The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1175: Back in time


read2();  Whale, the big fish of the sea, is the king of fish.

  It is so long that it can swallow a boat across the sea, its eyes are like a bright moon, the drum waves become thunder, the spray foam becomes rain, and the water overflows when it exits. It is called whale tide.

   In the depths of Lingbo Lake, countless lakes after the giant whale Lingbo came out of the water, accompanied by the sound of thunderous waves, crashed down from the sky, like a downpour.

Then, as the ship undulated along with the whale tide, the figures standing on the deck showed shocking colors. Among them, like Sima Annan and others, it was not the first time to see the Lingbo giant whale, but they were still amazed. For Xue Beichuan's unpreparedness, he faced a giant whale for the first time, even if his mind was unusually firm, he still subconsciously took a step back and roared in his heart:

   "The ancients sincerely do not deceive me!"

Since ancient times, both the human race and the rest of the creatures have awe from the bottom of the heart for the giants between the heavens and the earth. Xue Beichuan has only experienced the power of these vast things in books, but the imagination is only Imagine that the shocking heart is hard to describe in words when you really meet face to face.

Although Xue Beichuan faintly felt that there were unknown secrets in this Lingbo Lake, he never expected that there would be such a giant whale at its peak, and the relationship between the giant whale and Zhao, the lord of the great summer, is very close, so After being shocked, the young man murmured and said:

   "Why is this giant whale imprisoned in the lake? It should have belonged to the sea of ​​stars!"

   Before Xue Beichuan's words fell, he was directly pressed by a hand on his shoulder, and then Sima Annan's voice sounded:

   "Mr. Xue said cautiously, this is the friend of the Empress Dowager in her lifetime, and also our majesty's aunt."

   As soon as this statement came out, not only Xue Beichuan, but everyone on the deck of the big ship, together with Zhao Yu above the void, respectfully bowed to the top.

Then half of the body of the giant whale Lingbo was completely raised above the lake, and the continuous flow of water above the sky gradually stopped, and three huge bright moons suddenly appeared above everyone's heads. In addition to the original moon, the other two The wheel is a huge whale eye in ice blue.

  Compared with the giant whale that occupies the entire sky, Zhao Yu, who stands on the void with his hands in the air, is undoubtedly extremely small. Then the young emperor raised his head and opened his mouth, and the vast emperor's voice sounded from the entire sky:

"Recently, the chaos of the heavens and the turbulent air luck indicate that the vast land of China is about to usher in drastic changes. Today, the Great Ao in the North Sea is attacking the city, which makes me have to pay attention to Lingbo Lake. Forgive me."

The young emperor above the void did not hide the purpose of this trip. He directly opened the tray and came out. After his emperor’s voice fell, two whale eyes that looked like a full moon were exposed in the sky above Lingbo Lake. The color of extremely human thinking.

   The giant whale thought, everything was silent, and the entire Lingbo national clothing fell into deep silence.

Everyone is waiting for the follow-up response of this giant whale of heaven and earth, and after a short period of thought, the latter slowly opened its big mouth covering the sky and covered the sun, facing the massive lake water in the entire Lingbo Lake below, together with it. The country has already turned into a substantial blue mist, and it sucked hard.

   The real giant whale **** water!

Above Lingbo Lake, there was an instantaneous tornado of lake connecting the heaven and the earth. The top of the tornado was swallowed directly by the huge mouth of the giant whale. The next breath, on the deck, came from the little king Jiangyue. The voice from the mouth resounded in everyone's ears:

   "Above all the adults who are watching Lingbo, there is light and shadow flashing!"

As soon as the words were said, everyone looked up and saw that under the bright moon like a millstone, the giant whale after absorbing water began to spew out countless drops of water from behind, spraying into rain, and within this rain curtain, slowly fluctuating , A picture gradually emerged.

   "This is a means of tracing the origin of time. You can regard it as one of the long rivers of time."

After this picture appeared, Sima Annan continued to sound in awe. As the core disciple of the Shenji Pavilion who himself practiced the three-generation method of Xiangfa, Sima Annan had a deep knowledge of time and naturally knew the great power contained in it. .

   Then under the sight of everyone, the picture in the rain curtain became clear. It was a woman who was gradually struggling to sink to the bottom of the lake. Then Wang Jing, wearing a celestial army robe, sounded a solemn questioning voice:

   "Is this the scene after the lady of the Qiao Mansion cast into the lake?"


After   's response fell, Sima Annan watched the woman's figure in the screen, from a violent struggle to no movement at all, and continued to speak:

   "The summoned by the Three-World Phenomenon Law can only last until his death, so this is the picture after his death. I will wait and see what happened to this lady after his death!"

   Sima finished speaking, everyone watched the eldest lady's sinking body with bated breath.

After a while, the lakeside of Lingbo Lake, which was originally extremely peaceful in the picture, suddenly became choppy. Waves hit the lake bank and rolled back, turning the body of the old lady who had sunk by the lakeside. , Gradually pushed towards the center of the lake.

   "This is very weird. The overall momentum of the waves on the shore of Lingbo Lake should be outward, not inward."

A slightly surprised voice came from Xue Beichuan’s mouth, and along with his words, the corpse of the old lady in the rain screen, under a mysterious effect, at an extremely slow speed, towards Lingbo’s The center floats away.

As the Pearl of the Great Xia Lake, the water quality is extremely clear, so through the water curtain above the giant whale, you can clearly see everything next to this lady's body, including the various aquatic creatures that are constantly swimming by, and some floating Water plants.

   "It's been inward for a while, where will this lady be taken?"

   As the scene in the rain curtain above, the voice of questions sounded from the hearts of everyone, and the body of the lady under the lake seemed to be endless, drifting forward.

Suddenly, the scene inside the rain curtain suddenly began to change. The old lady who was drifting seemed to have lost power, falling straight down, and the speed was very fast. In just a few hundred breaths, she completely sank to the bottom of the lake. Lie on your back.

In the next second, the bottom of the lake not far to the side of his body directly spewed out a huge bubble, and the bubble rolled, blowing the mud and sand on the bottom of the lake together, and then the original very clear picture on the rain screen suddenly became turbid.

The mud and sand were flying, rolling and dancing, and then a wisp of imperceptible black gas flashed away. Everyone's eyes were condensed. However, in the next moment, everyone took a step forward and their eyes changed from solemnity directly to Horrified.

   Because when the mud and sand cleared and the picture became clear, at some point, a tortoise mask appeared on the face of the lady lying on her back.

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