The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 988: , shopping and renting stores

Chapter 988: Shopping and renting a store

Qingfeng was a little shy and pushed the peanut over, "You eat it too, don't just get it for me."

Princess Grant refused to eat, "No, you can eat more. I'm not hungry. I only came here after eating two bowls of rice in the morning."

 She has a big appetite and ate a big bowl in the morning in order to have the strength to go on a date.

 But I only dare to say two bowls in front of Qingfeng.

Qingfeng smiled and pushed the orange over, "Eat some orange to help you feel better."

Princess Grant was a little touched, "If you are good to me, then I will eat it."

 After saying that, he opened his mouth and put a whole orange into his mouth. He swallowed it after a few bites. His mouth was so big.

Qingfeng was slightly stunned and a little stunned. I didn’t expect that her mouth could hold a whole orange? It's really awesome.

Seeing his surprised expression, Princess Grant immediately reacted and hurriedly explained.

"No, I, I'm used to being rough, so I forgot about it."

She thought Qingfeng disliked her for being rude and wanted to save her, but she didn't know how to explain it.

Qingfeng was amused by the embarrassment of seeing her hesitating and wanting to explain but not being able to explain.

“Okay, no need to explain, it’s good to eat like this. So you can just be yourself.”

Seeing how gentle and considerate he was, Princess Grant became even more moved, "You are so kind, I am even touched."

 No one has spoken to her so gently since she was a child, and Qingfeng is the first one.

 He is worthy of being the emperor's chosen one. It's great. She really likes him.

Qingfeng felt shy when he saw her staring blankly at him.

 “Stop looking, eat more, don’t waste it.”

Princess Grant just made a sound and put all the remaining snacks on the table into her stomach.

Qingfeng saw how much she ate in one go and finally realized how big her belly was.

 After the two of them finished eating, they went shopping on the street.

Princess Grant is familiar with the terrain here, but she doesn’t know much about shops.

“Where do you want to open the store? The east end doesn’t seem to be very popular. We need to be in the center to get traffic.”

 In fact, there is also a flow of people in the east, but not as much as in the center.

 Most of the restaurants in the center are restaurants. Caravans coming and going stop here to eat, so there is more passenger flow.

The ones on the east and west sides sell daily necessities. The people here are all regular customers. They can find them by themselves, so there is no need to worry about no one.

Qingfeng has opened a store before, so he naturally knows where to go.

He walked up and down and had a rough idea of ​​where he was, so he stepped forward and looked at it a few more times.

As for the rent of the shop or the sales price, you have to ask your cousin-in-law and the others.

Princess Grant saw that he was serious and asked, "How are you doing? Have you decided where to drive?"

“Or do you want to open one in our grassland country?”

She hoped from the bottom of her heart that he would open a shop on the streets of the Prairie Country. However, there were not many lively areas in the Prairie Country. On the contrary, the people of the Prairie Country also came here to open shops. Whatever they wanted to buy, they could just ride over and buy it.

 This is the junction of the five countries, the most peaceful place where everyone can come.

If he likes it here better, he can drive here.

Qingfeng naturally wanted to open a store in this location. He had already seen a good location, and that store happened to be for rent.

So he pointed to the store and said, "I want to ask."

The third princess looked in the direction he pointed and saw that the location was a bit remote and in an alley, so she felt that it was not good.

“You want to open a rouge and gouache shop. Can people find it in such a remote place?”

Qingfeng is very confident, "The aroma of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley. I believe in the charm of my products."

His moisturizing balms have been tested countless times, and everyone has used them and they are indeed effective, so they all come back as regular customers.    Plus, I specially learned Herborist from Sister Yang this time, and I believe that his herbal skin care ointment can also be made very well.

He just walked around this store, and the location is indeed not as good as outside.

 But what he wants is quietness. If it is in the middle of the street, it will be too noisy and it will be difficult to introduce products to customers.

It's better to come to this quiet location where the guests can hear you clearly.

In addition, the location of this store is relatively large, which makes it convenient for him to have a beauty salon, so he chose this store.

Princess Grant didn't understand this, but she still respected his choice.

“Okay, as long as you like it, I’ll go in with you and take a look.”

The two of them went in together. Qingfeng first went to the boss to ask if the place could be rented.

The boss said, "It's for rent. The previous fabric owner just moved out, so this will be vacant."

Qingfeng asked him, "How much is the monthly rent for this store?"

 The boss compared the numbers and said, "One thousand taels per month."

Princess Grant was surprised, "One thousand? You are robbing money!"

Her salary is only one hundred and twenty taels, but the rent here is actually one thousand taels? ? This is a sky-high asking price.

But the boss said, "The last tenant paid one thousand two hundred taels. I don't want to go through all the trouble, so I'll give you a discount of two hundred taels. If you don't want to, just find the next one."

Although this location is not a prosperous location, as long as the business is well run, it is no problem to earn three to five thousand a month.

 If you are not familiar with the goods, it is better to leave early.

Princess Grant was speechless and wanted to argue with him, but was stopped by Qingfeng.

“Wait for me aside and I’ll tell the boss.”

Princess Gran was afraid that he would be deceived, so she whispered in his ear, "Don't be stupid, this boss just sees your innocence and wants to deceive you. Just listen to me, let's go to other places to ask, don't be fooled." Cheated."

Qingfeng knew she had good intentions, but still said, "I'll chat with him for a few words first, and if that doesn't work, I'll go and ask elsewhere."

Seeing that he insisted on going, Princess Grant compromised.

"Okay, then don't pay so quickly. Remember to discuss it with me." I'm still afraid that he will be cheated.

Qingfeng smiled, "I know."

 Although they are not married yet, it can be seen that she is attracted to him.

 He went over to talk to the boss and cut the price again. The lowest price was 900 taels, no less.

Qingfeng knew that this was indeed the market price.

Even though this place is not as prosperous as the streets in Beijing, the flow of people here is indeed very large.

 Especially the caravans coming and going in large groups, so they consume more.

 If his goods become popular, they can be sold to caravans at that time.

 As long as the caravans can sell it at a good price, they will definitely come to buy goods next time.

 As long as a large quantity of goods is shipped, the store rent is considered a small amount of money.

He first talked to the landlord for a while and then asked, "If I want to buy from you, how much can you give me?"

The landlord saw that he was a well-off man and thought he was a wealthy man. He hesitated and said, "I don't plan to sell, so it's more cost-effective to rent."

Those who rent can have a steady stream of income, but if they sell, there will be no income.

Seeing this, Qingfeng didn’t try to persuade him anymore, thinking that it would be okay to rent first.

Test the water first, drive it and see if it works, then we can tell if it is good or not.

He negotiated the rent and contract with the boss, and then went to Princess Grant and said, "I want to rent this store. You can be my witness. If the boss suddenly raises the price in the future, how about you help me?"

 (End of this chapter)

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