The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1614: Baihu Zhongzhi

Under the heaven and the earth, the tens of thousands of races are fighting for the front, as if a hundred birds are fighting for the current, cruel and ruthless.

In this cannibalistic world, countless races and forces, in order to survive and grow, follow the law of the naked jungle, so there is no such thing as fairness.

But fairness is inherently relative!

After Zhao Yu came to power, he carried out drastic reforms in many aspects, especially the people's livelihood and military combat, which are the foundation of the country, and they focused on implementation.

Reform is always accompanied by pains and will touch the inherent interests of the original forces, but Zhao Yu is strong enough, strong enough to smash all obstacles.

Therefore, in Daxia at this time, after a series of reforms, the results are beginning to show. The number of practitioners has been like a blowout, and it is overwhelming.

"Our five major institutions of higher learning in Shenjing City, with the exception of the Baidi Academy, the first institution on the bank of the imperial palace, the strength of the four academies occupying the south, east, and northwest are all in the middle.

"And if you calculate it carefully, our White Tiger Palace is a bit stronger than the Qinglong Academy, but last year, the horse smashed and lost the qualification to enter the secret realm. Whenever I think of this, I feel like I will be stunned and extremely unwilling."

Inside the box on the second floor of the Crescent Restaurant, the rich aroma of food permeated, and then an older monk gently patted the desk in front of him, and the voice continued:

"Now think about it, if the last time I entered the secret realm was waiting for the White Tiger Palace, then it was us who brought the Dao weapon to show off in front of us!"

After the words fell, the disciples in the entire box nodded bitterly. It is true that the last failure made the hearts of the disciples of the White Tiger Palace feel bad.

Then Fu Xin, a young disciple sitting next to Wang Juan, put down the teacup he took a sip in his hand, and the voice went on to say:

"We are summoning the disciples of the White Tiger Palace to gather here this time to find a way to be shameful. In other words, this time the fight for the ancient secret realm should not be lost."

After finishing the words, the disciples nodded one after another, and then kept sitting upright, the king scroll who did not speak, the color of thinking on the extremely white face was thicker, and the lowered eyes were raised, and a faint voice of inquiry came out:

"Although the strengths of the four major higher academies in Shenjing City are almost the same, in terms of cultivation realm, my White Tiger Academy should be among the best. Why are you all saddened on your faces?"

When this question came out, Fu Xin beside Wang Juan shook his head and sighed:

"Brother Wang doesn't know that this time the fight for the ancient secret realm is really not so easy, because the opponent we face is far from the simplest of the other major colleges."

After speaking, Fu Xin raised his right hand and dipped the tea from the quilt in front of him, then lightly stroked on the desk, and the voice continued:

"After the first trial, the court will face the entire Daxia in this year's battle for the ancient secret realm. That is to say, almost all the younger generations in Daxia will participate in this battle.

"More importantly, after a year of preparation, no one will relax this time. Everyone knows how precious this Taoist tool is, so everyone will go all out for this battle, including We are in."

"Whoever underestimates the enemy this time is a real fool!"

Fu Xin's voice just fell, and I don't know which disciple's voice sounded directly on the side, but it was this simple sentence that caused the White Tiger Palace disciple in the box to breathe.

After that, Fu Xin, who wanted to talk a lot, was about to blurt out the words directly stuck in his throat, and then turned into a cough:


Fu Xin, who was then sprinkled with salt on the scar, calmed down, and continued to speak with some fascination:

"Except for the Shenjing Four Divine Beast Higher Education Institutions, including our Baihu Academy, the strength of the other higher education institutions in the city should not be underestimated. These include the Guangju Academy of Sciences and the Canglan Academy in the east. Wait.

"In addition, the original Dao Palace, Bingzong and other sects are naturally great enemies. After all, our school has not been established for a long time, and their background is more profound."

After Fu Xin's voice fell, an elderly monk in the box nodded with deep approval, and said in agreement:

"This time the news from the Sitian Supervisor, it is said that your Majesty will open the second and even the third level of the secret realm, and all the younger generation under the age of 30 can participate in the competition.

"As soon as this news comes out, even those who have already gained fame in Daxia will not help but make a move, so it will increase the amount of variables for the fighters in this fight. If it is the perverts in the Taoist palace who have already served in the Ministry of War It’s not wonderful to come back and participate."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the box fell silent, and then someone continued to speak:

"Leave aside the Dao Palace for the time being, the people in the Baidi Academy are also outrageously strong. It is said that a year and a half ago, two disciples from the original Five Immortal Sects of Jiaozhou and Haizhou came into this palace and cultivated. The speed of progress is incredibly fast. Although he did not make a move, it is said to be unbeaten."

This passage came down with extremely solemn words, and the atmosphere in the box gradually became colder, and then Fu Xin looked around and saw that everyone looked sad, coughed slightly, and said loudly:

"Everyone, the morale is low before the start of the war. This is not the style of our White Tiger Palace. The white tiger is in charge of killing and killing. Such a spirit is lost. If the other person sees it, it will Being laughed at."

At this point, Fu Xin paused, making a fist with his right hand, and banging heavily on the table in front of him, making a loud bang, and the words continued to be heard:

"Although this battle is not easy, as one of the higher education institutions in the Shenjing City, I am not a person who is waiting. Over the years, our achievements are obvious to all.

"The shame of the past will not be forgotten. It will always remind us of the mistakes we made in the past. This is not terrible. Do you still remember what our great summer glory is?"

As soon as Fu Xin roared with a sigh of relief, the disciples of the White Tiger Palace in the box were all upright, their complexions restored to solemnity, they clenched fists and hammered their chests, and let out a high morale:

"My great summer glory is to be brave after knowing shame, knowing mistakes can be corrected!"


Fu Xin patted his hands and looked around with piercing eyes, his voice continued:

"My White Tiger Palace has always united brothers and sisters, and has never been fighting alone.

"And this time, I also invited the first White Tiger leader, Senior Brother Wang Juan!"

When these words fell, all the eyes in the room condensed on the sitting Wang Juan.

After two breaths, this fair-skinned young man with a vigor like a weak scholar raised his low-hanging eyes, and the same violent rising, there was also a fierce and violent killing.

Inside the box of the entire Crescent Restaurant, it seemed as if a white tiger roaring like thunder was awakened!

"Brother Fu entrusted me, and I will do my best!"

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