Chapter 987, two people dating

The third princess was not very happy and clicked her tongue, secretly thinking that Princess Grant, an old pervert, actually wanted to take advantage of her?

 We won't get married until next month, but she comes so often. I don't know if I thought she wanted to cook the rice.

 “No, don’t see her again, otherwise she will take advantage of you.”

After all, he is an old bachelor, and he has been a bachelor for many years. His cousin is still so beautiful, so maybe his thoughts are not pure.

Qingfeng blushed, "No, no way. She doesn't look like that kind of person."

 Although he is a boy, he is also a pure boy and can be shy.

And Princess Grant doesn’t look like a gangster, she should be quite serious.

The third princess clicked her tongue and said, "You are still young and have never seen the world, so you don't know how dangerous people's hearts are."

Princess Grant is such an old woman. Before she got married, she wanted someone as good-looking as her man. Now that she has seen someone better-looking, isn’t she impatient?

No, my cousin is so innocent, I can't let her bully her.

Young Master Zhong wanted to laugh when he heard this, and said to her, "Okay, don't get involved in this matter. It's good to let them have more contact."

 “Besides, isn’t it your intention to have more contact?”

 The third princess choked, "Me."

 Yes, she had this idea at first.

 But now it has changed.

She felt that Princess Grant was up to no good, so she naturally had to be careful.

Mr. Zhong pushed her, "Don't worry about this. Let me talk to Qingfeng."

They have similar personalities, they are more flexible and innocent, and they choose similar women, so communication is relatively easy.

 When the time comes, just communicate with Qingfeng more and let him pay attention.

 If the third princess was asked, Qingfeng might be shy.

Qingfeng was indeed shy, and his face turned red, obviously he heard what the third princess meant.

However, he feels that Princess Grant feels quite reliable, so she shouldn't take advantage of him, right?

 Besides, he is also a man, so it is Princess Grant who suffers anyway.

The third princess knew what he was thinking as soon as she saw his expression, and told him, "Don't be stupid, Princess Gran is more manly than me, and you are the only one taking advantage, idiot."

"Okay, go back to sleep. If you need anything, ask your cousin-in-law." She also had to go to the military camp.


After the third princess left, Qingfeng went to wash up first, and then walked over to find Mr. Zhong.

“Cousin-in-law, are you asleep?”

Mr. Zhong had just finished coaxing his youngest son, but he was still asleep. When he saw him coming, he went to open the door.

 “Are you worried? Come in.”

Qingfeng's ears were red. He went into the house, twisted his little hands, and was embarrassed to ask, "Cousin-in-law, if Princess Grant comes again tomorrow, do I want to go out with her?"

The third cousin meant not to let him go out, for fear that he would suffer a loss.

 But he had already promised to County Grant that he would go out with her, so it would not be good if he broke the agreement.

He couldn't make up his mind, so he had to ask his cousin-in-law.

Zhong Da didn’t see this happening and asked with a smile, “Then do you want to go out with her?”

Qingfeng was slightly shy, but still nodded honestly, "I thought so."

 There is something that Princess Grant said that is right.

 They are in the stage of strangers now. If they have more contact before getting married, they will not be embarrassed after getting married.

Getting to know her first so that she won’t feel awkward after marriage, so he also wanted to have more contact with her and get to know her better.

Mr. Zhong thinks this idea is a good one, "Then you go, I'll help you. As long as you don't break the rules, it's okay to eat and go shopping."

Qingfeng raised the corners of her lips slightly, "She also said she would take me to eat, drink tea and so on."

 As for other things, they will naturally not happen.

Mr. Zhong didn’t quite believe it.

The way Princess Gran looked at Qingfeng was like the Wolf King looking at the little white rabbit. Her fiery eyes made her want to eat people at the first sight, which was so embarrassing.

Qingfeng is still young and doesn’t quite understand Lao Sepi’s thoughts, but he is a married man and naturally knows what a woman like Princess Gran thinks. "Anyway, you have to come back in time before dinner, otherwise your third cousin will be angry. She comes back on time for dinner every night, so remember to come back early."

Qingfeng understood and said, "Okay."

 He went back to his room happily and got up early the next morning to dress up.

 He specially wore a light blue robe today, which made his skin whiter and more beautiful.

 He also put on some lip balm to make his fair and handsome face look a little brighter.

I also chose a hairpin made of white jade, which matches well with the light blue robe.

 After dressing up, I felt unsure, so I went to ask Mr. Zhong.

“Cousin-in-law, how are you? Wouldn’t it be too ostentatious if I dress like this?”

Mr. Zhong smiled and said, "This is pretty good, but the one yesterday was just too ostentatious."

That red gauze jacket is really glamorous.

This light blue suit is very good. It looks like a jade-faced scholar. It looks innocent and makes people want to tease you.

Qingfeng smiled shyly when she saw him praising her good looks.

He waited for the third princess to go out before eating and went out. Mr. Zhong personally asked someone to **** him and told him to come back early.

The breeze was good, and as soon as I went out, I saw Princess Grant not far away.

Princess Grant's eyes lit up when she saw him.

"You're here?"

She came here early in the morning and waited for the third princess to go out before she dared to come.

She thought he might not come out, but he came anyway, and she was very happy.

 “Are you afraid of the sun? I brought you an umbrella.”

He had brought an umbrella that day, but today she brought one specially for him to show her courtesy.

Qingfeng was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect that she had remembered this detail. He was a little satisfied and asked her, “Then help me hold the umbrella.”

Princess Grant said an awkward "Oh" and immediately held the umbrella for her.

The two of them were walking side by side. Qingfeng turned around and took a peek at her profile. He found that her profile was very heroic and her temperament was very domineering. She looked like a strong person.

 He had never thought about what his future partner would look like, and he never expected that it would be like this.

  She is taller than him and has a stronger build than him. She looks like she is protecting him.

Although he also likes men a little, he is a bit weak by nature and cannot be strong.

The two of them were walking down the street together. The passers-by looked at them but said nothing.

Princess Grant asked him, "What do you want to eat? Or drink something? Or do you want to go shopping?"

Qingfeng thought for a while, "Let's go drink tea first."

He has brought all the things he didn't want to buy for the time being.

I just walked for a while and my legs are sore now, so I want to sit down and have a rest.

Princess Grant hadn't noticed that his legs were sore at this time, so she took him to a tea shop.

She asked, "This tea shop is quite busy. Do you want a private room or a seat in the lobby?"

 “Let’s have a private room, I like it quieter.”


“You said you want to open a store here? I’ll take you to see the terrain nearby.”

Qingfeng nodded, "Okay."

So the two of them drank tea first, and after drinking, they started chatting.

 Princess Grant is particularly talkative and proactive.

 I would pour him tea at one time, peel peanuts for him at another, and peel oranges for him at another.

 “Eat, eat more. Seeing how thin you are makes me feel bad.”

 (End of this chapter)

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