Chapter 983: Sizing up men

Qingfeng saw that they liked it and finally had a topic.

“This is the scent of gardenia. If you like it, I’ll bring you some next time.”

Sister Ying came over and chatted, "I heard that you open a skin care shop? You opened the popular one in Jiangnan?"

Qingfeng nodded, "Yes, have you ever been to that store?"

“I’ve been there before. All the ladies from Jiangnan like to go there.”

“It’s a pity that they don’t exist here. If they did, I would like to buy more skin care products.”

Jinghan nodded, "Me too. I've been out of stock for a long time. I really want to buy it, but it's a pity that there is no branch here."

Qingfeng didn't expect them to like it so much, and felt a little proud.

“Don’t worry, I will open a branch here soon. When you come to buy, I will give you a 50% discount.”

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked at each other and were very surprised, "Really? That's great."

They also love beauty. The winter here is dry and they can’t live without skin care products.

Qingfeng took a closer look at their skin and saw that their skin was also hydrated, which showed that they often took care of themselves.

However, their hair looked a bit dry, so I guess they didn’t buy suitable shampoo products.

Sister Ying saw that he was so understanding and professional at first glance, so she immediately told him about her frustrations.

“No, my hair was very flowing when I was in the south of the Yangtze River, but it started to dry here.”

 Even though she took the time to maintain it, it was still dry, probably due to geography, and she was also very melancholy.

 Jinghan is even worse, her hair quality is not as good as that of Sister Ying.

Hurry over and ask Qingfeng, "Little Prince, do you have any good products? Please introduce them to us."

Qingfeng smiled and said, "It's true. I brought a lot when I came here this time."

 He was afraid that there would be no products here, so he brought three large boxes with him.

He brought a lot of skin care products when he came here just now, and he will give each of them a bottle now.

"I developed it myself. If you don't mind it, just accept it."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "That's great, we'll give it a try soon."

Jinghan agreed, "Yes, yes, I'll try it in a while."

Qingfeng saw that they were really used to it and taught them how to use it.

“This hair cream should be applied to the ends of the hair after washing it. Leave it on for a while to let the hair absorb it, and then rinse it off.”

“After washing, dry your hair with a towel, and then let your hair blow dry. Once it dries, your hair will be extra soft.”

When Sister Ying heard it, she thought it was just a hair mask, and she immediately wanted to try it.

So she didn't wait any longer and made an appointment with Jinghan to wash her hair.

Qingfeng was afraid that they wouldn't be able to use it, so he immediately followed them to have a look.

The children also seemed to be joining in the fun, running to have their hair washed.

When Jing Shirong came back, he saw a group of women washing their hair in the yard.

 He came here with Princess Grant.

Princess Grant heard that Mr. Qingfeng was coming yesterday and came here specifically to take a look today.

  Although a woman should be reserved, she would not be at ease with the husband she finds unless she sees it with her own eyes.

So she went to the third princess's courtyard first, but the servants said that the third princess had gone to the military camp.

She asked her servant, "What about your little prince? Is he at home?"

The maid shook her head and said, "The young prince and his consort have gone out to Mrs. Jing's house."

Princess Grant didn't know where Sister Ying's family lived. Just when she was about to ask, she met Jing Shirong coming back on horseback.

As soon as she saw him, her eyes lit up and she followed him.

“Jing Shirong, do you want to go back?”

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes, why are you here?"

Princess Grant was overjoyed and chased after her on horseback, "I'll go with you."

Jing Shirong was confused, "You came with me?? What were you doing there?" Princess Grant felt a rare embarrassment, "Well, what, I heard that the young prince is at your house."

Jing Shirong understood, "Logically speaking, men and women cannot meet before they get married. This is the rule."

The grassland country also has this rule, and Princess Grant also knows that this is not good.

 But when people come, they feel itchy in their hearts even if they don’t look at it. They just want to see it.

Jing Shirong hasn’t seen Qingfeng yet, and doesn’t know what kind of appearance he has become, so he doesn’t dare to take anyone there.

 What if Princess Gran regrets going back on her word if it becomes too ugly for a while?

So he refused, "It will be next month when you two get married. You will see it when you enter the bridal chamber."

 meaning not to let her follow.

Princess Grant was unconvinced, "My own man, why should I check in advance?"

She was already very curious about this man who came to marry him, but now people are here and they don’t let her see him, so how can she eat and sleep?

 No, I have to read everything today.

Jing Shirong took the sword and said, "How about a competition? If you win, I will take you there."

Princess Grant looked at his sword and thought for a moment, it would be okay to compare it, just to test Jing Shirong's martial arts level.

So the two people competed in an open field.

Jing Shirong’s martial arts skills are naturally not weak.

Princess Grant's martial arts skills are not bad either. The two of them held their weapons at the same time, making a ping-pong sound, and their moves were fast and accurate.

Both of them intended to test each other's inner strength, so they decided to use a unique move.

Jing Shirong saw her coming with a square halberd, bringing with it 80% of her internal energy.

It was so powerful that the trees nearby roared.

 He thought about it for a moment and turned around to avoid it, not wanting to take the attack.

 After all, they are not enemies. They are not on the battlefield, so there is no need to get close to them.

Princess Grant was surprised that his Qinggong was so fast and he could hide so easily?

It seems that this person's ability is indeed not weak.

So she stopped fighting and pretended to go back, but actually followed behind secretly.

Jing Shirong knew that she was following her secretly, so he thought about it and didn't stop her.

Anyway, the imperial edict for marriage has been issued, and no matter how ugly the person is, she can't ruin the marriage.

He went into the yard first, while Princess Grant hid in the tree and peeped.

Jing Shirong was a little confused when he saw everyone washing their hair as soon as he came in.

 “You? What is this?”

 Why are everyone suddenly washing their hair?

Sister Ying snorted, "The weather is nice today, and a beauty teacher is here. We are trying out his products."

Jing Shirong felt dizzy and couldn't quite understand what she said.

 “Beauty teacher? What beauty teacher?”

Sister Ying pointed at Qingfeng who was holding a parasol, "Hey, little brother Qingfeng, look at him, he looks so good."

“His hair masks are also easy to use, and so are his towels. They are better than ours. From now on, our towels will be purchased from him.”

Jing Shirong didn't even hear what she was saying. He only heard the sentence, "He's so good-looking."

 He turned his head and met Qingfeng's eyes. The two men looked at each other and looked at each other up and down at the same time.

Jing Shirong looked at him up and down, and saw that the other person's skin was white and tender, his lips were red, and his waist was so thin that he looked almost like a woman.

Especially because he was wearing such red in broad daylight, and it was a red gauze jacket. It was light and fluttery. He dared to wear it more than women. He was really a strange man.

Qingfeng also looked at him up and down, and saw that he had a handsome appearance. He looked so good-looking even when he looked at people coldly, let alone when he smiled.

 This was the first time he saw a man who was prettier than him, and he felt a little happy.

However, the other person didn't seem to like him very much, and his face was cold.

 (End of this chapter)

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