantity is small, there are only two small pieces per person, and they have to be kept in the icebox if not eaten.

Qingfeng heard about chocolate for the first time. He took it over to take a look out of curiosity. He first sniffed it and found that the taste was surprisingly fragrant.

 “It smells so good~”

This smell is completely different from the fragrance he usually smells.

Cousin-in-law has always said that his best friend is very powerful. Although she hasn’t seen it yet, just from the smell of this chocolate, Qingfeng feels that Sister Ying must be very powerful.

He gently broke some pieces into pieces and tasted them in his mouth. The taste was slightly bitter, but it was an acceptable kind of bitterness, and the more he ate, the better it became.

 “Not bad, very delicious.”

 Xiao Miguo saw that he only made a few pieces, so she felt that he was a good person.

  He actually didn’t want to eat her chocolate.

 If it were Xiao Liujin, he would have swallowed it in one gulp.

Qingfeng saw her grinning, her delicate little face becoming more and more beautiful, and he liked it very much.

“Your name is Xiaomiguo, right? I have a veil here, do you like it?”

 This is the gift he brought out just now, and Xiao Liujin also has it.

 They both saw the exquisite handkerchief and liked it very much.

 "Good looking, thank you pretty brother."

 Xiao Liujin also thanked him in a stupid way, "Thank you, beautiful brother~"

Qingfeng was exaggerated by them one after another. They were all a little embarrassed, but they were in a good mood.

My cousin-in-law is right, the people here are really tolerant.

 Even the children are so kind.

Mr. Zhong looked around the herbal medicine shop and didn't see Sister Yang, so he asked, "Where is Sister Yang?"

 Xiao Miguo replied, "I went to change my little sister's diaper."

Just as he was talking, Sister Yang came in with Xiao Yunduo in her arms.

 “Ah, you are here.”

 Zhong Da saw her carrying the child and took Xiao Yunduo with a smile.

“Little Yunduo, do you still remember me?”

Little Yunduo had a silly look on his face. He didn't remember him at all and was still smiling silly.

Sister Yang wiped her mouth and was happy.

“Just in time, I’ll hold you for a while when you come, and I’ll teach the children.”

 At first she didn’t want to teach a bunch of brats.

Sister Ying said that as long as the children are taught a lesson, it will be easy to instruct them in the future.

 Otherwise, the children would be blind to herbal medicines, not understanding this or that, or even helping her get herbal medicines. Wouldn’t she be even more tired?

After hearing this, Sister Yang felt that what she said made sense, so she took the time to give her children herbal medicine classes every morning.

 Xiao Miguo and the others are at the studious stage and have to take many kinds of classes every day. The first lesson is herbal medicine. They are smart and have learned dozens of herbal medicines.

Not only can I look at leaves and roots, but I can also smell and distinguish them, which has improved a lot.

Qingfeng didn’t expect that the children were all capable, and immediately wanted to learn.

Young Master Zhong held the child and introduced him to Sister Yang, "Sister Yang, this is the cousin of the third princess, Qingfeng."

 Sister Yang nodded and nodded to Qingfeng.

  A letter came from the palace saying that she was asked to teach the young master in front of her.

 At first, she thought the other person was a tall and thick-mannered person, but she didn’t expect that the other person was so elegant, especially with pretty eyebrows.

 Look at that white-skinned one.

 “Okay, then you can sit there and learn with the children.”

“Today I will teach you some herbs that are good for your skin.”

Qingfeng saw that things were going so smoothly. There was no discrimination at all, let alone school bullying. It was just like a dream.

Sister Yang called Xiaomiguo, "Go and get me Dendrobium nobile, Aspartame asparagus, and fresh ground. These are all nourishing the skin and strengthening moisturizing."

Qingfeng listened carefully and took pen, ink, paper and inkstone to take notes.

Several children also study seriously.

Today, Sister Yang also specially taught me the dosage of Qingfeng medicine and how to experiment.

 Qingfeng has experience in making facial creams, so it would be easy to discuss it with her.

 It was already noon by the time I finished studying.

It was then that he remembered that the apprenticeship ceremony had not yet taken place.

So he quickly went to get the high gift from his apprenticeship and came over to give it to Sister Yang.

 Hand gave a big gift to Sister Yang again.

Sister Yang hurriedly asked him to get up, "No, no, no, we are just discussing it, there is no need to make such a big ceremony."

Qingfeng, however, respected the teacher who was not secretive and still bowed politely.

"I admire the teacher's medical skills very much, and I also admire the teacher's lack of privacy. You'd better be a student."

Sister Yang saw that he was so sincere, so she let him go.

Sister Ying and Jing Han also got up.

The children ran back to find their mother, chattering about the arrival of a beautiful older brother at home.

Jinghan and Sister Ying went out to watch the gossip.

 Lunch has been prepared. Young Master Zhong and the others will eat here at noon.

It was Qingfeng’s first time to eat with so many people, and he was a little nervous.

Sister Yang smiled and said, "Be at ease, don't be awkward, just like friends, relax."

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked at him and were immediately surprised.

 Good guy, I didn’t expect that the young master from the capital would be so fresh, like a delicate flower.

I heard that this man was a few years older than them, but I didn’t expect him to look so small.

He looks like he is twenty years old, so young.

Zhong Da saw their envious faces and said with a smile, "How about it? Does it look good?"

Sister Ying nodded sharply, "It looks good, it really looks good."

But I don’t dare to praise too loudly, for fear that others will not be happy to be praised.

Seeing that they were all so cheerful, Qingfeng felt unnatural at the beginning and gradually relaxed.

 “I brought you some skin care cream, I hope you don’t mind it.”

Sister Ying laughed, "Haha, I don't mind it, we love using it."

“But, little brother, what kind of fragrance are you wearing? It smells good, not overpowering at all.”

 A perfume made by Sister Yang before was also very nice.

 But because the work was complicated, she had no patience, so she stopped working on it.

 On the other hand, Qingfeng's fragrance is very fresh and pleasant, and they all like it.

 (End of this chapter)

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