Chapter 989, Let’s go shopping together

Seeing that he trusted her so much, Princess Grant immediately patted her chest and reassured her.

“Don’t worry, as long as I’m here, he won’t dare to break his promise.”

The boss has completed the contract and brought it over, and Princess Grant will be their witness.

She was afraid that Qingfeng would be bullied, so she snorted at the boss, "If it says nine hundred in the contract, it means nine hundred. If you dare to sit back and raise the price in the future, I won't take your life!"

 She is already very powerful, and she is even more frightening when she is fierce.

But the boss was not too intimidated. He said, "We are all serious people and we will not raise prices on the spot. Even if the price increases, we will tell you in advance."

 The contract was signed for 900 taels a month, and the term was one year. The first three months had to be paid, and the rest should be paid every month.

Qingfeng thought it was okay, so he signed and deposited it. The boss also signed and deposited it, and Princess Grant also signed and deposited it as a middleman.

 After renting the shop, Qingfeng has to prepare to decorate the house.

But he was unfamiliar with the place here, so he didn't know which craftsman was better, so he asked Princess Grant, "Do you know any craftsmen? The one with better craftsmanship is better."

   I really know Princess Grant.

"Yes, I know some good carpenters. I will take you there."

She was very diligent and took him outside. Seeing that the sun was shining brightly outside, she was afraid that he would be exposed to the sun, so she asked him, "Do you want to take a carriage? I am afraid that you will be exposed to the sun."

Qingfeng didn't want to get tanned before the wedding, so she nodded, "Okay, then go get the carriage. I'll wait for you here."

Princess Grant agreed and held the umbrella for him, "Then you wait, I'll rent a carriage."

She moved quickly, hurriedly ran to rent a carriage, and quickly drove over with a glass of pickled plum juice in her hand.

 “Get in the car first.”

 She opened the curtain first, helped Qingfeng up, and gave him the pickled plum juice.

 “Drink, I’ll take you there.”

Qingfeng Jun’s face turned slightly red, he hummed, and drank sour plum juice in the carriage.

Princess Grant was sitting outside driving the carriage.

 She went to the carpenter by the familiar route.

  After arriving at the place, her face was red from the sun, but she didn't seem to notice it, and she helped the person down diligently.

 “Come on, be careful, there is a step here.”

Qingfeng took her hand and got out of the car, only to find that her face was red from the sun. She felt a little distressed for a moment, so he wiped the sweat on her forehead with a clean handkerchief.

 “I’ll buy a hat and wear it later, look at how cool it is.”

Princess Grant felt warm in her heart. It was the first time someone felt sorry for her. It seemed that her husband had married the right person.

She felt sweet in her heart and smiled on her face, "Okay, you can choose something for me later."

Qingfeng nodded, "Okay."

The two of them entered the carpenter's shop, and Princess Grant shouted, "Old carpenter, are you busy? I have a business with you, are you free?"

The old craftsman in the room heard the voice and said, "Come in."

Princess Grant held Qingfeng’s hand and went in. Seeing that the old craftsman’s head was covered with sawdust, she asked, “Are you so busy?”

The old craftsman nodded and said, "Why are you here? You brought a beautiful man with you."

Princess Grant said proudly, "This is my man. We will get married next month. Remember to have a drink then."

 The old craftsman was surprised, "Finally, someone wants you? You weren't the one who kidnapped them, were you?"

Otherwise, why would such a beautiful boy be willing to marry such a rich and powerful person as Princess Grant?

Glanzhu took a breath and said, "I am that kind of person. Xiao Qingfeng and I fell in love at first sight. Please don't cheat me."

Qingfeng saw that she called him Xiao Qingfeng, with a handsome face and a shy look, and secretly wondered why this person was so bold and dared to say anything.

They had only known each other for a few days, and they fell in love at first sight. It was so embarrassing.

Princess Grant is naturally not shy. She feels that she and Qingfeng fell in love at first sight, so she is naturally confident.

The old craftsman saw that one of them was tall and one short, one was strong and one was thin, one was black and one was white, and he couldn't help but say, "You are too dark."

 Originally, her blackness is normal for ordinary men.

Qingfeng was too fair. Standing next to Princess Gran, she looked worse than a pig or a dog. She was so ugly.

 Princess Grant

"If you can't speak, don't speak." Smelly old man, he's not as good as a pig or a dog, but she's cool too, okay?

  No matter who said it, she was still very confident.

"Qingfeng, just tell him. Just draw a picture with him about what you want to do. He will understand."

Qingfeng hummed, took out the charcoal pen and paper he brought with him, and discussed with the old craftsman.

 “Old sir, I want to get a few cabinets like this. Do you think you can do it?”

 The old craftsman took a closer look and said, "This cabinet of yours is really exquisite. Although it is troublesome, it can be done."

 He said he could do it, and Qingfeng was happy.

“Can you make this kind of wooden bed?”

 It was the bed where he gave beauties to noble ladies.

The old craftsman looked at it carefully and said, "You can do it too, but this is easier."

Qingfeng didn't expect that he could do it all, so he felt happy and talked about several different cabinets.

The old craftsman said it was okay, but Qingfeng asked him, "When can you type these out for me?"

 Old Craftsman, “It will take two months at the fastest.”

There are wooden nails and nails, but the other person’s order is ahead of him, so he naturally has to go back.

Qingfeng understood, so he agreed, "Then I'll pay you a deposit first, and I'll make the next order, okay?"

 The old craftsman saw that he was so beautiful and young, just like his eldest grandson, so he agreed.

“Okay, I’ll make the next order yours. Just get a contract and I’ll sign it.”

"That's great."

Qingfeng quickly wrote the contract and paid the deposit. After finishing the matter, she happily collected the contract and prepared to buy other things.

Seeing that he was happy, Princess Grant also laughed.

“Besides ordering cabinets, what else do you want to order? I’ll go with you.”

Qingfeng turned to look at her, grateful in her heart.

 In the past, when he wanted to open a rouge shop, his family would not agree.

 Not only did he disagree, but he also beat and scolded him.

 Only Princess Grant supported him and took him out to run with him. He was very moved.

“The next step is to buy some decorations and bottles.

But I can do that myself. It’s getting late now. Let’s go back first and come back tomorrow. "

He promised his cousin-in-law to go back early, otherwise it would be bad if his cousin didn't see him when she came back.

Princess Grant listened to him and said with a smile, "Then I will take you back and pick you up tomorrow."

She happily sent the person back, but was reluctant to leave before leaving.

 “You go in, I’ll watch you go in and then leave.”

Qingfeng’s ears were red and she hummed, “Okay, I understand.”

He went in with a blushing face, but Princess Grant did not leave. She went directly to the roof to peek at him.

Qingfeng noticed it and blushed even more.

 When Young Master Zhong saw it, he covered his mouth and snickered, and went to pull him away.

 “Let’s go to the house and talk.”

The two of them went to the kitchen, and Young Master Zhong asked him, "How are you today? Did you enjoy the conversation?"

Qingfeng nodded shyly, "Not bad, she is quite diligent."

 He is an action person, he will do whatever he is asked to do immediately, he is not lazy at all.

  "That's good, women should be diligent, otherwise they will be angry to death if they can't move."

 Be like the third princess, ask her to take care of a child and cook, as if it could kill her.

 (End of this chapter)

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