Chapter 986, love at first sight

“Of course, as long as you say it, I will change it.”

"Tell me, what do you want me to do? As long as I can do it, I will satisfy you."

Qingfeng saw that she was looking at him sincerely when she spoke, her handsome face turned slightly red, and she covered it with a handkerchief.

"Ahem, okay, let's talk about it first. I don't know how to do housework, let alone cook, but I don't need anyone to serve me. I just need a woman to cook and a maid to do housework. The rest will be fine. I can cook it myself.”

“Second, I want to open a store here. After I get married, I will come out to the store from time to time to take a look. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Moreover, I hope you can discuss something with me. If possible, I don’t want to have a second man in the family.”

  Meaning that he doesn’t want her to find other men.

Princess Grant understood, "Don't worry, I'm only looking for you and no one else."

Qingfeng raised his eyes and looked at her, "But how did I hear that you still want to find someone else?"

This was what he heard someone say when he was on the road.

Although those people’s words were not very standard, he still understood them.

  It turned out that Princess Grant thought he was ugly and wanted to find someone good-looking to amuse her eyes in the future. This made him very angry.

Now that the two of them meet, let’s make the rules clear so that she won’t cause trouble for herself in the future.

Princess Grant was choked up. She didn't expect that this stupid remark would be heard by others and spread out in such nonsense. It was really embarrassing.

 “Alas, I am not, me.”

She was just being tough and didn't really want to find another one. I didn't expect it to be a bad thing.

 She quickly raised three fingers and swore to heaven.

 “I was talking nonsense, there really is no one else but you.”

He is so good, how could she find someone else?

Even if he is not good, she will not look for him.

 I looked for it a few years ago.

Seeing that she was getting angry, Qingfeng obviously wanted to explain, but didn't know how to explain.

 Looking at her sincerity, "Let me believe you for once."

Princess Grant breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, don't worry, I will do it for you and I will never let you be wronged."

“As for the store you want to open, my cousin told me, you can open it if you want.”

“Also, I will give you the household account books, and I will also give you my military salary. You can take care of the household.”

Qingfeng was stunned. She didn't expect that she actually took out all the money.

“Aren’t you afraid that I will spend all your money?”

Princess Grant smiled, "It's just that little money, you can spend it if you want."

All she can give is money, and she really can’t come up with anything else.

Qingfeng thinks she speaks quite cheerfully and thinks she has a good personality.

I just don’t know if she can be so honest with herself after marriage.

“After marriage, will you still listen to me?”

Princess Grant thought for a moment and said, "I will listen to you in small matters, but in big matters I will listen to you."

Qingfeng nodded, "Okay."

 He has no idea about big things anyway, so he just listens to her.

 Having said all that needs to be said, "Is there anything else?"

Qingfeng thought for a while and said, "By the way, if you have children in the future, you can take them with you."

 He himself is not very good at taking care of children, so he hopes she can help him instead of just doing nothing.

Princess Grant patted her chest and promised, "Don't worry, I'll help you, I'll help you."

Looking at her dog-legged appearance, I don’t know who said before that she wanted to find someone who could wash, cook and take care of the children.

 Now that I see someone so beautiful, not only do they not want her to wash, cook and take care of the children, but they also want to take care of the children with me. Beauty is really misleading.

The third princess and her group hiding in the next room all laughed, secretly thinking that Princess Grant had rebelled so quickly.

Qingfeng finished saying what he needed to say and asked one more question.

“Where will we live after we get married? Will we live with our elders?”

 He doesn’t really want to live with his elders, for fear of not getting along.

Princess Grant shook her head, "No, you live in my courtyard. The elders have their own courtyard, and we each live in our own courtyard."

 She didn’t like living with Elder Zhang either. She couldn’t get along with him and had moved out long ago. "That's good."

 As long as you have a private space.

 “Then can I go back to see my parents in the future?”

 Whether she is marrying far away, she will still miss her parents.

Princess Grant thought for a moment, "If you have time, you can."

Qingfeng was relieved to see that she was still easy to talk to.

 “Then you can’t be cruel to me in the future.”

Princess Grant said with a dogged expression, "Of course, how could I give it up?"

"By the way, I'll come to see you tomorrow. Let's have more contact with each other recently, otherwise I'm afraid you won't get used to me after marriage."

 In fact, it was an excuse for her to come to see him.

Qingfeng thought about it, it would be okay to have more contact, since she was too unfamiliar after marriage, so she agreed.

“Well, come back to me tomorrow.”

Princess Grant was so beautiful that she nodded repeatedly, "Okay, okay, I'll go find you tomorrow and take you out for dinner."

Qingfeng nodded, "Okay."

The two of them chatted for a few more words, and it was Princess Grant who took the initiative to find the topic, so she was not tired at all.

 The third princess heard it and snorted from the next door, "Yeah, lick the dog."

 Zhong Dashao smiled, "What's wrong with licking a dog? At least there is someone to like it. It's better than not having anyone to like at all."

 The third princess acquiesced, "That's true."

Princess Grant has never liked anyone before, and her attitude was always cold.

 Now that I have fallen in love with Qingfeng at first sight and am willing to pay, it is naturally a good thing.

 I just hope that they can be so good after marriage.

The two chatted for a long time before Princess Grant reluctantly sent him back.

 When she got to the door of her house, she was still reluctant to leave, "Then I'll come back tomorrow."

Qingfeng nodded shyly, "I understand. You can go back."

  “No, I’ll watch you go in and then leave.”

Qingfeng hummed and walked in elegantly.

Princess Grant couldn’t bear to leave even after looking at it for a long time.

 Finally, a servant came to find her and asked her to go back, so she turned around and walked away.

Qingfeng saw her leaving and secretly came out to take a look. His fair and handsome face turned red.

He also didn’t expect Princess Grant to be such a lively person, talkative so much, and so clingy that she was reluctant to leave.

However, he had a good impression of her and thought she was a reliable person. Maybe marrying her would be a good idea.

Thinking of her powerful body, he felt shy.

 In the evening, the third princess asked him, "How is it? What's your impression of Princess Grant? Are you repulsive?"

Qingfeng shyly shook her head, "I don't reject her, she's pretty good."

 Having a pretty honest character, that’s okay.

 He felt no pressure when getting along with her and felt very relaxed and comfortable.

 And she seemed to accept whatever he told her and was very tolerant of his preferences.

 If this is the case, there is nothing wrong with marrying her.

 The third princess nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, as long as you don't hate it."

It's just that if two people don't like each other, they will become a resentful couple.

 Fortunately, the two of them like each other, so that’s easy to say.

 “But she said she would come again tomorrow.”

Thinking of Princess Grant's enthusiasm, Qingfeng felt helpless.

He is a slow-tempered person, but Princess Grant is very fiery, and he doesn't know how to refuse.

 The third princess frowned. "Come back tomorrow?

What’s the point of coming here every day when we haven’t even gotten married yet?

Remember to protect yourself during the epidemic (ì_í)



 (End of this chapter)

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