The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1615: Baidi Academy

"If the White Tiger Academy is of any use, it will naturally be there for you!"

In the box of the Crescent Restaurant, when Wang Juan’s mouth was not light or heavy, but a particularly clear voice, after everyone’s ears sounded, all the White Tiger Palace disciples sitting in the whole room clenched their fists together, breathing Slightly loosened.

Compared with the individual heroism pursued by the Central Plains in the Great Profound Land, Zhao Yu and the entire Great Xia court are actually more inclined to fight collectively. Therefore, in addition to the personal heroism, in addition to the individual trial rules Is the team you are in.

"This trial in the ancient secret realm is definitely much more difficult than the last time. With the power of one person, unless you have the power against the sky like the Lord of the Radiant Nightmare Taboo, it will require everyone to share it. power.

"Brother Wang Juan was the leader of the last White Tiger. With his participation, our confidence this time will undoubtedly increase by at least 50%!"

Fu Xin's words were filled with joy. No one in the room knew Wang Juan better than him, and knew the latter's superb strength hidden under his white face.

His voice fell, and then another young monk frowned slightly and said:

"Looking at the rising stars of our Shenjing City in recent years, there are a few people you should pay attention to. These people are recognized as exceptionally talented."

"Could the people in the Baidi Academy who don't know their identities show their faces?"

"The pride of heaven in the Baidi Academy is of course not included. Perhaps they can enter the secret realm without participating in the fight."

After the response fell, the voice of the young monk who spoke at the beginning continued:

"The academy on the bank of the imperial palace has people in it. In fact, very little is known to the outside world, and everyone in the Shenjing city understands that the purpose of this academy is very simple. It is to train your Majesty to follow up. Radiant Army and Dire Division Taboo."

As soon as this statement was made, the breathing of the people around him suddenly became particularly rapid. After all, behind the simple three words of Taboo, how can it be explained in a few words?

"This Baidi Academy's selection of disciples has always been weird and unpredictable. It seems to be entirely based on your majesty's preferences, without any so-called realm or combat strength standards.

"Moreover, I also faintly heard that the two brothers and sisters surnamed Ao, who are descended from the Wuxianshan Mountain who are now famous in the capital city, are not the real disciples of this institution, they are just studying."

As soon as this statement came out, there were shouts of exclamation. It is true that this news shocked all the disciples in the White Tiger Palace present, and muttered to ask:

"Senior brothers and sisters surnamed Ao, it is said that there is the golden blood of the Beihai Dragon Clan flowing in their bodies, and their combat power is far beyond the ordinary palm-linked birth and death realm. In recent years, they have progressed rapidly. So who is feasible?"

"If you want to really enter the room, it is not easy to talk about it. You must know that the founder of the Baidi Academy is your Majesty. If you become this disciple of the room, wouldn't you directly become a disciple in the name of the current sage? How glorious is this!"

After speaking, the well-informed young disciple sighed slightly again, without thinking, he just continued to speak:

"I think that the leaders of the four major colleges of higher learning in the city of God, went to the White Emperor Palace to participate in the trials of the highest colleges. I thought that with the strong talent and good cultivation skills, he could achieve a good story, but I did not expect it to be all together. Go home with a feather."

As soon as this statement fell, the entire box of the Crescent Restaurant suddenly became audible, and then these monks quickly patted the shoulder of the person who spoke, and the low voice came out:

"Brother, say a few words less."

Then the monk who reacted suddenly turned red and waved his hand:

"Senior Brother Wang Juan, you will be quick to speak at the next moment, without any offense."

"No problem!"

After the voice fell, Wang Juan with fair skin did not have any unpleasant expression on his face, and his eyes were equally calm. Then he raised his head and revealed a smile, and his gentle voice continued to make his debut:

"Let’s Daxia, among all the numerous academies, the Baidi Academy is the well-deserved first academy. It was founded directly by the sage, and it can be said to be the ceiling of all academies. Although this mysterious academy is still extremely mysterious, but People in the world do not want to enter this institution for further study.

"It's like a young man who has crossed the river without even the qualifications, and it is not an extremely embarrassing thing to attack the Baidi Academy, but it is a kind of honor, right?"

Wang Juan's peaceful voice made the faces of the disciples around him even more respectful. They all raised their hands and said:

"Brother Wang is open-minded, I will admire him."

"If you say that there is no regret, it is false. After all, it's just a short shot, but the skills are not as good as the others, and you still have to be willing to go down."

After speaking, there were some fluctuations in Wang Juan's dark eyes. Then he picked up the teacup and took a sip to cover up the abnormal color in his eyes, and the young voice sounded again:

"I understand the doubts in your hearts. You want to know what the criteria for the selection of the Baidi Academy are, but the Academy has rules for the Academy. This involves confidentiality, so I can't say more about it, but."

As soon as the word "but" came out, the pupils in the box who did not report their hopes suddenly lit up, and even straightened their bodies a little, and then heard the voice belonging to Wang Juan in their ears continue to sound:

"But the only thing I can warn you is that please cherish the innocent heart in your heart, because people can change, and once you lose your innocent heart, you may not be able to find it in this life. "

"Innocent heart, innocent heart?"

The mumbled questioning voice circulated in the minds of every student of the Academy, and immediately after that, a disciple continued to salute Wang Juan, and said in a sincerely convincing manner:

"I'm waiting, thank Senior Brother Wang for his teaching!"

It is true that Wang Jing’s move is already an extremely magnanimous move. You must know that this is related to the promotion of the Baidi Academy. Although Wang Jing failed to attack, it does not mean that everyone is willing to treat what they know. Share with the rest.

From this point of view, Wang Juan, the leader of the white tiger, is not a narrow-minded person, and then he waved his hand, and the gentle voice continued:

"Although Zai was the leader of the previous White Tiger, he was ashamed that he could not enter the Baidi Academy due to insufficient strength. In fact, this has almost become the knot of Zai's heart in the past year.

"However, during the time I traveled abroad, I have seen too many ordinary but extraordinary people. Although I no longer have to worry about it, I still hope that one day we can have a true dragon in the White Tiger Academy. Soaring to the sky, got what you wanted.

"Maybe the person who entered this Baidi Academy is among us."

Wang Juan's sincere words fell, and the faces of the others suddenly appeared awe-inspiring. Then Fu Xin just wanted to continue speaking, and suddenly he listened to the nine heavens, and suddenly there was a deafening roar.


This roar is like thunder on the ground, directly blasting into the void, and even the whole earth is humming.

Afterwards, Fu Xin in the Crescent Restaurant directly showed an expression of anger and dissatisfaction. He slapped him on the slightly shaking table in front of him, and his voice came out directly:

"My mother, this has only been a few days away, come again?"

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