The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1447: Ship to death


read2();  On the land of the Mysticism, there are countless lives and thousands of life. Therefore, these many creatures often have some illusions. Among them, the three most common points are that I can reflect Kill, this person may admire me, and the last point.

   I will be the darling of the times!

The darling of the times, being favored by the avenue is something that every living creature dreams of, and once he becomes the son of the dao in the legend, as long as he does not die, he can undoubtedly stand directly on the peak of the entire age, standing proudly on it, and viewing the mountains. .

   "We are the darling of the times, the darling of the times!"

After experiencing some unexpected twists and turns, the warship under our feet continued to move forward mightily, and the countless monks standing on the deck of the GCC Grand Ship, after hearing the chant of the GCC leader, My heart started to meditate over and over again, and at the same time the blazing flames in my eyes were burning.

As the host of the GCC has just said, this so-called great opportunity for the North Sea and the sky is not far ahead, and the surrounding sect forces that once went north together, disappeared, escaped, and many of them are like the South Palace of the Holy Court. That's the top power in the world.

   After going round and round, the forces that can really get close to the North Sea's rebirth of the Fairy Mountain, except for the high land gods, are only now in the middle of the North Sea, chopping waves and crashing forward.

   In this way, it is enough to see how energetic the GCC monks are looking into the distance from the warship at this time, and they are so energetic that they have the whole opportunity to be included in their hands.

Under the stimulus of more and more intense emotions, the monks all injected the vitality of the weather in their bodies into the big ship under them, and then the Haihe Ship and the surrounding warships galloped forward in the center of the North Sea. The faster it came, it could almost be described as hurricane rushing in.

An hour later, after the chaos of the fierce battle of giant beasts, the army of warships, which had damaged many ships, left very conspicuous traces on the surface of the sea, and officially sailed into the darkness of night. The center of Beihai.

As night fell, the severe weather above the North Sea was undoubtedly obvious. The endless raging cracks engulfed the waves like soldiers charging, and wave after wave hit the fleet sailing on the sea, causing the latter to up and down violently. , And issued an extremely violent roar.

   For the vast number of monks above the fleet, they are destined to sleepless tonight. Under the intertwined emotions of excitement and anxiety, few people still remember the GCC monks who were completely torn apart not long ago.

"Junior Brother Fang, the land of the Supreme Profound Realm is so indifferent and ruthless. The opportunity is ahead and everything is forgotten. Most of the life that has passed away is like the surrounding waves. It is fleeting, and it can’t stand anyone. Nostalgia."

   On the edge of the deck of Haihe Dabo Ship, a silver figure was sitting upright in the undulating darkness, and then a sigh came from his mouth.

   After the voice fell, Lin Xing, a young core disciple of the GCC, looked down at a pendant in his hand, and continued to speak with a gentle or serious voice:

   "I have been telling you before that in this world, only using all the means to make yourself stronger is the right way. If you are strong enough, you will not die under the shock wave."

After the voice of    came out, Lin Xing used his right hand to firmly grasp the token of love that Junior Brother Fang had been holding by his side, his face subconsciously revealed a gloomy voice, and the cold voice came out again:

"You have to know that in this world, once a person dies, there is nothing, and your sister, who has been thinking about it until death, will spend a lot of time with another person in a short time, you and me, the so-called Love is not worth mentioning."

   Along with Lin Xing's right hand hardening, the pendant in his hand was directly pinched into powder. Then the face of the former who was seriously injured and unhealed became more and more cold, his lips opened, and he uttered again:

   "But don't worry, Junior Brother Fang, for the sake of acquaintance with me, if your junior sister gets better with other people, I will kill her directly and let her come to Jiuquan to accompany you."

After he finished speaking, Lin Xing stretched out his tongue and licked it lightly. At this moment, the silver-robed young man in the darkness seemed to have directly become a cold and ruthless sea snake, exuding an extremely insidious atmosphere all over his body, which made people feel shudder.

   The dark rolling ups and downs above the deck on the edge of the ship, still deep and cold, followed by a soft footstep, coming from a distance, and on the next breath, a young voice rang directly in Lin Xing's ear:

   "It is said that a monk who has the blood of the deep sea snake must break love and love without compromise. It seems that you have to go further and further on this road?"

   As soon as he said this, Lin Xing, who clenched his fists, turned his head abruptly, looking at the black robe figure that was coming, a thick unbelievable color appeared in his eyes, and then he opened his mouth and exclaimed:

   "You, Xue!"

The word Xue was just spit out, and it stopped abruptly, because a big hand stretched out directly from the rolling darkness, pinched Lin Xing’s cheek, lifted the latter completely, and pressed it on the deck, unable to move. .


   Lin Xing could only make a faint and vague whimper, and in his eyes, there was first horror, and then turned into boundless fear.

Because the big hand holding Lin Xing's mouth is so powerful, and at the same time a completely unstoppable forbidden breath, the arrogant hand rushes into the former's body, instantly blasting the vitality in the core disciple of the GCC. Broken, can't be moved at all.

   At the next breath, in front of Lin Xing's eyes, Xue Dao's originally closed eyes slowly opened, revealing a pair of dark eyes like ebony, and at the same time, a voice of dissatisfaction came into Lin Xing's ears:

   "Your GCC is really not kind at all. I have given you such important information on the North Sea opportunity. I promised before that I didn't promise one. It is really chilling to send someone to kill someone."

   As this word spread out, Xue Dao's right hand became harder and harder, and finally he clicked directly, and directly removed Lin Xing's chin in front of him. The latter directly let out an extremely painful muffled grunt.

   "I didn't give the order to kill you. Don't kill me."

Because of the removal of his chin, the begging for mercy from Lin Xing's mouth was extremely vague and slight, but the fear in his eyes became more and more intense. In his sense, Xue Dao who was shrouded in black robe in front of him , Even more tyrannical and violent than the angry ocean in the center of the North Sea.

   "Dead? I'm not killing you."

   Xue Dao's response from under the black robe was still cold, then he let go of his right hand and let Lin Xing fall on the deck, the corner of his mouth smiled even more, he lifted his right foot and stepped down hard.


A roar like the roar of the sea suddenly sounded out of nothingness, and then countless waves surged out of the darkness and void, directly enveloping the two of them, and disappeared in the same place in a blink of an eye, leaving only a faint word to disappear. Between the darkness:

   "This is a ship heading towards death, but our company is saving you!"


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