The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 56 Don't Cry, This Mushroom Will Cover You.

The woman in the white skirt giggled coquettishly, her seductive voice was numb and sweet, and she continued to answer irrelevant questions.

"What can our family do, our family will deliver it to your door, of course it will be devoured by you, my lord, cluck cluck...hahaha."

After finishing speaking, the woman in the white skirt raised her arms to the sky, and the dress on her body exploded, her almond eyes were charming and lingering.

Oh, what's under the trough, I saw that under the woman's body, there are six soft and flexible tentacles as white as jade, each of which is crystal clear with small suction cups, extremely cute.

Wang Yin opened his mouth wide in shock, a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and he stared blankly at the charming woman in front of him.

"You are, you are Zhang Miaomiao."

Zhang Miaomiao laughed happily: "Hahaha...."

This idiot finally recognized himself, and scared you to death, an immortal, telling you to despise Ben Guliang as a tentacle monster, and today Ben Guliang is going to swallow you with his tentacle monster body.

The star monster energy exploded, and the two tentacles entangled Wang Yin with lightning speed, pulling Wang Yin in front of him.

"Your only recognized this slave now, and this slave is very sad."

There were tears in the corners of Zhang Miaomiao's eyes, she was very pitiful, and her soft voice made people feel pity to the bone.

It's just that Wang Yin's forehead was covered with cold sweat. It really was this old witch, Lao Yinbi, Nima Ben said, how could the king fall twice in the same pit? This king.

What the hell, I was wrong, my king really fell down twice in this old pit, it's over, how can this old monster practice so fast, now she has advanced to a three-star super power, and came here to catch her I don't know what to do.

"Senior... aha, it turned out to be you, Senior Miaomiao. Senior, what can you do with Xiao Wang? We are old acquaintances, so don't scare Xiao Wang."

I was extremely speechless and complained, this king didn't read the almanac when he went out, and he became a junior king again.

"Hahaha, what else can Miaomiao do to find the king, of course it is to dedicate her origin to the king."

Zhang Miaomiao laughed very comfortably, and after answering Wang Yin's questioning, she immediately turned ruthless and glared at Wang Yin viciously.

"Back then you were a little demon who didn't reach the world of mortals. Ben Guliang didn't dislike you. He offered to swallow the innate essence liquid for you. How dare you despise Ben Guliang as a tentacle monster. You are mad at Ben Guliang. Today Ben Guliang wants to get back his principal and interest."

"Women's stinginess does not distinguish between races. If you offend Ben Guliang, you still want to be at ease. Just dream about it... hahaha."

The two cute tentacles pulled fiercely, and Wang Yin was violently pulled into her arms. The six tentacles pulled the arm, the one who tied the legs bound the legs, and the one who held the head held the head.

Wang Yin only felt a burning pain in his mouth, and Zhang Miaomiao took a bite on his mouth, and then Zhang Miaomiao stared at Wang Yin with fiery red eyes.

"Offended Ben Guliang for swallowing you today"

After speaking, the six tentacles exerted force at the same time, causing Wang Yin to cry out in pain, and swallowed Wang Yin into his stomach in one gulp.

Before Wang Yin could react, he felt that he had bumped into an extremely compact place that made his whole body ache.

The heart in Zhang Miaomiao's body was beating violently, and Wang Yin, who was swallowed into the heart by her, was screaming wildly with the fairy-level vigorous demon power. Every time, it brought a very painful understanding to Wang Yin's body.

The body structure of the octopus is different from that of humans. Wang Yin, who was swallowed by Zhang Miaomiao, was not swallowed, but was sent to her heart by Zhang Miaomiao to restrain her.

No matter how powerful your physical body is, you will still be swallowed and still be very painful in front of an existence that is more powerful than you know how many times.

"I told you to despise Ben Gu Liang, and Ben Gu Liang will beat you to death."

"Tell you to be afraid of tentacle monsters, Ben Guliang will beat you to death."

"Tell you to run around all day and find no one. Let Ben Gu Liang preserve your innate essence for so many years. Do you know how difficult it is for Ben Gu Liang? Ben Gu Liang will beat you to death."

"Don't you know that Ben Guliang will give you the innate essence when he says he will give you the innate essence? How dare you refuse Benguliang? Benguliang will beat you to death, you scumbag."

Wang Yin, who was swallowed into Zhang Miaomiao's heart and restrained, silently endured waves of Zhang Miaomiao's infinite demon power to devour and squeeze her.

After the body's flesh and blood dried up rapidly, Zhang Miaomiao poured back the innate source, pouring it back to fullness and fullness quickly.

This scumbag is simply invincible, you are deliberately making this king suffer.

A day later, Wang Yin was lying on a plain, staring blankly at the sky, with sad tears streaming from the corners of his eyes.

As a man, as the king of Qinglong Mountain transformed into a big monster, he was swallowed by force.

His heart and dignity were trampled on the ground and kneaded. Although he forcibly swallowed his object and finally rewarded him with the generous and generous three-star super life origin, he was still in pain.

Saying that I am determined to stay away from the tentacle monster, I am so sad and heartbroken and want to retire.

Zhang Miaomiao leaned gently on him, drawing circles on his lips with a jade hand.

"Be good, don't cry, this mushroom cool will cover you."

Seeing that Wang Yin was still very sad, he bent over Wang Yin's chest and said very gently.

"Don't be sad, Miaomiao knows you don't like tentacle monsters, but that's Miaomiao's innate body, and Miaomiao can't change it."

"Miaomiao is not your Blue Star race, and has greatly interfered with the complete transformation of the Blue Star Heavenly Dao. I have also worked so hard for so many years to complete the upper body transformation.

Only two of the tentacles have been transformed into arms, and the rest can no longer be transformed into arms. "

"But what you human women should have, Miaomiao has successfully transformed. Except for the six tentacles, everything is your human woman's physique, not the octopus demon body you think."

"And I'm leaving, don't worry even if you don't like me, you won't see me in the future."

With tears in the corners of Wang Yin's eyes and a sad expression, he looked at Zhang Miaomiao.

"So what, I hate you...You actually swallowed me, my heart hurts..."

I was so sad that I even forgot my title.

Zhang Miaomiao gently leaned against him and looked up at the starry sky.

"I'm going back to my home planet. I really hate that you didn't teach me the girl's devouring technique yourself, and made me go around Qinglong Mountain to learn it from your descendants. Am I considered your disciple or grandson, hee hee."

"Let's not talk nonsense. After getting your devouring evolution, I quickly recovered my rank eight strength and quickly completed my transformation."

"It's just that the transformation was not complete. Later, when I broke through the star level in the process of looking for you everywhere, I was rejected by the blue star. If the blue star Tiandao didn't change the law for you, the law has been tampered with beyond recognition. I would have been kicked out of the blue star." star."

"It's just that after I was promoted to one-star and two-star life, it was equally difficult to cross the starry sky and reach my home planet, so I persisted until I advanced to three-star. Now I can really feel that Blue Star is really going to drive me away. If I still To be promoted to four-star in Blue Star, I am absolutely insane.”

"Fortunately, I was able to find you before I left, say goodbye to you, and fulfill the promise I promised to give you the natal essence."

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