
read2();   In the evening, the sun is slanting west.

  The orange-red scorching sun shines down from the west, making the huge area of ​​Lingbo Lake and the Qiushui City on the lakeside bathed in a misty golden light, as if coated with a brilliant golden film.

   The bank of the autumn water city when the sun is about to set is undoubtedly beautiful, but Lingbo Lake, which has gradually subsided after a period of time, has returned to its calm appearance, as if the huge waves in the afternoon were just a confusing illusion.

   The golden glow of the setting sun reflected outward on the shimmering lake, and then a trace of mist rose from the huge lake surface, surrounded by each other, forming one huge smoke bubble after another.

   The falling clouds and the lonely bird fly together, and the autumn water is the same.

   Under the radiance of the sunset, on the bank of Qiushuicheng Lake, a large ship slowly moved off the shore towards the center of Lingbo Lake, leaving a long track on the lake.

   "Xue Beichuan, if I remember correctly, you have moved south from Shenjing City to Qiushui City, Chuzhou, for nearly three years, right?"

At the forefront of the ship’s deck, Zhao Yu, who was in a dark golden imperial robe, stood with his hands in his hands, gazing steadily and majesticly at the surface of Lingbo Lake where the smoke billowed in front of him. Xue Beichuan saluted and responded:

   "Return to your Majesty, it has been three years."

   "It has been three years, and you have been here for three years. That means that I have been on the throne for more than three years."

   After finishing speaking, Zhao Yu was not angry that there was a flash of sorrow on the handsome face, and then Xue Beichuan's voice sounded again:

"The Caomin is terrified and never dared to compare with his Majesty. After his Majesty took charge of Daxia, the country has lived and worked in peace and developed rapidly. Both the folk and the monastic world have entered a new era, destined to be recorded in the history of the human race, and the Caomin is just this Lingbo Lake. Mr. Teacher."

   Xue Beichuan said that he was neither humble nor uttered, and then Zhao Yu showed a smile on the corner of his mouth and responded:

"Teaching and educating people is also something worth praising. To tell you the truth, before I returned to the capital, I was a young gentleman who taught my little baby to read and read in a school outside Jiangling City. I really miss it, and the time I was there was exactly three years."

After the young emperor said the words for three years, Xue Beichuan's eyebrows suddenly condensed, and some thin lips were pursed. Then Zhao Yu did not follow the topic further, but looked up at the half of the sun ahead. After disappearing, more and more bubbles were rising on the surface of Lingbo Lake, and the voice sounded again:

   "Xue Beichuan, you have been in Qiushui City for so many years, you should know the magnificent scenery on Lingbo Lake today?"

   "Return to your Majesty, this scene is called Qizhi Lingbo Lake."

   After Xue Beichuan's response fell, he raised his hand and pointed to the front of the ship, the big smoke bubbles that almost connected the sky and the earth, and continued to speak:

"Your Majesty, this is one of the most mysterious sights above Lingbo Lake. Whenever the sun sinks to the bottom of the lake and loses the light of Xihe, the temperature between the sky and the earth will change sharply between the whistling of the north wind and the south. As a result, the temperature of the lake will change much slower than the air, so a lot of fog will rise from the Lingbo Lake, forming smoke bubbles one after another."

When Xue Beichuan had just finished saying this, the big ship that everyone was in, which was driving fast towards the forbidden area of ​​Lingbo Lake, crashed directly into a big smoke bubble, and suddenly a large amount of thick mist of water vaporized around Zhao Yu and others. The whole body.

This thick fog that undulates all over the body not only has no peculiar smell, but also has a refreshing feeling. The big boat traveling on the lake is very fast, so it will be completely out of the smoke in a while, but it appears again The scene in front of the young emperor and others has completely changed.

   The afterglow of the setting sun completely sinks and dissipates, and the night falls together with the starry sky. From the beginning of the sunset, the stars shift, and the yin and sun of the sky and the earth revolve.

   Shining stars hung above the sky, forming a dazzling Milky Way, and between the smoke bubbles in Lingbo Lake, the starry sky above is reflected.

   The big ship sailed on the lake, full of ships on the galaxy.

"Your Majesty, almost all aspects of the lives of the people of Chuzhou are inseparable from this Lingbo Lake, and the Lingbo Lake at night is extremely easy to lose direction because of the smoke and bubbles, so over time, an unwritten rule has been formed. , That is, ordinary people will return to the shore or island after sunset, and there are few people who continue sailing."

   On the deck of the big ship, the explanation from Xue Beichuan continued to sound, and then Zhao Yu nodded and said:

   "I know this, and this Lingbo Lake is not the first time I have come."

In the dark eyes of the young emperor, there was a deep sorrow, because on this lake, Zhao Yu lost one of his family members who loved him most. In fact, for the Lord of Great Xia, this place can be said to be heartbroken. Ground.

After following [新笔趣阁], Xue Beichuan's complexion changed slightly, and he knelt down and pressed his head against the back of his hand. Although he didn't say a word, he used actual actions. Got its meaning.

"Just get up, it has nothing to do with you. It is because my grandma passed away here and subconsciously prevented the Military Aircraft Department, Sitian Supervisor, and Guanyou Division from coming to Lingbo Lake for the most detailed investigation. , I actually knew that there was a huge secret in this Lingbo Lake."

After Zhao Yu finished speaking, he sighed. In fact, two years ago, including the establishment of the Guanyou Division, it was Zhao Yu who carefully grasped all the secrets of the vast land of China, so as not to appear as unexpectedly as it is now. The change.

Therefore, including the former eight forbidden places, in recent years, there have been figures of officials wearing large robes inside, and at the same time, including the taboos of the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division, they will also participate in this extreme. Among the dangerous actions, however, as Zhao Yu said, only one place became an exception, and that was Lingbo Lake.

  Lingbo Lake is the most beautiful pure land in front of Grandma Zhao Yu, as well as the most beautiful memory of her childhood, so the young emperor does not want to intrude too much.

   "After all, I still want to disturb the cleanliness of grandma and her friends!"

   The sad sigh of the young emperor hovered on the deck of the big ship. The big ship where everyone was on sailed out of a big smoke bubble again, and then continued to crash into the dense fog deep in the Lingbo Lake.

   After a while, the waves under the big ship began to wave outward. Everyone felt that they had penetrated through a transparent water film, and even the sound of the waves slapped in their ears.

At the next breath, the environment around the ship changed drastically, the dense fog and smoke all disappeared, and another Lingbo Lake that could not be seen at a glance appeared, and this Lingbo Lake, the sky is also covered with galaxies, and there is a round of bright and bright. The full moon hangs high.

Under the moonlight sprinkled like mercury, the big ship stopped in place, and then Zhao Yu, with a silver glow on his handsome face, raised his foot and took a step forward, his figure appeared in the air and bowed to the front. Emperor Huang Huang made his debut:

   "Aunt Lingbo, I, come to see you!"

The Emperor Huanghuang’s voice hovered over the entire Lingbo Lake. After a few breaths, the huge lake surface under the moonlight began to boil violently, and then the center of the lake began to split to both sides. Amidst the roar of the lake surface, a huge whale emerged from the lake. Yang suddenly raised his head.

   The waves of the sky fell from the sky into a torrential rain, and two huge blue eyes hung from the sky, watching the young emperor with a little smile.

   Then the deafening roar of the whale trembled the void, and within this whale roar, there was closeness.

   In a sense, they are relatives.


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