The Heavens And All Realms Start From Demon Slayer

Chapter 208 - Shan Yi's beheading

My wife Shanyi immediately jumped back, and distanced herself from those little spiders.

As a result, the long tongues of those little human head spiders, like poisonous needles, were stabbed in the mud in the mountains.

However, two consecutive dodges caused discomfort to the body of the poisoned wife Shan Yi.

Before landing, my wife Shanyi squirted blood out of her mouth.

My wife Shanyi's body suddenly became a little unstable, and the one who held the Sunwheel hurriedly held on to the ground to reluctantly stabilize her figure.

Suddenly, other little spiders seized the gap of my wife Shanyi, and rushed up to my wife Shanyi like a tide. My wife Shanyi was completely overwhelmed by the little spiders.

{Human head spider ghost} Seeing this, he immediately sneered enjoying victory.

Just when {Human Head Spider Ghost} was proud, the outermost layer of the human head spiders who had drowned my wife Shanyi was thundered, and suddenly a huge energy burst out from the center where the human head spiders gathered. Shocked everyone's head spiders out.

The powerful energy shattered the silk of {Human Head Spider Ghost}, causing it to fall to the ground.

At this time, I could see that the whole body of my wife Shanyi was flashing with lightning, and the air vibrated violently, and the momentum was extremely shocking.(Read more @

The energy just now clearly burst out of my wife Shanyi's body.

Under this momentum, my wife Shanyi immediately regained her figure, and then once again put on a thunderous breath, one-like attack posture.

In an instant, my sleeping wife Shan Yi suddenly opened her eyes, and the glowing eyes made {human head spider ghost} terrified.

When my wife Shanyi opened his eyes, the surrounding momentum suddenly became much stronger. The ground under my wife Shanyi's feet was directly cracked by the increased momentum, and the cracked gravel splashed towards the fourth quarter.

"The breath of thunder, the shape of one, the thunderbolt flashes six times!"

This time, my wife Shanyi did not choose to continue to let the situation stand still, and finally launched an attack decisively.

{Human head spider ghost} Seeing that my wife Shanyi's aura was extremely wrong, she immediately spit out spider silk towards the wooden house with a spinning machine, fishing herself in mid-air again.

At the same time, {Human Head Spider Ghost} spit out venom at my wife Shan Yi again.

When the sprayed venom was still far away from my wife Shanyi, the figure of my wife Shanyi suddenly turned into a yellow electric light and flashed away.

Under the visual capture of {Human Head Spider Ghost}, it was completely impossible to capture the figure of my wife Shanyi. {Human Head Spider Ghost} could only see a yellow electric light flashing quickly around.

The scared {Human Head Spider Ghost} suddenly retracted into the wooden house, but {Human Head Spider Ghost} just retracted into the wooden house before he could make the next move.

The lightning that my wife Zenyi turned into suddenly went up vertically, and finally smashed the roof of the wooden house.

I saw that the aura on my wife Shanyi's body immediately disappeared without a trace, and at this time, although he still maintained the breath of thunder, the shape of one, the attacking posture of thunderbolt, but the difference is that my wife Shanyi is different from the previous one. The blade is out of the sheath.

The faint electric arc that had not completely dissipated flashed on the blade of my wife Zenitsu.

Looking down from the vantage point of the wooden house, the {human head spider ghost} was also knocked out by my wife Shanyi, but the head of the {human head spider ghost} was separated from the huge spider body at this time.

At the last moment, my wife Shanyi cut off the head of {Human Head Spider Ghost} with a single force.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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