The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 132: Zhang Miaomiao Was Stunned

Concubine She Da was overjoyed. After being exploited by these two for so many years, she finally turned around today.

The huge figure next to him was naturally Wang Yin. After leaving from Long Meiniang, he devoured all the eight-star female innate essence fluids of Zhang Wangxing, and also swallowed some seven-star life races along the way.

Those male eight-star lives were also pierced through the chest by him, and they were all swallowed by the method of swallowing the blue star demon body through the air.

Anyway, with Qixing's life, he can't be killed if his strength is not as good as the galaxy, so he can just be resurrected casually.

Among them, Empress Turtle is actually the queen mother of the giant mountain tortoise who was talking to him when he was looking for Zhang Miaomiao, which is also a surprise.

Originally, he wanted to let go after devouring these eight-star lives, but after much deliberation, he was still reluctant to give up Snake Bonus and Snake Pulling Sea.

This is the same nine-star peak life as him. Besides the galaxy life, the nine-star peak is the most abundant reserve of innate essence liquid.

How could he let it go, maybe only these two are missing, and he will achieve the life of the galaxy.

So after conquering Concubine She Da, he promised the immediate benefits that Concubine She Da needed urgently.

He promised to hand over the couple, She Huahong and She Baohai, to her as slaves, and cooperated with him to set up a trap to trap She Bahai.

Concubine She Da is naturally very cooperative, she has long hated She Huahong to death.

There is also Snake Pulling Sea who only dared to sneak up to play with her. Not only did Snake Huahong not help her when she beat her, but he also hid far away and ignored the scumbag snake.

On the other side of Zhangwangxing, the huge Zhang Miaomiao was leisurely resting on the planet's crust, when a huge mountain-like octopus suddenly ran over and shouted at her.

"My lord, a monster has come to our planet, and it has collected many eight-star ancestors."

"Some people said that they saw that the snakes were taken away, and even the ancestor of Swift ran away with that monster. They said that there is some kind of transformation technique that can solve the problem of the ancestors' bodies becoming huge."

The huge Zhang Miaomiao turned over in fright and got up, frightened and angry: "What...fuck, this human being dares to shake this king's dominance. You are courting death."

Of course she knows the effect of the transformation technique. If she really gets the transformation technique for a few old opponents, she will no longer worry about the enlargement of her body. She may catch up with her in a short time. After all, the old opponents are not easy to save fuel. .

Everyone is of the same generation, and the Snake Flower Red Snake Raising the Sea couple is the power of the older generation.

It is only because of the fact that the body is too huge, and all of them are races that cannot do without water, that they stopped evolving for tens of thousands of years to find a solution.

It's not like she didn't know anything at the beginning, and went on the rampage ignorantly, and made it into such an embarrassing situation with her body now.

Now that there is a solution, and these opponents have such a solid foundation, I'm afraid they will catch up with her soon.

It is more likely to leave Zhang Wangxing easily and leave her alone in this place.

What's more, there is Long Meiniang, who is a nemesis. If Long Meiniang is turned over, she has to be given eye drops every day.

"This bastard who is neither human nor demon, how can you do this, Zhang Miaomiao has never done anything to be sorry for you, has he even given you our parallel world soul-dividing soul congenital essence liquid, even if you don't help us, don't withdraw us platform."

The gigantic Zhang Miaomiao was so angry that his breath became short of breath, and the exhaled gas formed a vortex that swept across the sky, hula la, and rushed towards Wang Yin, who was located by the soul.


Still in the huge unparalleled strait, Snake Huahong looked at Snake pulling out of the sea angrily, angrily complaining about her misfortune.

"Snake pull the sea, tell me again, what do you want me to do."

The snake lowered the head of a huge sea snake like a mountain, and didn't dare to look at the snake flower red, and replied with a weak voice like a fly: "I said, let this fellow Taoist swallow the Xiantian Yuanye, and the concubine Dao will be swallowed by this fellow daoist!" , why do you make everyone look ugly."

Snake Huahong smiled angrily: "Hehehe... Snake Bahai, are you still a male, and you just donated your righteous wife like this, do you want to face, what will happen to you if I don't agree."

Turning to look at Concubine She Da, her tone was extremely sad: "You still colluded with this bitch to harm me and your lover who once worshiped heaven and earth, you are simply not a male."

Wang Yin looked at the three quarreling giant sea snakes in front of him, and waved his hands impatiently: "Have you discussed whether it's okay or not, if not, just sign the master-slave contract directly. I don't have time to delay with you."

Concubine She Da was as happy as eating honey. This scene was really joyful. She secretly pinched the master-slave contract of Snake Pulling Sea, and the soul of Snake Pulling Sea was in pain, and Concubine Snake Da’s voice sounded in her consciousness: "Hurry up and decide, if you offend senior I want you to look good."

The snake's face is as black as the bottom of a pot. It really doesn't want to bear the feeling of being controlled and hurting, its thoughts and behaviors are out of control, and its soul will fly away at any time.

Who said that after entering the seven-star life, you will not die, you hand over the fragments of your natal soul and the essence of your natal blood to others, and sign a master-slave contract to try.

This is also where it is afraid of Wang Yin. This nine-star life form who doesn't know where it came from can actually force life forms of the same level to sign a master-slave contract.

Of course he didn't know that Wang Yin had an all-powerful scumbag. This scumbag was often unreliable, but sometimes very reliable.

For example, it is very reliable to find someone for Wang Yin this time, who can force him to sign a master-slave contract of the same level, and use the contract to make the seven-star life soul fly away.

However, Zha Jing also explained that this method can only be used by the Nine-Star Peak, because the Nine-Star Peak is a quasi-galaxy, not far from the life of the galaxy, and can already use the law of the soul, the loophole in the fate.

Seeing that she couldn't avoid it, Snake Bahai turned cold-faced: "Snake Huahong is for husband and wife, I advise you to obediently obey the master's arrangements, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

"What master."

Snake Flower, with its huge and graceful snake head like a red mountain, looked up at Concubine She Da standing proudly beside Snake Bahai, and suddenly understood everything.

"Hahaha, it turns out that you were signed a master-slave contract, that's how it is... that's how it is."

Being betrayed and persecuted by her lover who has been together day and night for an unknown number of years, She Huahong's heart is ashamed, even if the other party is signed a master-slave contract, she will not forgive her.

You can go to die, who can threaten you after death, how can you send your lover out because of other people's threats, does it mean that if you threaten you, you will even kill your children.

Sad and disappointed, he turned his head and said indifferently to Wang Yin, who also turned into the body of a sea snake thousands of meters long, huge and incomparable.

"This fellow daoist, with the appearance of a red willow, really doesn't know where he is worthy of a fellow daoist. He is going all out to fight just to get the bonus. But since the fellow daoist is so persistent, Huahong agrees to what the fellow daoist wants."

"It's just that Huahong also needs a master-slave contract to control the snake. If fellow Taoists disagree, Huahong would rather blew up all the time and space spirits, and would not agree to just being wiped out."

Wang Yin was overjoyed that after tossing and tossing for a long time, he finally succeeded. As for giving Snake a master-slave contract, of course it is too much, and Snake is not him, he is in control of Snake.

Although they teamed up with She Bahai and Concubine She Da, the three of them can subdue She Huahong violently, but the melons picked by force are not sweet.

The innate primordial liquid that was swallowed compulsively did not have the effect of actively cooperating with the swallowing.

Immediately agreed: "Yes, Concubine She Da, you share a contract and give Snake a bonus."


Concubine She Da was very unwilling, but there was nothing she could do.

She also counts on Wang Yin to teach her the transformation technique, and the devouring evolution method Wang Yin used on her. She is also very greedy. If there are these two shocking techniques, it is only a matter of time before she reaches the life of the galaxy.

Under the desperate eyes of Snake Pulling Sea, Concubine Snake Da hesitated to share a share, and Snake Pulling Sea's master-slave contract gave Snake a bonus.

She Bahai was so frightened that she collapsed to the ground, now he is really finished, being controlled by Concubine She Da, he can still use tenderness to empathize.

But She Huahong has a strong temper, and she hates him to death if she is betrayed by him.

Moreover, the two women hated him. Now that they are connected together, they will torture him. It seems that in this life, he will die at the hands of these two women.

He didn't dare to express his hatred for Wang Yin, because as long as there was a trace of resentment in his soul, he would suffer from the inside out, from soul to body, inexplicably hellish.

After getting the master-slave contract of Snake Bahai, Snake Huahong came to Wang Yin's side and said with a blank expression.

"How do you want to devour, let's start."

Wang Yin chuckled, and the body of several kilometers long sea snake formed by Ruyijue, big and small, twisted towards the same several kilometers long snake, Huahong.

After a while, black clouds rolled in the sky, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled. Zhang Wangxing, who hadn't rained for many years, began to pour down rain. .

A savage atmosphere spread from the huge sea snake that Wang Yin transformed into, filling the entire huge strait.

Concubine Sheda looked at the scene in front of her and her lips trembled: "Breakthrough...Senior finally broke through, Huahong hang on, I'll help you."

Knowing that Wang Yin is for upgrading, he asked her for the snake bonus that is the source of life, and responded to Concubine Snake with one word: "Okay."

Sure enough, their women know women best, and men are not good things.

Wang Yin swallowed and refined freely, and the snake flower red rich innate essence liquid. He was assisted by the ant queen red fox, and he had already stood at the peak of the nine stars.

In addition to the accumulation of devouring during this period, the original energy of Zhang Wangxing's seven stars, eight stars, and nine stars exploded at the same time.

The mellow nine-star innate essence liquid of snake flower red was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, finally pushing him into the gate of life in the galaxy.

A thunderbolt rang out from the depths of the flesh and soul, and cosmic prehistoric power surged out from the depths of the flesh and blood. At this moment, the life of his galaxy was formed, and the coercion of the galaxy instantly covered Zhang Wangxing, roaring away into the endless void of the universe.

The entire Zhangwangxing was buzzing and trembling, and a shocking green energy storm was set off in the starry sky. The ant red fox on Antshen star flashed into the starry sky, looking in the direction of Zhangwangxing with a serious expression.

"It's not the breath of the eight-clawed monster, but the breath of the blood flies. Did he break through on Zhangwangxing?"

At the same time, the huge body of Zhang Miaomiao finally came late, and rushed towards him quickly: "Human beings, how can you do this, you have to give our family an explanation."

She came here as soon as she received the news, but she was one step too late. She only hoped that she could catch Wang Yin quickly and make up for the loss caused by this human scum.

Wang Yin, who has achieved the life of the galaxy, found that the crisis appeared quickly and looked up. The two tentacles of the huge Zhang Miaomiao were already close at hand.

"Nimma, it turns out that this octopus is about to reach the second level of the galaxy, can it be like this?"

The pinnacle of the first-level galaxy in the rage is still Lao Yinbi Zhang Miaomiao himself, he just arrived in the galaxy and still can't be provoked, so he quickly escaped from the scene with a dreamlike space-time trick.

Concubine She Da Concubine She Huahong heard Wang Yin's far away voice: "The things I promised you are all in Long Mei Niang's place, and the octopus Zhang Miaomiao will have a date in the future."

The last half sentence was addressed to Zhang Miaomiao, Zhang Miaomiao's huge body roared angrily: "Big bastard, don't run away if you have the guts."

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