"Spotted phlegm!"

{Human Head Spider Ghost} was not a second stunner either, seeing the situation change, he immediately sprayed a large amount of venom towards the ejected Inosuke.

The eyes of my sleeping wife Shanyi did not open, but my sleeping wife Shanyi still sensed the danger, and then rolled over in the air, avoiding the venom attack of {human head spider ghost}.

The venom of {Human Head Spider Ghost} was sprayed onto a tree trunk, and the trunk was corroded into a hole.

After landing, my wife Zenyi, a kneeling cat's waist cushioned the impact of the landing, and then slowly stood up.

"You can actually change your figure in the air to avoid my attack, what is going on with you guy? You acted extremely swiftly, and you just agreed to two of them!" {Human Head Spider Ghost} said with some irritation and surprise.

"The breath of thunder, the shape of one." After re-stabilizing the figure, my wife Zenyi once again assumed the breath of thunder, an attacking posture of the shape of one, ready to attack {human head spider ghost} again.

"You guys, jump on him and continue to inject toxins!" {Human head spider ghost} immediately ordered those human head spiders to harass my wife Shan Yi.

However, there was no chance for the little spider to get close to my wife Shanyi, and was directly separated by a few moves by my wife Shanyi.

{Human Head Spider Ghost} took advantage of this moment and sprayed venom towards my wife Shanyi's back, but she was still dodged by my wife Shanyi by jumping sideways.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

After evading the attack, my wife Zenyi once again assumed a thunderous breath, one-like attack posture.

"This guy has been in the same posture from the beginning, hahaha~"

—— "It can't be wrong, this guy can only use one move!" {Human head spider ghost} also saw the clues of my wife Shan Yi.


"It's okay, Shanyi. You can do it like this. It's good to know one move! Since you can only do one thing, go and do it the best! Practice this move to the top!"

At this time, my wife Shanyi recalled the previous teachings of grandpa in her heart.

"Cuckl~" {Human head spider ghost} chuckled, taunting: "This guy is rubbish! So weak, he can be a ghost hunter!"

After speaking, {Human Head Spider Ghost} hooked his pocket watch in front of him and took a look, and then said excitedly: "At this time, the intrusion of toxins has made the body unable to move!"

And the situation of my wife Shanyi is exactly as {Human Head Spider Ghost} said, almost immobile.

At this time, my wife Zenyi was holding the hand of the Sunwheel Sword and was trembling non-stop.

However, my wife Zenitsu's Sunwheel Knife flashed with electricity, as if it would explode at any time.

{Human head spider ghost} sprayed venom at my wife Shan Yi again to test whether my wife Shan Yi could move.

And my wife Shanyi still avoided the venom of {human head spider ghost}, but when my wife Shanyi avoided the attack and settled down again, the little human head spiders were not idle, and they all rushed towards my wife Shanyi.

"Bite him! Keep injecting him with venom!" {Human Head Spider Ghost} immediately gave orders.

Immediately, the little spiders who jumped up suddenly opened their mouths, and then a sharp long tongue like a poisonous needle pierced my wife Shanyi.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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