The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1448: Can't go


read2();   Taixuan, in the central sea area of ​​the North Sea, in the central hall of Haihe Big Ship, the atmosphere is ambiguous and hot, and under the dim light, several enchanting dancers are showing off in the hall. While dancing, the beautiful bells and drums sounded continuously.

   Under the fragrant wind, the GCC meeting master sat alone on the high platform, staring down at the bottom, his extremely delicate face seemed to be smiling but not smiling, looking from a distance, there was a strange and enchanting temperament.

   I have to say that this GCC leader, who has lived for so many years, has an extremely good skin. This can be seen in the eyes of the dancers who secretly sent the girl down.

   But I don’t know when, this GCC leader has become extremely withdrawn and cruel. There are always incomplete corpses of dancers sent out of his room.

Inside the Haihe Hall, the music is beautiful and the dancing is fierce. Then a GCC elder hurried in from the outside, walking and waving his hands to let the surrounding dancers retreat, while speaking, slightly eager. The voice came out:

   "Master Huizhu, there was some accident. We sent out to kill the young monk named Xue and died."

   As soon as he said this, the GCC master who was holding the wine glass stopped slightly with his right hand, the brows on his delicate face frowned, and he spit out coldly:

   "Be specific!"

   The voice fell, and the GCC elders below shuddered suddenly, and then hurriedly continued to speak:

"Yes, Master Hui, in accordance with your instructions, we sent a team of elites to this person’s residence to perform the decapitation task, but they did not return for a long time. Then I sent a second wave of monks there, but only found out everywhere Corpse."

   As soon as the elder responded, the temperature in the entire Haihe Hall suddenly dropped. Then the GCC Master put down the cup in his hand, opened his mouth and continued to ask:

   "What about others?"

   "I rummaged around in and out, but found no trace of this person. It stands to reason that this person was blind and severed his arm, so he shouldn't run away."

Before the elder's response sounded, he was slapped on his face with a direct slap of the GCC leader, and his whole body flew out, hitting the ground hard, and then the cold humming sound directly rang through the entire hall. :

   "Idiot, this person can kill the elite monks you sent in such a short period of time. You still believe that he is a blind and broken-arm trash, you are the real trash!"

   After the yelling of the GCC leader rolled out, the GCC elder who had rolled on the ground a few times got up from the ground and responded with a trembling voice:

   "So this person is swindling, so the information he provided must be swindling!"

   The words fell, the old elder with blood still remaining at the corner of his mouth, his eyes continued to flash, and the exclamation came out again:

   "This news comes from Lin Xing, and according to the previous search personnel, Lin Xing is also missing. This person is in a fight with the culprits, he should really be killed!"

   "Look for, and show it to every corner of the entire Dabo ship, who will see people in life and corpses in death!"

The GCC leader resounded in the roar of the entire hall, containing a strong panic, and then his big hand waved forward, a large amount of black and purple mist gushing out from under his robe, trying to contact Lin Xing. The seed of blood establishes contact.

However, after a few breaths, no matter how the sea within the black air roared, I still didn't get any response. Then the GCC leader stretched out his right hand and squeezed it forward, and the purple black mist burst out instantly. Open, the cold voice continued from his mouth:

"The Lord of the Guild could not sense the trace of Lin Xing on this ship. He was either dead, or there was an existence with a stronger cultivation base, and the Lord of the Guild used the sky-reaching method to obscure the feeling of the Lord of the Guild. Both are extremely bad."

After the voice of    fell, the slender figure of the GCC leader instantly disappeared from the high platform, and once again appeared, he had come near the entrance of the hall and continued to move forward, but the aura that radiated from the whole body became stronger and stronger.

   "Master Huizhu, the monk Xue Dao who gave us the information has made it clear that there is a problem, which also means that the information itself may be a trap. Should we take the long view?"

   When the figure of the GCC leader appeared in front of the main hall gate, the anxious old elder behind him quickly followed. After the voice came out, he continued to open his mouth:

"And there is one more thing. Now the heads of the sects of the major northbound are all gathered on our Haihe Dabo. If this matter is learned by them, the situation may be completely out of control. Once the internal voices cannot be unified , Is undoubtedly extremely disadvantageous for us."

   As soon as this word came out, the GCC leader who was walking forward stopped and turned his head slightly. The purple and black pupils were full of evil intentions, and he spoke word by word:

   "These sect masters will not know about this, this president said!"

After    finished speaking, the GCC club master stretched out his hands, and the hoarse voice like a viper continued:

"This trip to the North Sea is inherently perilous, and the entire fleet is only one step away from the so-called fairy mountain. Everyone can't look back. Therefore, even if the front is the sea of ​​swords and flames, or even the abyssal demon realm, our GCC will go for it Break!"

As the voice fell, the GCC leader directly opened the door of the hall with his hand open and strode into the undulating darkness outside the hall. Then he raised his head and stared at the depths of the North Sea ahead, opening his mouth with a creepy hiss. .

At the same time, at the front end of this fleet of ships rushing forward, there stood in the darkness a behemoth that almost connected the entire world, and in the center of this huge fairy island, there was an almost straight up. Nine days, like a huge mountain.

Kunlun Mountains.

The existence of Kunlun Mountain formed a barrier between heaven and earth directly across the entire Taixuan Land between the sea and the sky, not only completely covering the half of the sky behind it, but also like an ancient giant creeping in the dark. Let all those who are close have a very strong sense of oppression.

   In other words, for most of existence, Kunlun Mountain, which is difficult to cross, may be the extreme north of the Taixuan Land today.

   The incomparably deep darkness, along with the night, opened his mouth and roared silently, and then the seven kingdoms exuding the vast light turned into seven meteors shining in the night sky, across the sky, and rushed towards a huge shadow above the sea.

Red, orange, yellow, green and other colorful colors illuminate the half of the night sky, and on the outskirts of Daiyu Mountain, which is entrenched above the sea, the huge body of Jinhai Great Lord is walking on the sea, and every step of the way will cross countless distances. At the same time, the vast golden light spread out along the sea, dazzling.

   Suddenly, the Great Lord Jin Hai who was striding forward suddenly stopped his figure, and then his thick voice rolled down:

   "Hyun, why turn around?"

   Before the roar, a young man of ordinary figure appeared slowly above the golden light of the sea, and then the response came out:

   "If you count the hexagrams in a row, all the hexagrams are fierce, you can't go ahead."


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