The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 131: Recovering Nine Stars

He was misled by his rapid improvement in strength, and only saw that he was only at the peak of eight stars.

But he ignored that he is an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years, and his experience is not comparable to that of a newcomer like him who has just entered the starry sky.

You must know that the life that has evolved to the seven-star realm is not an old monster that has lived for tens of thousands of years.

What's more, Long Meiniang, at the peak of the eight stars, might be a prehistoric life on this planet.

Mermaids are a race that emerged from the intermarriage of Xuelong fish and humans. Oh my God, so this is the origin of mermaids.

He just said, how is it possible for Blue Star to have such a foreign race as a mermaid appear out of nowhere.

Swallowing, is he going to leave the mermaid on Zhangwangxing? No, he wants to be bold and innovative, and carry on the past.

Hehe smiled and replied: "Forget it, my human body does not accept the emergence of offspring, but my second life form, the blood fly, can create a new race with my mother...hehehe."

Long Meiniang blushed, "It's fine, senior, you can come with Meiniang."

Outside the sea abyss, a majestic snow dragon fish came first, just in time to hear the last conversation between the two.

Watching helplessly, Long Meiniang led an unfathomable male monster into the back of the abyss.

Burning with jealousy in his heart, he beat the entrance of Haiyuan: "Meiniang, Meiniang, don't...don't go with him."

The Seven Star Momentum Volcano erupted and crashed wildly, destroying huge mountains in the sea everywhere, and was held down by several other Seven Star Snow Dragon Fish that rushed over for a while.

"Long Zhan, the one on top hates people for destroying the environment of Mercury, don't pull us if you want to die."


Wang Yin Manying used his body size Ruyi Jue to transform into a body several hundred meters in size and lay on a large jade bed of a thousand meters in Long Meiniang's inner palace.

While enjoying the delicacies presented by the fish maidservant, she asked Long Mei Niang, who was hundreds of meters long and lying lazily beside her.

"Meiniang, don't you call yourself the Snow Dragon Fish Clan? Why is your body purple-red? You might as well call yourself the Purple Dragon Fish Clan."

Long Meiniang rolled her eyes: "We have to break through to the galaxy to be snow-colored, and enter the inner space to become a frost giant dragon. It is said that the body of our frost giant dragon is as huge as the universe, and it can freeze a thousand worlds with a single breath." .”

Wang Yin suddenly realized: "Well, this Zhang Wangxing is so powerful, he can come from such a high-level bloodline as you."

He was secretly vigilant in his heart, as well as the blood of the ancestor bloodfly on his body, the Ant God Star, the Ant Giant Egg Planet, and within a light-year range, lives related to the ancestors of the inner universe appeared one after another.

He absolutely does not believe that there is no reason behind it, and he must upgrade quickly.

Long Meiniang didn't refute Zhang Wangxing he said, anyway, when her strength improved, she changed Zhang Wangxing to Mercury, and that bitch from the Zhangwang clan couldn't help it, so she replied softly.

"It is said that in the last era, a giant frost dragon came to Mercury, and we are the descendants of this giant dragon."

"The first ancestor of the Zhang royal family was the Taoist partner of our first ancestor, the Frost Giant Dragon. Their king opened the inheritance of the first ancestor of the Zhang royal family, and then evolved into the huge monster that is now in the sky."

"Many strange races on this planet are the descendants of our ancestors and the ancestors of the Zhangwang family, who appeared after intermarrying with native life, so many bloodlines are impure and their evolution is messy."

So that's why this planet is so blessed.

Hehe smiled and asked: "Meiniang's other eight-star and nine-star beings, female and male, please introduce them to me."

Long Meiniang gave him a sip: "I just finished eating what was in the bowl, and now I'm looking at what's in the pot, shameless."

"I regretted my death. I thought our body proportions were too different. Even if I agreed to you, I couldn't help it. I didn't expect you to grow so big. If I knew it, I wouldn't agree to you."

Wang Yin laughed to cover it up, and felt complacent, knowing that Long Meiniang agreed so readily, he must have thought that there was nothing he could do even if he agreed.

Never dreamed that he would actually make a big and small decision, and take away her innate essence liquid.

Long Meiniang said, she still thought about it carefully, and continued: "Zhang Miaomiao of the royal family Zhang is a galaxy life that you can't move. Now there are two nine-star beings on Mercury. They are a female and a male couple. If you have the guts, go there." try."

"There are still five at the eight-star level, exactly three females and two males."

"The two males belong to the Zhang Wang family, and the three females are Zhang Yuyan from the Zhang Wang family, Concubine She Da from the Sea Serpent Clan, and the turtle empress from the Giant Turtle Clan."

"Why is it Empress again, this empress turtle, doesn't she have a name?"

"If you don't have a name, you call it Niangniang. The giant turtles are lazy and don't choose names. They all call them according to the order of the clan, turtle first, second, and third. The original name of this turtle lady was turtle five six one, but her strength grew rapidly , after becoming the head of the giant turtle, she was called the turtle empress in order to distinguish herself from the clansmen."

Is there such a lazy advanced race, but tortoises are indeed lazy.

"What about the two nine-stars, what race are they?"

Long Meiniang looked at Wang Yin strangely: "You really want to hit on the couple, aren't you afraid that the couple will join forces to kill you after being ashamed and angry?"

Wang Yin laughed: "Shanren dares to provoke him, he has a clever plan, you just need to explain it to me."

Long Meiniang had an expression of looking for death as you wish, her purple-red fish body twisted and changed, and after a while, a woman with a height of several hundred meters, wearing a purple-red imperial robe, and snow-white skin appeared in front of Wang Yin.

However, Long Meiniang has already comprehended the demon clan's transformation method, and stretched out her jade hands to massage Wang Yin's body to flatter her and said, "Your transformation technique is really useful, thank you, Meiniang."

"The two nine-star beings are also from the Sea Snake Clan. They are the patriarch of the Sea Snake Clan, She Bahai and the Queen, She Huahong. Concubine She Da is also the concubine of She Bahai, but she is suppressed by She Huahong to live alone."

"If you really want to touch them, it's better to start with Concubine She Da."

"However, Snake Huahong, and Snake Bahai are married couples who have worshiped heaven and earth. Two nine-star beings live and live together. You really have no chance."

After finishing speaking, Long Meiniang looked at Wang Yin, and said seriously again: "Your strength is easily captured by the seven-star junior, why bother to find a snake and a couple to take risks, the sea area next to me is the blood shark clan, and the seven-star female shark inside is very familiar with me, Do you want to recruit it for you?"

Wang Yin was happy, although the seven-star congenital essence liquid had little effect on him, but it hadn't lost its effect yet, and it was still possible to be able to bleach it in vain.

Immediately replied: "Okay, thank you, Mei Niang."

Long Meiniang beat him hard and rolled her eyes: "If you didn't know that you evolved for cultivation, you would feel like a devil. It really doesn't matter the race, big or small, just wait for me and invite them to come."


In a giant island strait in Zhangwangxing, two huge sea snakes with a length of several thousand meters were entangled together, their tails intersected and rolled quickly, and the huge waves they set off were like tsunami waves.

Just when the male sea snake was exhausted and collapsed, suddenly a huge figure descended from the sky and grabbed it seven inches, violent consciousness rushed into the depths of its soul.

These consciousnesses that rushed into the depths of its soul formed countless sharp knives that cut through time and space, and smashed its nine-star soul by surprise.

The sudden great change caused the male sea snake whose soul was crushed to be crushed with pain, and spit out a big mouthful of blood.

The huge figure took the opportunity to receive the essence and blood of the male sea snake, and then from the depths of its soul, forcibly took a broken soul and fused it with the blood, and forcibly signed a master-slave soul contract with the male sea snake.

The huge male sea snake that was thrown away later showed a monstrous hatred in the eyes of the paralyzed strait.

Looking at another female sea snake that was also several thousand meters huge, she gritted her teeth and roared, "Concubine She Da, how dare you betray this king."

The huge female sea snake trembled, and quickly leaned towards the huge figure: "Oh, senior, the snake is threatening me by raising the sea."

The huge figure chuckled: "It's okay, this is his soul and life essence. I have forced him to sign a master-slave contract. If you spit a little soul essence into it, I will share his control with you."

"He will be your slave from now on, so you can still be afraid of him turning the world upside down whatever you want."

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