The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 990: , Princess Grant wants to kiss him

Chapter 990, Princess Grant wants to kiss him

Qingfeng chuckled, "Is my cousin really that lazy?"

Mr. Zhong also laughed, "That's not the case. She is diligent in some aspects, but extremely lazy in others."

 She couldn't do anything about housework anyway. She couldn't cook, wash clothes, or take care of the children. There was nothing she could do.

But it’s very easy to make her do rough work.

Like chopping wood and carrying water, she does it very diligently. This can be regarded as making up for those who can't do it.

Qingfeng thought about it for a while. He didn't know if Princess Grant could do these things, but it would be fine if he didn't. Just find someone to do it.

 He will work hard to earn money and strive to make his family's life more comfortable.

 As long as you have money, you can ask someone to do the things you can't do, so she won't have to worry about it.

Seeing that he was thinking about Princess Grant so much, Young Master Zhong teased, "You, you, you are thinking about her like this before you even get married, how can you do it in the future?"

"I'm telling you, with Princess Grant's temperament, you have to do more, and she will be interested. If you are considerate in everything, she will think that you can do it yourself and won't help you in the future, so you still have to do more. Use her a little bit."

 These are profound principles that I have learned as a housekeeper.

Qingfeng thought it was a bit true and kept it in mind.

 “Brother-in-law is right, then I will use her more in the future.”

Mr. Zhong smiled and said, "That's right. From now on, except for the small things, you will do it yourself, and let her do all the other rough work. After you finish, you will wipe her sweat and praise her to ensure that she will be as beautiful as heaven."

“Not only women, but us men can also use a little caution, so that our lives can be harmonious and beautiful.”

Qingfeng had seen with her own eyes the love between her and her third cousin, so naturally she felt that what he said was reasonable, so she took it to heart.

“I understand. If I don’t understand anything from now on, I’ll ask my cousin-in-law.”

“Okay, don’t worry, if you have anything you don’t understand, just ask me. I quite like you too.”

 She looks clean and good-looking, and has a good temper. Who doesn’t like her?

"By the way, you want to open a store, right? If you need any help, just ask, we will help you."

Qingfeng was very touched and said, "Yes, I will ask you for help if I need anything in the future."

I thought I would have no friends when I came here, but unexpectedly, I gained a wave of good friends instead.

Moreover, his cousin and cousin-in-law are very kind to him, just like family members, or even more gentle than family members.

 He felt the long-lost family affection here and liked it even more.

Mr. Zhong said, "When you get married in the future, Grand County will treat you badly. Just come back to us and your third cousin will help you say it's hers."

“A man with this kind of personality cannot swallow his anger even if he is angry. He must learn to speak out and feel better.”

“If you feel offended, come here and complain to our group of friends, and we will help you with some advice.”

Ching Feng nodded, "Okay. Just listen to my cousin-in-law."

The two chatted for a long time, and then the third princess came back.

Once she came back, she first looked at Qingfeng and saw that he was at home obediently, so she said nothing.

 While eating, ask, “How are you doing at home today?”

Qingfeng coughed, blushed and said, "It's pretty good."

The third princess had no doubts after hearing this. She said yes and continued to eat.

 After eating, he left again.

Mr. Zhong fed him two pieces of watermelon before returning.

 He washed his hands and came over to continue eating, and told Qingfeng, "I'm telling you, from now on, you must cultivate the habit of Princess Grant going home to eat every day, otherwise the relationship will weaken after being separated for a long time."

“Look at your third cousin, who was so indifferent before. Now that she comes back for dinner every day, isn’t she starting to become more humane?”

Qingfeng thought it made sense, "Then how do I get her to come back for dinner every day?"

Mr. Zhong said, "That's not easy. You are newly married and your relationship will be as sweet as honey. When the time comes, just ask her to come back for dinner every day. It doesn't matter if she doesn't stay overnight. She must come home to eat anyway."

 Otherwise, the groom would be alone at home every day without seeing anyone, and his life would be very boring.

"Besides, let her go home every day. Only when you have children will someone help you, otherwise you will die of exhaustion."

"And the child must be taken care of by yourself before he can kiss you." "Don't leave everything to the wet nurse. They say that the one who has milk is the mother. If you don't take care of it yourself, the child will not kiss you in the future."

Qingfeng was confused when he saw that he had so many great principles.

 “I, I’ll take my time.”

After all, he hasn't been through the door yet, so he can't digest it all at once.

Mr. Zhong smiled and said, "Yes, yes, I said it too quickly, so take your time. You two get along first, work out your feelings, and things will be easier in the future."

 The two talked for a long time before they went to rest.

 On the second day.

Princess Grant came on time as expected.

The third princess was not at home today, so she quietly went over and knocked on the door.

Qingfeng had already changed her clothes. When she saw her coming, she smiled shyly and said, "Are you here?"

Princess Grant saw that he was wearing a light purple robe today, and his temperament was getting fresher and fresher. He looked really masculine and attractive.

 She couldn't help but look at it a few more times and swallowed, "You look so beautiful like this."

Qingfeng smiled shyly, "It's okay."

 Actually, he dressed up specially, just to impress her, but the effect was really good.

Princess Grant even leaned close to him, as if she wanted to kiss him.

The two of them were so close. Princess Grant raised her hand to help him straighten his hair. Her hot breath blew on Qingfeng's face, which made Qingfeng's face turn red.

 “You, don’t get so close.”

Princess Grant couldn't help but want to kiss him, but he pushed her and she woke up.

 “Yes, I’m sorry, I, I couldn’t hold it back.”

  It was a pity that we almost got a kiss.

Especially because his mouth is so tender and tender, it looks delicious at first glance. I really want to kiss it.

Princess Grant looked remorseful and secretly hated herself for not taking action faster, but she pretended to be serious on her face.

Qingfeng saw her frowning and could vaguely guess that she seemed to want to kiss him just now?

As soon as this idea came to mind, my heart beat very fast.

It’s really embarrassing.

My cousin is right, she is indeed an old woman, and she actually wants to kiss him secretly.

However, since she is so beautiful, it is normal for her to not be able to help herself.

 Thinking about it, I feel even more embarrassed.

 At the moment I didn’t know whether I wanted her to kiss him or not.

The two of them walked down the street together without being awkward and shy.

The carriage stopped not far away, and Princess Grant asked him to get in.

 “Come, let me help you.”

 She said she was helping her, but she grabbed her hand and even wanted to kiss her.


 Is he so delicious?

Does she really want to kiss him?

Hmm, my cousin is right, Princess Grant is indeed an old woman. It's better to pay attention to safety in the future.

I thought so, but still didn’t say I wanted to go back.

The two of them went to the pottery shop together and bought many bottles and jars to put things in.

Go to the carton shop again and order a lot of cartons. Prepare for packaging.

 It’s already afternoon after shopping, and it’s time to go back.

 (End of this chapter)

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