Chapter 985, two people meet

Princess Grant thought about Qingfeng's clothes. They seemed to be very expensive.

If his food and clothing are very expensive, it would be really laborious to raise him. After all, she doesn't usually save much money.

Even if she opened a shop, it would still be managed by the housekeeper, and she would never touch money.

If you really marry him home, what should you do if you don’t have money to support him?

The third princess helped him find a way, "That's easy. You give him the shop and the money, and he can spend it as he pleases. If there is no money by then, he will have to find a way by himself. Who told him to take care of the money? Yes. No?"

Princess Grant thinks it makes sense.

 “How did you come up with this idea?”

The third princess raised her chin proudly and said, "I realized it."

Because she doesn't care about the family, but as long as she gives all the money to the stinky man and he spends it as he pleases, wouldn't it save worry and trouble?

If he doesn't have money, then she has no choice. After all, the money is all with him. It's hard to blame her.

Princess Grant nodded, feeling that it made sense.

 “Okay, let’s do it.”

From now on, give all your belongings to the beautiful boy and let him spend it as he pleases, so as not to embarrass her if she can’t get much.

But now she only brought out ten taels, which was not enough to buy him something, so what should I do?

The third princess gave him an idea, "You take him to drink tea first, have a chat, and get to know each other. It would be great to save money and still meet."

 Princess Grant's eyes lit up. Yes, why didn't she think of it?

Just go for tea and get to know him by the way. It doesn’t cost much at all, and you can live under the same roof with him. It doesn’t have to be perfect.

 “Thank you, cousin.”

 “Then I’ll leave first.”

 After saying that, he hurried away again.

She hurriedly turned back, and when she arrived at the gate of Sister Ying's house, she felt a little uneasy again.

 After thinking about it, I knocked on the door.


The maid came to open the door and was a little confused when she saw a tall and thick woman dressed in men's clothing.

 “You, who are you?”

Princess Grant scratched her head, "I'm here to find someone."

 “Are you looking for our wife?”

Princess Grant shook her head, "No, I'm looking for Qingfeng, you let him come out to see me."

The maid was stunned and said, "Qingfeng?"

After thinking about it, it seemed that the new guest was named Qingfeng, so he asked her to wait for a while and said, "I'll go ask for you."

The maid came into the room and whispered to Sister Ying. "Madam, there is a tall and thick woman outside. She says she is looking for Mr. Qingfeng."

 Five big and three rough? Looking for Qingfeng?

That should belong to Princess Grant.

“I know, let her wait for a while.”


After the maid went out, Sister Ying walked over and said to Qingfeng, "It seems that Princess Grant is here. She is looking for you. Do you want to meet her?"

Qingfeng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the person to come so quickly.

 “Why did she come so fast?”

 Aren’t you getting married next month? Why did you suddenly find him?

 He was a little nervous and looked at Sister Ying helplessly.

Sister Ying patted him on the shoulder and told him not to be nervous, "Don't be afraid, I'll go out and take a look first. You hide behind the door and peek at her first. If you don't want to see her, I'll let her go."

He was no longer afraid when someone helped him, and nodded obediently, "Okay."

Sister Ying took him to hide behind the gate and found a good position for him to peek while she opened the door.

Princess Grant thought it was a breeze, and her eyes lit up.

Who knew it wasn't him, and his eyes instantly darkened.

 “Why is it you?”

She sounded slightly disappointed, as if she couldn't see her sweetheart.

Sister Ying noticed her loss and was happy, "What, this handsome man of our family you want to meet?" Princess Grant blushed, "I just want to get to know him and invite him to have a cup of tea."

Qingfeng didn't expect that he actually came to get to know her, and Jun's face couldn't help but blush.

 He leaned on the crack of the door and peeked out secretly.

He saw a woman wearing dark blue coarse linen clothes, with a heroic face, taller than him, bigger than him, and looked majestic.

Her brows were slightly cold and her expression was a bit serious.

 The temperament is somewhat similar to that of my third cousin, they both have very serious faces.

Princess Grant suddenly noticed his gaze and turned to look over.

 The two people's eyes met, as if they were touching sparks, and they were both stunned for a moment.

Princess Grant's face turned red, but she didn't have any stage fright and stared straight at him.

Qingfeng blushed suddenly and ran away immediately after being touched.

 Princess Grant immediately went after him.

 “Oh, don’t run away.”

Sister Ying saw this posture, like a young couple chasing each other, so she stopped calling and followed her secretly to take a peek.

Others were also lying outside the door and peeking.

Qingfeng ran to the backyard in one breath and wanted to hide, but Princess Grant's footsteps were fast and she caught up with him and blocked his way.

 “Don’t run away, be careful of falling.”

She was much taller than him, and her entire body was blocked in front of him, like a mountain, which made him feel shy all of a sudden.

 “You, what do you want to do.”

The two of them met for the first time. Wouldn't the princess want to hurt him?

 Princess Grant was struck by a man for the first time, and she didn't know what to say.

 But she was a proactive person and didn't want to miss the opportunity to get along with him, so she said, "Let's go, I'll take you to tea."

 Said, took his hand and walked out.

 The breeze is covered.

He lowered his head and stared at the hand she held, and his heartbeat suddenly jumped.

He struggled and tried to shake her off, but failed.

But Princess Grant saw him struggling and looked back at him, "What's wrong?"

Qingfeng blushed, "Where are you taking me?"

It was just the first time we met, why is she so presumptuous? It was so bold to actually hold hands when we first met.

Princess Grant thought, "You and I are getting married anyway, so holding hands is normal, isn't it?"

This is true, but he still feels weird, after all, they have just met.

Princess Grant felt as if she had known him for a long time. She was very friendly and didn't feel disgusted at all. On the contrary, she liked him very much.

 “I’ll take you to drink tea first and get to know each other.”

 She said so, Qingfeng was unable to refute, so he could only follow her.

Princess Grant took him to a tea shop, asked for a private room, a pot of milk tea, and several plates of snacks.

After the milk tea was served, she poured a cup for Qingfeng herself and pushed the snacks in front of him.

 “Eat, it’s all hot.”

Qingfeng nodded, picked up the bowl gracefully, and sipped the milk tea.

  Milk tea is salty, but it tastes very fragrant.

 He twisted a small piece with one hand and nodded, taking a small bite. It tasted pretty good.

Princess Grant saw that his movements were so graceful, more graceful than the women in their prairie country, like a delicate flower.

 She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to take care of such a delicate person, but she still wanted to give it a try.

"When you and I get married, is there anything you want me to pay attention to? I have never taken care of others, so I may not be very careful. If there is anything I did wrong, just tell me and I will change it."

She has never been in love and doesn’t know how to take care of others. She can only rely on him to tell her and she will change it.

Qingfeng felt slightly attracted to her when she saw that her words were frank and did not seem like she was lying.

 “Are you willing to change whatever I say?”

 (End of this chapter)

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